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Featured on Equestria Daily!

What Readers Are Saying...

"You make the waterworks happen," -Stardust_Scratch

"It has been like watching a gruesome car crash. You cannot look away from it, and it tears you apart, you are sure you are gonna have nightmares about it, but you just keep reading." -llDenkerll

"Have any of you ever accidentally’ed your way into a horror story, that was way darker than you thought it was going to be? ...I’m going to go scrub my brain down with a few hours of mindless pony fluff... I am enjoying the story I swear," -fargo11

"The ending of the last chapter left me with hope, with expectations, while the end of this chapter leaves me with sorrow, with emptiness, with hopelessness. I need more," -Anshlun

"I lack any words to describe how fucked this whole situation is. It hurts so much. Good job," -Hermaeus xerxes

"This story has some painful feels to it... I need time to think now," -Destiny Chaser

"Every time I read the witches' dialogue I feel genuinely scared... I don't have a clue of what's going to happen," -TheFaceofMercy

Starlight Glimmer had always been a difficult pony.

She's getting better, though! Really! Three years of living with the Princess of Friendship, one of the most beloved ponies in Equestria, is bound to rub off on a mare. Though Starlight continues to grapple with her insecurities and past mistakes, she never would have presumed she'd be free of the guilt - as it should be.

Yet over the years, she's come into her own as a devoted, passionate, and empathetic friend (despite a few bumps here and there).

But one day, like any other, a strange illness befalls Princess Twilight Sparkle. Starlight is driven to a foal's storybook for answers. Armed with her magic and faith, the ex-student follows a crumb trail leading to one reclusive group dwelling in the heart of an otherworldly bog. If there was any salvation for the pony who'd saved Starlight, it lay solely with them. Except when the time comes for payment to be collected, what's left behind is picked up by Twilight and her friends.

And Starlight doesn't want them to. For how can something so broken be put back together? She'd much rather save them all the trouble...

Canon divergence one year after 'The Movie,' post-season seven

Rated-T for some disturbing imagery and heavy themes concerning depression

Artwork of the Witches by Hermaeus Xerxes: https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2019/9/22/2150483.png

Starlight's Theme: Above and Beyond by Paul Dinletir
Twilight's Theme: Homecoming by Jeff Marsh
The Broken Bond Theme: The Birth of a Soul by Fran Soto

Pre-reader/Editor: JD McGregor
Cover Artist: Calenita

Chapters (55)

This story is a sequel to Those Who Sport With Giants

**Spoilers in the comments!**

Attempts on both Princess Cadence's and Princess Luna's lives have been foiled, but both came much too close. Then they nearly induced a lethal riot at what supposed to be a friendly sporting event. But the syndicate responsible for the terrorism remains just as hidden and unknown as ever. Somepony must do something....

Lyra Heartstrings and Bon-Bon have a very special night coming up: they're celebrating their "Friendiversary," the anniversary of becoming best friends. While Lyra is out purchasing supplies, Bon-Bon finds an unusual envelope in the day's mail. An envelope with a symbol she never expected to see again, the letter within addressing her as "Sweetie Drops."

Part Two of the trilogy, A Greater Menace.

Pre-reading by Eruedraieth.

Drew m' own cover art this time.

Chapters (9)

Bon Bon is your average hard working mare, running her own candy stall in Ponyville. But when Princess Celestia tries one of her candies, she gives Bon Bon the offer of a lifetime: the opportunity to become the Royal Confectioner. With Twilight by her side, how will Bon Bon cope with the changes ahead?

Chapters (6)

“In every generation there is a chosen one. One mare who will stand against the demons, the monsters and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer.”

Bon-Bon never asked to be a monster-killing secret warrior of the night. It's a lonely life in which she cannot afford to get close to ponies. After previous losses took their toll, she has closed off her heart and dedicated herself to never letting herself love anypony ever again.

Then she is sent to Ponyville.

Then Twilight Sparkle is sent there too.

Then Princess Luna returns from the moon.

Not to mention that darn unicorn neighbour Lyra won’t leave her alone.

And suddenly everything becomes much more complicated.

Chapters (14)

Nurse Redheart is a young nurse working at Ponyville Hospital. She's done a very good job of it, too, but her superior believes her bedside manner is lacking. Forced to take a week-long vacation, Redheart struggles with finding herself without anything to do and without what she believes is her purpose.

When a young mare ends up in the hospital with an injury, Redheart is called back to take care of her. When an old flame returns to her life, Redheart finds herself conflicted between the feelings she has for him and the memories of what happened before. While initially happy to get back to work, Redheart finds these two revealing something in her that wasn't there before, something that will make her re-figure her priorities in life.

Because there's not enough Redheart fiction. Ever. And I've been meaning to use her in a fic for a while.
Oi... I liked the other one better, but I changed back the title.

Rated Teen for sensuality, suggestive moments, somewhat heavy alcohol usage, and some language.

Like and favorite if you enjoy, and leave a comment with specifics about what you like/don't like.

Chapters (38)

Affection therapy: a new and innovative practice in Equestria wherein the patient/subject is calmed and relaxed through simple displays of platonic affection, such as ear scratches, nose boops, and belly rubs. It's surprisingly effective, and leaves the pony happy and content. The strangest thing, however, is that you, a simple human living in Ponyville, 'invented' this practice completely by accident.

*I wrote this a long time ago, before Every Little Thing She Does aired. The first chapter takes place between No Second Prances and that episode, and I decided to touch it up and release it now as an early Christmas gift to you guys, as a simple piece of cute, platonic fluff. More to come, too, when I find the time and inspiration. :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

Cover art by ElementOfFaith

Chapters (22)