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Certain alicorns have no regard for the rules of space and time. An astral sub-dimension becomes a potent weapon in what appears to be a divine prank war. Shining Armor hits the sauce.

Written for this contest thinger.

Chapters (1)

After tiring of Twilight's hostile attitude, Discord decides to "help" the Elements of Harmony by bringing in an alternate version of each of them. These duplicates from various worlds aren't told anything about each other, which is good. The last thing Equestria needs is these monsters working together.

***Not too dark!***

Elements of Disharmony
Pinkie Pie from Cupcakes by Sergeant Sprinkles

Rainbow Dash from Rainbow Factory by AuroraDawn

Rarity from The Secret Life of Rarity by BronyWriter

Fluttershy from Pattycakes by Pegacorn Ondacob

Twilight Sparkle from Death Note: Equestria by Nonagon

Applejack from Bad Apples by... Bisque? It's hard to find an evil Applejack story.

Chapters (6)

Play this song first!

Twilight Sparkle has always been looking forward to her 21st birthday. It's the day that she's finally recognized as an adult mare, but also the day she's finally able to learn magic on the highest level. What should have been a great day though, turns out to be the most horrific day in her life. She finds a prophesy talking about the next great evil in Equestria, and it's HER! Now she's falling, slowly becoming the very evil she swore to fight against, and not even her closest friends can pick her up in time. In the end, she may even...

Apple Bloom is tired of being the last in her class to not have her Cutie Mark, but her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo aren't going in the right direction to get their Cutie Marks, and she knows it. In order to get her Cutie Mark the right way, Apple Bloom begins to have thoughts of separating from her friends, and getting her Cutie Mark on her own. But her search for her Cutie Mark opens up to a major mystery in Equestria, and Apple Bloom will discover much more than just her special talent...

friends become enemies...

destinies are revealed...

light fades into the darkness...

and through it all, a hero is born...

This is the first main story in the series.

New cover art by my friend The Spectralist.

Link to the TV Tropes page!

Chapters (34)

"What a shame she wasn’t here to see this. She would have been proud. Yes, happy to see her faithful student taking her throne for her own, corrupted power. What a faithful student she was."

Short story.

Chapters (1)

Twilight lives a comfortable, expected life with the security of being surrounded by her mentors and friends. As she grows into a model unicorn, a dangerous being takes hold of the volatile Brood and drives them to war, breaking a long period of peace. After years of preparation for a higher order, Twilight is chosen to ascend beyond that of a typical sorcerer in a mysterious plan to counter the impending conflict.

During her dark, trying mission Twilight will discover a caged soul and unknowingly set them free, gradually acquiring an affinity for the darkness as a result. As she struggles within deepening conflict, she must push on and fight for what she believes in. With manipulation, deceit, and betrayal storming around, will she be able to contain herself and protect those she loves, or will she succumb to the creeping darkness and abandon everything she stands for?

*Warning: Comments may contain spoilers.*

Chapters (59)

This story is a sequel to Discord Wars Side Story: Reunion

Since her return Luna has secretly set up an organisation within the governments of the nations of Equestria, ready to obey any orders given. Now in the wake of a huge fight with her sister, Luna, along with her long lost daughter, shall cease control of the kingdom and bring an end to Celestia's reign.


Chapters (1)

Celestia has become emotionally withdrawn and disconnected from her little ponies. The imprisonment of Luna compounded with the constant loss of any who got close to her, she has forgotten how to connect with another pony. Until a small, injured filly who is equally distant after the loss of her parents stumbles into Celestia's life. Now, both ponies will help the other heal and rediscover once more what it truly means to be a pony.

A 'Mommylestia' story, the concept of which has been in my head for some months. I will be sticking rather close to canon for events, the major differences are that Twilight's parents are dead, and Shining Armor is a few years older and already dating Cadance at the time of this incident. I plan to keep mostly everything else the same.

Chapters (11)

For almost a thousand years, the immortal Nightmare Moon has reigned over Equestria as Empress. To the average pony, Nightmare Moon is an overarching enigma whose rule is absolute and whose wrath is terrible. But to Twilight Sparkle, who as an orphan has never known her parents, the Empress is something else entirely. When the young unicorn is brought under the royal wing as an apprentice, she learns a great deal more about the supposed tyrant than she ever knew. But as Twilight is introduced to life with her new mentor, she is thrust into a world of political intrigue, conspiracies and secrets. Secrets that were never meant to be revealed. As allies and enemies plot against the very peace of the nation, will Twilight fall prey to the perils of her new position? Or will she prosper and find in Nightmare Moon the mother she never had?


My eternal gratitude to my editor, LordOfTheWrongs, without whom Night's Favoured Child would not be the story it is today.

Now with added TVtropes!

Chapters (15)

Being the Element of Magic isn't all fun and games like most might think. It seems to carry with it an unexpected price or at least that is what Twilight thinks is the cause of her growing issue. She is finding herself as desperate for new magic as someone lost in the desert would be for water and this growing hunger isn't going away. The more new things she learns the worse it gets. She needs help before she completely gives into this hunger and begins to do anything just for new magic.

Chapters (1)