• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Princess Cadance 198 stories
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Recently crowned Princess of Equestria Twilight Sparkle wakes up after a bender, and tries to piece together what happened.

Perhaps she should be Princess of Wine and Questionable Decision Making instead.


Cover art by Spoosha. Written for the Bean's Writing Group prompt "Where Am I?"

An audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio can be found here.

Featured from 9-20 to 9/23/2021, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Dawn of a New Day

A rewrite of New Horizons...

Bald Ostri, the stallion from the past! Once the consort of Princess Luna, the Slayer of Griffins, had just blown up the mothership of the Storm King's invasion Fleet and left Canterlot. With Chrysalis and Blaze in tow, he's leaving Equestria to explore the world!

Chapters (9)

Princess Cadence lives the life many dream to live as the princess of the Crystal Empire. After growing up in the Crystal Castle alone she dreams of her prince charming to come and be her new king. Her expectations are tossed aside when she meets her betrothed, the umbrum prince, Sombra.

Chapters (15)

Ruling over the Crystal Empire has required Cadance to do many things, but one day she discovers a matter that needs her more immediate attention. One of their guards has decided to retire, and when she asks him why, she comes to understand something important. Something she'd always suspected, but that nopony until today has said to her.

Chapters (1)

After a nightmarish magical error, a small group of university students sent to Equestria for a study are now unable to return home. Permanently. Companionship with one another had never become more important for them.

Well, minus one. His name was Joey Belfort. Nothing quite remarkable or unremarkable about him on the surface, which unfortunately often leads to being overlooked. Constantly forgotten, overshadowed by his peers. Sometimes the road to success is a treacherous and painful one.

Of course, he of all people already knows this. This is his story.

(Takes place in G4 after Twilight becomes a princess.)

Edit: Featured on day 2 of release! Holy cow! Thank you guys!

Double edit: featured again!! That's craaazy

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Play Date

Written as a second submission of the "Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad 2024" Contest

Flurry Heart has grown to love her play dates with her dad, but as she's gotten older, their adventures have gotten more dangerous, much to Cadance's dismay.

Chapters (1)

When Cadence starts to act weird and Lyra shows up again in his life, old feelings start to rise and Shining Armour starts to question who he actually loves. Does he still love Cadence? Or will his old feelings for Lyra take over and possibly ruin his marraige?

My entry for The Great Shipping Collab!

Thanks to Busen for editing, Chain Reaction for the Cover Art, and Garbo802 for organizing this awesome collab!

Check out other collab entries here!


Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The great Crystal escape

It’s been a year since Flurry Heart sneaked out of a diplomatic meeting to attend ComiCon. And this time their parents scheduled a meeting with the same diplomats she ditched the last time as punishment, now for a whole week. Not only that, but her father has the entire Crystal Guard watching her every move. This time there is no escape, and definitely no ComiCon.


SPOILERS: Goth Geek Flurry. Shining Armor wasting a ridiculous amount of military resources to make sure her daughter stays grounded.

This is a direct sequel to The Great Crystal Escape. Reading is recommended but not necessary to understand the story. Also, this is an entry for the Shining is a Terrible Dad competition.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A New Dynasty

The Crystal Empire has cut all ties with Equestria as a result of the banishment of Princess Twilight. The retired Royal Sisters speak the Crystal Empire's royal family. The Crystal Empire's royal family speak to a lost family member. And Discord speaks to someone else.

Chapters (1)

Anonymous is summoned by Princess Cadance during the Equestria Games. What he comes face to face with is a tearful, brokenhearted mare that needs someone to be there for her.

Chapters (9)