• Member Since 31st Dec, 2013


In a university in Wisconson, there is a monkey used for control experiments. That monkey looks at you and says, "They call me Zouave. The Zouave." Iowa explodes in the background.

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Traveling back to Equestria for summer vacation seemed like the best idea ever. However Sunset Shimmer's home brings back memories and thoughts that haven't surfaced since her reformation. Forgiveness is never easy especially when it comes to forgiving oneself. That coupled with a deadly changeling plot against Princess Twilight has Sunset running in circles to protect her friends and figure herself out.

Extra Tags: Chrysalis, Changelings, Flash Sentry (I'm so sorry).
This may be subjected to change as the story progresses.

Extra side note: the cover art for this story was done by me :twilightsmile:
Extra Extra side note: To everyone who has faved and liked thank you so much!
Final Side Note: I've edited the spacing and scene transitions so it's less of an eye sore.

MUST READ: So an awesome friend of mine has started working on an animation for this story. He has a rough cut of the first scene in the first chapter. Check it out here and leave some feedback!
Summer Sunset Chapter 1 Animation Test

Proof Read/edited by: 1DATMLP

Chapters (13)

Desert Mirage lives in a world full of guns, lasers, explosives and people competing to be the best of the best. There she excels at what she does: hunting. She started as a nobody, and yet became one of the most sought-after gunslingers.

Sunset Shimmer was practically born the best of the best. Selected by none other than Princess Celestia to be her prized student... until she ran away to another world in search of power. Through trials and suffering she was eventually taught humility and friendship.

At first blush, they don't have much in common. But their connection runs deep, and sooner or later it will change their worlds forever.

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to Star Trek: You Can't Go Home Again

A Star Trek Crossover

Leaving Starfleet behind, James Scott heads back to Equestria, eager to return to his friends that he made over the last five years.

From the shadows, a pair of glowing crimson eyes, fueled by a petty thirst for revenge and a powerful ancient artifact thought hidden, watch intently, while danger stalks his every move.

Elements of the cover image, used in accordance with the artists stated wishes for linked credit, are by:
Starlight Glimmer by 90sigma
The Alicorn Amulet by Fureox

Cover Image by Myself

Chapters (8)

Human Tag = Human In Equestria
Blog Post regarding title change
A Star Trek Crossover
It was a long six months, but thankfully it was finally over. After an uneventful tour of duty patrolling the Tzenkethi DMZ, Lieutenant James Scott, Helmsman of the Akira-Class USS Juno Beach, was glad to be rotated off for three weeks shore leave.

En Route on the Shuttlecraft Nichola Goddard to the Trill Homeworld, there was a small mishap... Apparently Dark-Matter doesn't mix well with Matter/Anti-Matter Drive Cores.

Crash landing outside a small hamlet town inhabited by Ponies, a Starfleet Officer must find a way to make the best of thier situation.

Title is in homage to the novel of the same name by Thomas Wolfe

Chapters (11)

He had to look down to see her. A pony, a creature no bigger than a goat, stood on his doorstep. Her pale blue fur and ragged, blood-red mane couldn’t have looked more out of place in a town of goats and minotaurs. Kev stared at her, wondering what to do. His father would’ve chased her away with a club and a string of obscenities. His grandfather would’ve eaten her. His great grandfather would’ve eaten her and not gone to prison for it.

A story about one minotaur’s relationship with his society, his family, and his wife.

Featured on Equestria Daily
Edited by PresentPerfect
Cover art by Ruirik
(In progress) Reading by ABagOVicodin:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapters (9)

I used to be a human, but then I pissed off a wizard. Now I'm stuck in "Ponyville", in a land called "Equestria", and with no apparent way back home. I'm also pretty sure that I've just replaced somepony. I'd rather not have to answer any tricky questions, so I'm better off trying to be this unicorn whose name has been forced onto me.

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I'm not a pony.

[Rated Teen for extensive use of vulgar language and sexual references.]

[Cover art made by richhap on deviant art. Unamused Twilight, go figure.]

[Brybrythesciguy is working on a cool audiobook of this story right HERE. The characters' voices are even simulated with an AI! I definitely recommend giving it a listen!]

Chapters (50)

A magical accident has a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

Warning, Spoilers in comment section.

Cover art by: Sipioc

AN// All thanks to the people over at spacebattles.com for betaing.

Sequel can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life

Chapters (53)

Seath the Scaleless, White Dragon God of Verdite, Traitor to the Everlasting Dragons, Duke of Anor Londo, Grandfather of Sorcery, and now the new friend and mentor to Twilight Sparkle? What will happen when two like-minded souls from opposite ends of the morality spectrum match wits? And what will remain in their wake?

A somewhat more meta twist on a MLP/Dark Souls cross-over, inspired predominantly by a few pictures I found of Seath and Twilight together, and my bewildered discovery that for all of the stories on this site that cover these two franchises, there's only one that focuses on Seath the Scaleless and so far it hasn't seen any updates in over a year ( http://www.fimfiction.net/story/68621/scales for those curious).

For those who haven't played either the King's Field or Dark Souls games worry not. I'll do my best to either explain the lore of both in the story itself, or add an author's notes for anything that gets referenced.

UPDATE: New custom cover art at last! Courtesy of Cryophase ( http://cryophase.deviantart.com/ )

Editing is courtesy of lunarstallion

Chapters (62)

When history is rewritten so that Equestria is doomed, it's not a hard choice to try to revert the timeline.

While battling Starlight Glimmer's interference with the timeline, Twilight is faced with a moral dilemma when she lands in a timeline which has weathered Equestria's trials almost as well as her own. How can the lives of those living there be balanced against her vanished world?

Chapters (1)

As a favor to Twilight, Pinkie Pie goes to the Crystal Empire to help Princess Cadance plan her baby shower. Everything goes well... at least until one pony falls into a coma and another pony gets zapped back in time where she becomes a child's plaything.

It's a long story...

-Written as a gift for Super Trampoline in Obselescence's Jinglemas Compilation.
-Cover Art graciously drawn by Zaponator.

Chapters (1)