• Member Since 31st Dec, 2013


I love to read wach anime and mlp but i also listen to music.

Favourites 1005 stories
  • Favourites 1005 stories - 8787 unread chapters
    Created by tsunsu
    - October, 2014
Found 601 stories in 62ms

Total Words: 28,230,113
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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Rarity is not feeling like herself. Her experiences with sadness were usually intense and loud, but brief. Not this time. After a chance encounter with a customer, powerful melancholy grips her, unlike anything she has experienced before. She feels empty, hopeless, and miserable.

Then Twilight Sparkle visits.

There are some mentions of suicidal ideations, but no actual suicide or self-harm.

A HUGE thanks to Troublesome Beast for helping me with this one.
Cover art by Sarochan.

Chapters (5)

One lonely night, Starlight decides to release Cozy Glow from her stony prison, and plans to let out some of her frustrations on the vile filly until she discovers that Cozy Glow can't seem to remember who she is anymore, or much of anything else from her past.

Could this be yet another trick conjured up by this scheming pegasus? Can she really be trusted?

The cover art was done by VectorVito. The account on DeviantArt has been deleted. The cover art was used with permission.

Click this Soundcloud link if you wish to listen to music inspired by the story.
The music was made by Vector_Monster.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to The F*ck Is Up With Spike?

Smolder, oblivious to the events that occurred, is told of the dumb shit Spike did while walking around town. She admits to teaching him those words, but with her own reasoning. However, she gets into some big fucking trouble and decides that the only way to make anything better is to take matters into her own claws. Buckle the fuck up, bitches. It's going to be a bumpy ride...

Featured at #3 on 8/14/19!

Re-rated T for Strong Langauge

Chapters (1)

Spike embraces his true inner dragon and goes around showing off his newfound knowledge. Unfortunately, his words aren't the most appropriate and he gets into a bit of trouble.
How the fuck will he get out of this one? Hang on to your fucking helmets, bitches!

Re-rated T for Strong Language

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fallout Equestria: Dead Tree

This story is an offshoot from the Fallout Equestria: Dead Tree story written by Tread Lightly otherwise known as Fiaura based on a pen and paper group we play in set in the Fallout: Equestia universe.

Chifundo a slightly effeminate Zebra Stallion Shaman, along with his companions ran headlong through the irradiated rain looking for shelter which thankfully they found in time to save the sicker members of the group, though for Chiffundo, he would also discover somepony to take his breath away.

(Note this is based upon the Fallout: Equestria PnP being published by Dead Tree Studios, check it out here:http://projectdeadtree.com/site/

To warn readers, there will be inconsistency in posting pace as it will depend on when Chifundo gets to spend time with Picline in the pnp sessions

Chapters (4)

Existence is pain. Blame Shadowninjaman for my insanity in trying to re-write this. Please search for the non-old and cancelled version. Because I repeat, I'm insane. And so is he for managing to convince me.

Note: It's not up yet. Kinda jumped the gun here, but meh, enjoy this remnant I suppose!

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Sunset's Crowning Achievement

The last time Twilight saw Starlight Glimmer, she threatened to kill Rainbow Dash when she was just a filly and ruin Twilight's life by going back in time. Only, when she failed to find Starlight in the past and returned home, Equestria wasn't a ruined wasteland, Ponyville was a lot bigger than she remembered, and all these new ponies in the castle were talking about some big pony they call Empress.

Chapters (5)

After the Friendship Games, Sunset feels it's time to return home.

Only when she gets there, Twilight's castle is nowhere to be found, Cadance just got her horn, and Princess Celestia is still calling the bacon-haired pony her prized student rather than a failed one. And just reliving her past isn't on the table thanks to a pair of wings Sunset seems to have sprouted upon her return to Equestria.

With Sunset being back before she's supposed to, will the world stay as harmonious and on track, or will everything go down in flames as Sunset has to deal with allegations that she's really a changeling in disguise, a nerdy stallion with blue hair that wants to be her coltfriend, a pretty pink princess in need of remedial magic lessons, and an annoying purple pre-teen pony that will absolutely not go to bed without first being read Starswirl's Complete Mystical Mysteries Compendium?

Only time will tell

Chapters (31)

The world as we know it was on the brink of war fifteen years ago. Tensions were high, government officials had been assassinated, and Equestria, Griffonia, and essentially the rest of the entire Earth was teetering on the edge of global conflict. At the last second, however, an armistice was set forth, and peace showed up just in time. This consequently led to the now troublesome presence of the new wartime inventions, ranging from the deadly machine guns, to—as countless as they were—the battle-ready tanks.

The research and time spent working on such vehicles would be a waste ending up simply scrapped... so the leaders of the world all thought up one thing. A sport, you could call it, waged every year across the globe, with no boundaries, no real rules, and lots and lots of explosions.

Duck Bill never liked being born into a family of Tank Warudo warriors, and, honestly, she didn't really like the idea of Tank Warudo in the first place, but if her entrance into this year's competition meant a long overdue victory for the Ponyville Horsepowers, she could handle a crew of boneheads for awhile.

Thanks to my good pal Phoenix of Aurelius for being a consultant on all things tank! Thanks buddy! Panzer vor!

Those cute little tanks in the cover art are also shamefully lifted from the Tanks Encyclopedia! Please go and show them some love. They work really hard, and have unknowingly helped me immensely!

Chapters (14)

Luna wakes up one morning to discover she might have more in common with Celestia than she ever thought possible.

Featured: 07/01/2018 - 07/03/2018

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Chapters (1)