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What should have been a good day got a bit crazy. Now everything is fine and everypony should be happy, right?

Then, why is Twilight crying?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to With The Thought Of Us by wishcometrue.

Time passes, and ponies change. But Twilight Sparkle knows that love persists, even as it changes as well.

Third-place finalist in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Expanded Universe 2 Contest.

Chapters (3)

Sunset Shimmer has been deeply in love with Princess Twilight Sparkle for a very, very long time, and she's finally gonna do something about it! Today is the day that Sunset confesses to Twilight Sparkle!

Too bad for her, some other women have the exact same idea.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Oversaturation

After the world changed, Twilight Sparkle wasted no time in making a clean break from Crystal Prep High. After all, it wasn't like she was leaving anyone behind.

Or so she thought. No instance of Twilight can totally avoid forming interpersonal bonds, and Dean Cadence doesn't have a monopoly on human decency at Crystal Prep. A few students really do miss Twilight. One is going to do something about it.

Set in the Oversaturated World.

Rated Teen for crude language.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Princess' Vanishing Spider

Rarity has a plan, as flawless and beautiful and perfect as she is: The sovereign Mi Amore Cadenza has planned a visit, and with it an opportunity to capture her heart. There’s only one small problem with this plan.

They share a taste in bodyguards.

Part of the Bodyguard!AU series.

This ficlet was written as part of the Omega tier reward in my Ko-fi where I write stories based on prompts from supporters!

Chapters (1)

Cheesy pick-up lines? Really? They're so dumb!
Who comes up with this stuff?
There's no way that actually works.

...Does it?

Cover art by OrchidPony.
Written for the A Thousand Words contest.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Fluttershy have been friends ever since the defeat of Nightmare Moon. Not long after Twilight's ascension, Fluttershy decides she wants more. Twilight doesn't expect it but Fluttershy will do unexpected things to let her know.

Chapters (1)

Twilight had long since hidden her love for Cadance with a special charm that even hid her dreams from Luna. During the invasion however she loses it now the secret is out how will she handle this?

Chapters (1)

A few months after the royal wedding a Pegasus meets up with a Unicorn. Bot disgruntled about the youngest offspring of their families.
One wanted a strong flyer, and a fierce personality and unspoken beauty. Someone who he could train to seduce his competition and learn their secrets and eventually take over the families company. But he got a shy mare, with a golden heart and a timid personality.
The other wanted more political leverage and name for his house. For a moment it seemed his wishes came true, as his youngest niece showed great intellect and promise. But now, instead of the glorious prospect of her being a high ranking member of the court and leading scientist she became a librarian in a small village.
A disgrace to their houses, both of them as far as both stallions were concerned. But even though these youngsters were a disgrace to their tastes. It didn’t meant they could not still be useful right? Any noble house needed bits, the more you had the better you could make a scene in those social gatherings and the easier it was to rise within the noble-ranks. The other, although vastly rich could never get a title. But ancient laws and customs would soon aid both of their problems in one ceremony.

Chapters (8)

Fluttershy fell in love at first sight and has kept it to herself. Now that her crush has gained a pair of wings, she decides that it is impossible to be with her now. Walking around, she remembers some of her happy memories.

Love me... I mean, if you're ok with me.

Chapters (1)