• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2020


A cold fire deformed what we thought we knew

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Princess Twilight sets up a war game for the Royal Canterlot and Crystal Empire guards. By kidnapping Luna and Cadance.

The guards thought she knew the rules. They thought she knew the guard manual backwards and forwards.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom re-write the manual... and conquer Equestria.

Edited by Noble Thought.

Cover art: Princess Predicament by radiantrealm

One hundred percent approved by Twilight's Library (also approved by Discord).

Chapters (6)

A brony is transported into Equestria, but he finds himself in the body of a huge wolf. Can a carnivorous predator really befriend ponies, herbivorous equines, or will his new predatory instincts and the ponies instinctive fear of him make it impossible? His strange situation does not dampen the joy of actually being in Equestria, but that changes as an alien hatred starts gnawing at his mind...

Chapters (17)

There are a number of compounds the human body is incapable of synthesizing; these are found only in red meat. To save a dying human, Twilight asks her friends - except for Fluttershy - for advice.

Chapters (1)

Warning: This story contains massive Spoilers for 'Past Sins' and 'Winter Bells' - written by Pen Stroke, as well as 'Sweetie, a Hearts Warming Tale' - written by me.
If you have not read both those stories before digging into this - Its on you.

Coming to grasp with your true self is never easy, especial not when you are the only one of your kind.

Sweetie - the cybernetic filly, is struggling with this reality. And has been attending sessions under Twilight Sparkle, to help herself coupe with her situation.

While there she runs into Nyx. And the black little filly is not happy to see her.

Feeling cheated by the notion that there was another 'artificial construct ' living right under her nose this whole time, the former reincarnation of Nightmare moon has a little difficult accepting Sweeties supposed secrecy as anything more then excuses.

But there is more then meets the eye in every conflict. And one small quarrel over differences might leas the two to discover that they have more in common then they might think.

Rated teen for some mild violence and some cartoonish yet rude names being used.

(Cover art is coming soon, Also - I have yet to spell check this story properly. So prepare for typos galore.)

Ps: I hope its not cheating that I use the character image for Nightmare Moon as a stand in for Nyx.)

Chapters (1)

Sweetie was just a normal little filly, waiting for hearth's warming eve to arrive. That time of year when all little fillies are suppose to be happy and all hearts burn the brightest.

But when the latest Cmc stunt goes a little to far, Sweetie makes a horrifying discovery that turns her world upside down - and turn her friends against her.
Unable to bear the haunting looks of others, she runs away from home.

Thus - with the world seemingly stacked against her - she sets of on a journey to try and discover the truth behind her existence, and the secrets of her origin. And above all else if there is a place where she belongs.

Or will this be a heart's warming eve she'll be forced to spend alone?

(Warning: A Grimdark tale with scenes some readers might find both disturbing and heartbreaking)

Cover art by the amazing EstrosianHeaven.

Chapters (32)

After Twilight returns from the Human World, Celestia is desperate to know of her former student, Sunset Shimmer, and what happened to her. Upon learning of the horrible things her former student has done, Celestia breaks down in tears as Twilight asks why she was so important to Celestia and why she never told anypony. Celestia tells the story of her and Sunset. How they were so close, and how one secret ruined everything between them.

Spoilers in comments.

Thanks to Biker_Dash, ugugg93, and The Abyss for edit and Pre-reading

Thanks to SilFoe for letting use the art

Chapters (12)

Rainbow Dash taught Scootaloo everything she needed to live her dreams. Scoot is a Wonderbolt now, while Rainbow Dash never even tried out. But when Dash passes away suddenly, Scoot is left with one lesson Rainbow Dash refused to teach her, the lesson that tore apart their friendship.

But maybe there's still time to learn something from her idol, and the way she lived her life.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom is left alone and bored while Scootaloo is learning to fly and Sweetie Belle is learning magic. Applejack sees that her sister feels less special because she's an earth pony, and decides to get Pinkie Pie's help in teaching the filly about why earth ponies are so important.

Chapters (1)

I still can't believe it all started with a family camping trip gone wrong. One moment I was enjoying my time with my parents and brothers, then next thing I knew I was stranded on a world full of magic and mythological creatures. In one day, I went from worrying about the upcoming calculus test to worrying about my next meal. I remember how the only thing keeping me going was the hope that I might find a way home. Little did I know that some deities had other plans in store for me.

I remember all the promises I made, both those kept and betrayed. I remember the friends I made on my little adventure; the same friends I threw away when everything came crashing down. Oh, the memories I made... Oh, the memories I am now forever cursed to remember.

I suppose this is a just punishment. My only regret is that my friends may never hear my side of the story.

Set between Seasons 2 and 3 // Some deviations from canon post-season 2 due to when this was originally started.

Pre-read, Cover art, and Audio Reading provided by: Skijarama

Chapters (32)