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I am a bat pony. I know what you think about me – I'm intimidating, I fly at night, drink blood, scare little fillies... Well, actually I'm nothing like that, though such reputation often comes in handy.

But sometimes it's so hard to maintain it...

Inspired by hawthornbunny.
Cover art by vectorvito.
Reading by Pony&Wolf Productions
Hungarian translation by Silence the Unicorn
🇺🇦Russian translation🇺🇦 by GreenWater

Chapters (1)

A little piece of fluff about how two friends started dating, thanks to an ill-timed slip of the tongue.

Cover Image © the impeccable Equestria-Prevails
Made for The Batpony Writeoff on EQD
Update: Second Place! Congrats to Ponydora Prancypants for getting First!

Chapters (1)

Octavia and Harmonia Philharmonica were on their way to Manehattan, ready to fulfill their duty as granddaughters and visit Nana. Vinyl Scratch and her brother Long Play were traveling back home from a concert in Canterlot, the first that Vinyl had ever attended. Pure serendipity facilitated these pairs' first meeting.

(Inspired by the pure adorableness that is the cover art)

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to First Meeting

Years have passed since Octavia Philharmonica and Vinyl Scratch first met on the platforms of Canterlot Station. In the short time that they spent together, they became the best of friends. Then they separated, both of them returning to their homes, meeting one another with less and less frequency as time went on. Within a few years, they had only memories of each other, impressions of the fillies that they used to be.

And then they met again, in the hallways of the Canterlot Conservatory.

Chapters (5)

Petra Alice Bettencourt, a child of the lost Earth's ruling corporate elite, nears her fourteenth birthday. The earth is years gone now, and Petra lives on with the elite in special mansions on the backside of Canterlot Mountain. But Petra, like all the Worldgovernment elite, has had her experience of Equestrian life determined by the agreement that made the Conversion Bureaus possible at all - she is still completely human, in Equestria.

Chapters (17)

Peter is letting himself be talked into giving up on Germany as the AI called Celestia begins uploading the masses into her virtual Equestria. But he thinks more than most about exactly how uploading works, and how it might be done without destroying him, or the world.

Chapters (1)

I'm told Equestria Online is a lot of fun once you get into it, since the game world adapts to your interests. But what happens if you don't even know what kind of pony to play? At least it's not like my character is a choice I'll be stuck with forever. Right?
Set in the world of Friendship Is Optimal.

Note: This story was intended to be much shorter. As a result, the tone and POV change after chapter two, a known problem. I'm considering going back and editing that shift. Suggestions welcome.

Chapters (10)

Maud Pie has an unstoppable passion for rocks and minerals of every sort, but no one else seems to share that same passion. Not even Boulder is as enthusiastic about them as she is.

Follow Maud Pie and her close companion Boulder as they make their first stop on their rock expedition: Appleloosa. The town is in the middle of a gold rush, but everything may not be as it seems. What mysteries will Maud and Boulder uncover?

Probably none!

It's a very boring story, so be happy that it is COMPLETED.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Cool Story Bro, But It Needs More... Ponies?

Gosh dang it, Angela!

I finally ask the girl I'm crushing on out on a date, and you decide to turn both me and her into ponies just for fun?!
What the hell has happened to my life?

Edit: Made Featured Box June 9th, 2014. (Woot! Woot!)

Chapters (8)

After being marooned on an icy world in unexplored space, Lumina must now face the perils of this frozen wasteland and search for some way home. But in this dark place, she discovers something that was lost to pony kind ever since the fabled Equestria sank into the ocean over 10,000 years ago. Something that will change her, and possibly the entire galaxy, forever.

Not a cross over, and not an alternate universe. This is the far future, and this has happened before.
Cover art by CSImadmax

Now in the FimFiction Gold Archives!
Now on Equestria Daily!
Now featured in Fort-Book Reviews!

Chapters (16)