• Published 29th Sep 2015
  • 41,434 Views, 4,066 Comments

Sunset Reset - LordBrony2040

After the Friendship Games, Sunset Shimmer decided it's time to return home. It's just that she comes back a bit earlier than expected.

  • ...

Epilogue 1

Sunset walked into the palace dining room to find that her place had already been set and all of her usual orders were waiting for her, surrounded by a spell to keep it warm. Celestia sat at the table across from her, sipping tea while half a cantaloupe sat in front of her, mostly untouched.

“Morning, Mom,” the amber alicorn said before she sat down across from the bigger pony.

After setting her tea down, Celestia gave Sunset a nod. “Good morning, daughter,” she replied before looking to the door for a few seconds, then back. “Are Cadance and Shining Armor not coming?”

The question got a quick shake of Sunset’s head. “No, she’s taking Shiny back home,” the amber alicorn told her before moving onto the pleasantries as she dispelled the keeping spells around her breakfast. “Sorry I’m late, I was...uh…”

Sunset froze, unsure as to how she should explain her delay to the big pony. Celestia was pretty damn old after all. Older than the oldest of prudes. Considering the fact that Sunset was having sex with two ponies at the same time...

Embarrassment made its way to Sunset’s cheeks, and Celestia’s pleasant smile turned devious. “Giving your special somepony a morning ride?” she asked in her usual sweet tone. “Or was Cadance taking her time in cleaning things up?”

Sunset’s eyes widened in horror. Oh no! Not this, ANYTHING BUT THIS!

She could deal with Celestia disapproving of her actions. That was the white pony’s normal attitude toward everything Sunset did! But...actually...talking about sex with her mother was just...icky!

“A mare and a stallion,” Sunset’s mother went on. “I must say, it should keep things very interesting in the bedroom, not to mention help with the differences in stamina. I’m afraid unicorns always came up short in that regard.”

Sunset looked down at the food in front of her and wondering if she should risk eating any of it. “M-Mom!”

Celestia only seemed to be encouraged by her daughter’s unease. “Oh, have you tried anything risque yet?” she asked. “Or are you just sticking to basic mounting for now?”

“M-Mom! Please!”

“Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” she went on before a tiny look of unease appeared on her face. “Not yet, at any rate. But when you want to branch out, I can give the three of you several helpful suggestions.”

“Would you stop going on about-wait,” Sunset said, stopping when her mother’s last words registered. “What do you mean, not yet?”

The devious joy that Celestia had on her face from nettling Sunset about her sex life quickly declined at the question. She cleared her throat and looked away for a moment. “That’s...probably a topic for another time,” she said before putting on a an expression that was much too cheery. “Let’s go back to talking about your current sex life!”

“MOM!” Sunset yelled before she frowned at her mother. “Either you tell me what all that was about, or I will have you cleaning out the Canterlot septic system by yourself! I’m still Empress until those papers get signed by you, I can still do that stuff, now talk!”

All the joy Celestia had on her face faded, to be replaced by a sad kind of serious. “Very well, if you insist,” she said with a sigh. “My reasons are twofold. I take it you still remember the book, To Worship the Sun?”

Sunset groaned and leaned forward to rest her head on the breakfast table. “Unfortunately,” she grumbeled. It was probably wrong of her to think so, but that stupid book was probably one of the reasons she ended up like she did. “Why do you ask?”

“I...reviewed it between researching Starswirl’s spells,” Celestia said. “The portrayal of Hurricane and myself was...very slanted in deference of me.”

The obviousness of that little fact made Sunset roll her eyes. “Yeah, I kinda figured that out,” she replied before she went over the plot of the novel in her mind.

In the book, Commander Hurricane, being the most powerful and handsome stallion of his time, fell in love with Princess Celestia shortly after Equestria was founded. The pegasus was what anypony would have thought the head warrior of the pegasi would have been at the time, a super macho jock with a very high opinion of himself that might have actually been deserved considering he was the commander of the armies that were responsible for keeping the griffons at bay.

Of course, Princess Celestia decided to indulge his affections, as she was much too kind to do otherwise, despite her considering him only barely adequate. However, as the novel went on, Hurricane became unable to accept his proper place as Celestia’s second. In the end, he tried to rally his lieutenants in a rebellion against Celestia, only to have them all turn on him because the evil, selfish, and Commander Hurricane dared to challenge the rightful ruler of their nation.

However, Sunset could use her knowledge of her mother to read between the lines and figure out the basic truths. More than likely, Celestia had turned out to be an overbearing and controlling bitch of a girlfriend that nobody with a bit of self esteem would touch.

Not to mention the fact that she got a kick out of sitting on his face.

As the silence between the two continued. Celestia actually showed a bit of hesitation and embarrassment. “And I ah...take it that you remember my...favorite activity?”

Sunset lifted her head and cringed. “Yeah,” she said, growing more uncomfortable by the second.

And...curious. “Uh, did you really make him do that in the throne room at one point?”

“Oh...well...yes,” Celestia admitted before she blushed and looked down at her breakfast. “Just the one though! I um...ordered him to...prove to his loyalty to the crown. It was more a show of dominance than anything sexual at the time.”

Sunset took in a deep breath. “Okay, and the reason you’re wanting to talk about this at all?”

There was another brief silence as Celestia took in another deep breath. “What the book doesn’t talk about is the growing sexual frustration because of my increasing size,” she told her daughter. “Which is probably what led to a great many of our...problems. Problems you need to learn to avoid.”

The amber alicorn frowned. “Huh?”

“Sunset, I’m the biggest pony in Equestria, but I didn’t start out at this height,” her mother explained. “I’ve noticed you getting a few inches these past few days yourself.”

“Yeah, but that’s expected. Alicorns are always a little taller than everypony else,” she said.

Celestia nodded her head. “However, I doubt that you have accounted for your external power source.”

As her train of thought was completely derailed, Sunset cocked her head to the side. “Say what now?”

“As you know, the sun provides me with extra energy that gives me a long life and more magic than any other pony in Equestria. I felt the type of magic you used to seal the breach caused by Twilight Sparkle’s panicked actions,” Celestia said. “You’ve already discovered it can have a drastic effect on your body when you access it fully, but that magic will also cause your body to adapt to the extra energy over time.

"When I began raising the sun, I...outgrew Hurricane, literally,” Celestia told her. “He became unable to satisfy me physically, something that you know young alicorns need a lot of. That was what led to the events of that book, along with my own foolish pride.

“I know you’ve changed for the better, Sunset,” her mother continued. “But, I also know that you tend to bottle things up and explode at the drop of a hat. I don’t want what happened with me repeat itself with you. Especially considering how you will most likely outgrow even me in the next few years.”

Once again, Sunset frowned. “What’re you talking about? Your powersource is the bucking sun! Pretty sure that beats everything else in the solar system, Mom!”

Celestia shook her head and smiled. “While I do have a heavenly body to help me, the moon is equally as powerful,” she said. “But can a sun love? Can it give and receive friendship? No, my little pony. What you have flowing through you is the very essence of magic. It trumps my sun by quite the large margin.”

“But...that’s...I mean...I’m going to be more powerful than you?” she asked, a little fearful of the possibility. If she went bad again, who would stop her?

The question got a little smile from Celestia. “You already are.”

Sunset felt an unease settle in her gut. “But...that’s...you’re just being modest,” she said.

“Sunset,” Celestia said as she held up a hoof. “My strength is enough to shatter the castle’s walls and splitter trees with a single kick. I could levitate this mountain we sit upon, and fly fast enough to cause what the ponies mistakenly call a sonic rainboom.”

Even though she knew her mother was only half done, Sunset frowned. “Mistakenly?”

Celestia’s mouth cured into an annoyed smirk. “Yes, well...my mane looks some like an aurora than a rainbow. But that’s not important,” she said. “You on the other hoof, can shatter mountains with your hooves, juggle continents with your horn, and one flap of your wings disrupts the weather systems of an entire county. Which reminds me, we need to teach you how to fly before the week after next so you can give everypony a good show during your coronation. Ah, assuming you don’t want to remain Empress, your glorious and shining Magnificence that eclipses all before her with her power.”

Although Celestia giggled at the title, Sunset found herself cringing.

Ultimate power, more than even Celestia had.

Power that was only going to increase.

The fact didn’t send her into a panic attack like she thought it would have. Perhaps because on some level, Sunset had already realized that she had surpassed her mother, even though her desperate need to be humble kept her from admitting it.

Despite the fact she didn’t deserve it, Sunset stopped herself from whining about it. Such an action would be childish, and would lead to her hiding her power completely. Which would only hurt Equestria.

The better course of action would be to use it for the good of all ponies. With her around, Equestria would never need to worry about an external threat.

But, there was one change to the current status quo she did need to make. “Please, take the crown back,” Sunset told her before she sunk back onto the table. “You’ll probably need months to untangle all the messes I made.”

After taking another sip of tea, Celestia looked down at her daughter. “Actually, I’ve already looked over all of your decisions. I rather approve of them. Admittedly, I tended to rule with a bit softer touch, but a firm hoof and swift kick to the plot is needed every now and then. Perhaps if I had done that with you instead of letting you run wild the first time around, things would never had led to...where they are. I’m sorry for failing you, Sunset.”

“Mom, that’s…” Sunset took in a deep breath. “I need to face the facts. You’re not that pony. That pony died the day I came back. Cadance made sure of that,” she said before smiling at the pony who raised her. “I need to focus on the pony across from me, my mom.”

Feeling better about herself, Sunset moved onto the next topic on her mind. “By the way, what do you mean, week after next? What’s wrong with having my coronation next weekend?” A week was enough time to gather the regional leaders of Equestria so they could present themselves and declare their allegiance.

Celestia frowned. “Sunset, don’t you remember what next week is?”

“Uh,” the amber alicorn replied as she tried to think of what national holiday would conflict with getting made into a princess. In the end, she drew a blank. “Not really.”

The faulty memory got a confused frown from Celestia. “But, it was announced at the start of the month.”

Sunset frowned. “Which was three years ago for me, Mom.”

“Oh...right,” Celestia said. “Well, ahem, it’s also why I decided to discuss your physical relationships so soon. Although, considering the time that’s passed for you, not to mention the species change, I have to wonder if you’re on the same schedule as the rest of Canterlot.”

Starting to become annoyed with the way her mother was just beating around the bush, Sunset let out a snort. “Would you just spit it out already?”

“Next week is when the majority of the mares in Canterlot will go into heat for the final time of the season,” Celestia explained before she smiled a bit. “I doubt bringing in all the important ponies from around Equestria in when the vast majority of the population is raising their tail at the drop of a hat is something a pony that you’re wanting to do, considering your recent laws.”

The reminder of the one thing she hadn’t missed about not being a pony made Sunset blanch. “Oh...yeah...good call on that one.”

Which, considering the fact that Cadance was already looking to be a future sex-crazed pony, made Sunset wonder how much time she would have until she needed to invent contraceptives.