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What's it been? 1000 years?
That's funny. It feels like much longer than that.

Let me tell you, being trapped in stone that long can do crazy things to a guy.
And when you were a little off your rocker in the first place...
But now I'm free. The leaders of this disgusting place trapped me here, and now they're going to pay.
I'm going to show them the real definition of insanity.

Chapters (8)

Twilight isn't having a very good day. An experimental spell blew up in her face, an army of changelings is attacking Canterlot, and she just died. Yet somehow, it looks like it's going to keep going downhill from here.

Given the chance to correct what's gone wrong, Twilight swears she's going to fix all this even if it kills her. Which it will. Frequently.

Cover art by Pixel Prism
Spanish Translation
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (6)

It is a little-known fact that all living beings are born with a finite amount of bucks to give. It is little-know due to the fact that most ponies will die long before all of their bucks could been given. But Twilight Sparkle seems to give a buck about everything, and she's depleting her storage far too quickly. This is what happens when Twilight Sparkle runs out of bucks.

inspired by the youtube video: "Not Giving A F**k" by JonLajoie

Chapters (9)

'Caught' has been edited slightly. Re-read and try to spot what's changed XD

The crime rate in Canterlot was hitting an all time high, which was perfect for a young thief like Chase.

Unfortunately his fellow thieves started getting caught. And everypony knows what happens when you get caught.

You're taken to Celestia and interrogated in ways so horrible, so demeaning that the one caught is never the same again.

Chase knows this and refuses to let it happen to him.

For even if he is caught, he knows in his heart that he will never give up his life of crime. And nopony, not even Celestia herself can change that...


This story is just a bit of fun that popped up in my mind. Mostly because I wanna write Celestia in a good way for once XD

No possessiveness, no darkness, just a gentle, motherly Celestia.

I'm not sure about the tags, so if I'm missing something then tell me XD

Chapters (3)

Soldier is found once again by Merasmus, and the magician isn't happy with his defeat back in 2012
so now hes returned. but since soldier can't be killed without him coming back stronger, Merasmus finds a world that would destroy Soldier in the most horrific way possible. (let me say this right now, there will be no shipping or real clop, this is mainly a comedy as soldier uses all the mann.co tech he has to survive the heat and get back home)(again this is an idea that just wouldn't leave me alone)(teen for strong language and very suggestive jokes)WARNING many joke made towards canada that are just jokes, if you can't take a joke don't read. WARNING#2 spoiler for comic "ring of fired" so if you havent read that, don't read this. unless you don't care.

Edit: 03/26/14, to celebrate the 500th veiw i will call a "Massive Edit" i will put this fic through google docs and edit the spelling then profusely edit any grammer i catch and other things that just don't make sense, i'll also throw a new joke in here and there but not much, i'll just edit the more crappy parts of the fic. Thank you all for your wonderful support! -HWB

Chapters (10)

Octavia's creativity pays off one day during a concert, where a special piece she adds as a finale brings out a new fan. But the fan appears out of nowhere, and no one seems to notice her but Octavia.

And all she does is dance.
Featured on Equestria Daily November 15th, 2012.

Chapters (10)

Rainbolt never meant to get Firefly pregnant. In fact, he NEVER wanted to have children. Accidents do happen, though, and this one will leave the poor stallion with a sweet, daring, and spunky little filly named Rainbow Dash to raise and care for.

Cover art by the extremely talented High-Roller2108

Chapters (33)

The Metro tunnels of Stalliongrad shelter the last remnants of ponykind from the ravages of the Apocalypse. Beneath the earth, ponies struggle to survive against mutants, radiation, and each other. But when an unstoppable threat emerges from the darkness of the Metro, one pony must brave the shadows to save not just his home, but the very existence of his people.

Chapters (18)

"Regrets. They flood one's mind till nothing remains but the thoughts of what could have been. Never again thinking of what could be."

Adaptive, a once proud stallion, has made the biggest mistakes of his life. Ranging from being a coward in the face of life's greatest queries to simply being a bastard to the one person he wanted around. A complete exile, he has nothing left. Nothing but his thoughts and his talent. This is the story of a miserable once was who's only goal now is to disappear into the darkness of the world around him. This is the story of Adaptive.

Chapters (6)