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The wheel of time turns, as destiny and history clash together.

Fifty years into the future, Sunset Shimmer is Princess Twilight Sparkle's most faithful student. She is smart and eager, but doesn't always think things through. Her life had been perfect, right up to the End of the World.

With a ruined future, Sunset travels into the past to alter the course of history. With only her mentor's cryptic word to go on, Sunset and the Elements of Harmony must solve the riddle of the Dark Regalia and stop the mysterious Vesper Radiance from rising to power. But the further Sunset goes, the more she feels like she's been through it all before.

Is destiny set in stone, or can Sunset shape her own future? Only time will tell.

Featured on Equestria Daily 6/16/13
Gratefully edited by JustAnotherTimeLord, Icarus_Gizmo, Cerulean Voice and Bad_Seed_72

The Sunset of Tropes page!

Chapters (27)

At what should have been a routine doctor's visit, Applejack learns that she can never bear foals of her own. After an emotional breakdown, her friends do their best to calm her.

However, as the discussion develops, nopony is prepared for Twilight's revelation: the grand event which brought them together has left a hidden scar within each of them.

Tempers flare, relationships are strained, and the strength of their friendship is tested as each must come to terms with her newfound sterility.

Now on Equestria Daily
and Twilight's Library

Thanks to these wonderful people for all their help

Cover artist


Prereadering and suggestions from:
Distaff Pope
John Perry

Chapters (3)

Strange nightmares are plaguing the ponies of Equestria.

Somepony must help ponies to face their deepest fears, but unless Princess Luna is able to discover who—or what—is responsible, the nightmares may never end.

Scootaloo is ready to prove that she can be as fearless as her big sister, Rainbow Dash, even if it means never having a peaceful night's sleep again.

Chapters (23)

A refined mare fresh out of high school and a dropout following her dreams find themselves forced to spend a lot of time together.

With the help of a meddling psychology tutor and their new classmates, can they find what they've been looking for?

French Translation!

Fan Stuff!

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Inner Demons

Play this song first!

Equestria's Darkest Hour was only the beginning... The end of days are fast approaching...

Twilight faced her darkness and made peace with it. Now she can face who she is, and not a moment too soon. The greatest battle in Equestrian history is about to begin, and she'll need to understand just how deep the darkness in her heart goes in order to face the threats to come. However, in preparation for the worst event in Equestrian history, she'll have to protect a mare that may be the key to everyone's destruction. Even worse, she has to deal with an old enemy/former friend that's intent on saving the world her way, which means killing the life that Twilight wishes to protect. But can a demon truly do an angel's job, or is Twilight simply deluding herself?

"Can I atone for my sins...?"

For years Diamond Tiara has been contending with dark feelings, night terrors, and blackouts she can't explain. When Apple Bloom, the love of her life, was here, she could handle it. Now that Apple Bloom is gone though, Diamond Tiara's sanity is slipping, and she's becoming something horrible. Good news, she's beginning to understand what she is now. Bad news, she hates it, because the more she learns, the less likely it seems she can be saved.

"Wh-what am I?! Apple Bloom, help me!"

She is the Guardian of Equestria, sworn to defend the golden land of Terra from any and all threats. Vale's life was saved by a Unicorn who's heart was more pure than even her own, but now she has to carry on her life and continue her own mission. That should be simple, except for three things standing in her way. Midnight has once again chosen to stand against her, the lover of the one who saved her won't leave her alone, and strange foreign emotions plague her, hindering her mission. All she knows is that something in her heart is saying this isn't right.

"What's holding me back...?"

These three, and others surrounding them, will play an integral part in the events over the next month. As for what their places on the board are, unfortunately that's not entirely up to them.

Note: if you haven't read the other stories yet, STOP NOW and read the following:
Inner Demons
Inner Demons: 10 Years and Inner Demons: Fragments of Truth (these can be read in any order, but only after Inner Demons)

Cover Art by my friend The Spectralist!

Inner Demons II added to the TV Tropes page?! WHAT?! Go here to read it!

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Touch, Smell, Taste, Hearing, Sight

This is the order the five senses develop in for foals as they rest, cradled in the warm safety of a mother’s womb. But for one, her womb was a thorn bush in the dark of night. For one, the safety and warmth that should have carried her into the world was replaced with pain and cold.

These are Nyx's first hours.

Chapters (1)

"All my life, I've wanted to fly
But I don't have the wings, and I wonder why
I can't break away..."
Most pegasi figure out flying easily enough. Heck, most of them figure out how to do it before they even get their cutie marks.

But not me. I couldn’t do it, no matter how hard I tried. I couldn’t even hover. Not for more than a few seconds, anyway. And not even Rainbow Dash, the greatest flier in Equestria, could seem to help me. We tried everything, and I failed every time. Day after day, I tried – and day after day, I failed, until finally I was ready to just give up. I’d never be able to do it. Nopony would ever be able to help me to fly...

...until one day, somepony did.

Chapters (1)

When Rarity and Rainbow Dash discover that they disagree on a point close to their hearts, they decide to settle their differences the only way two mature mares can: by forcing each other to embarrass themselves.

With thanks to GlueFactory, WhatTheMoo and Icarus_Gizmo for editing, and Equestria Daily for featuring me! Cover art by OsakaOji.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia tires of constantly being surrounded by decorum, deference, and formality, and decides to take a day off from being Princess. But visiting Ponyville incognito is harder than she expects. Will she be able to fit in and make friends without blowing her cover?

Chapters (1)

There is a secret in Equestria. A secret the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle doesn’t dare to believe. Like puppeteers pulling on marionettes, they have influenced Equestria for better and worse since the fall of Discord. So far they have been benevolent, but their potential for evil is vast. What’s worse, she doesn’t know their name. She doesn’t know their mission. All she knows for certain is one thing.

That they all seem to be zebra.

Chapters (10)