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Everypony worth their salt should have a backup plan. Cozy Glow knows this better than anyone. And when things start going south, what better backup is there than to go back in time and try again?

But when she ends up accidentally flinging herself into the future instead, she finds that maybe some goals aren’t worth pursuing.

Written for the 2021 Cozy Glow Short Story Contest using the prompt “Cozy makes an unusual friend”.

Chapters (1)

Magic is gone. Cozy succeeded in doing what she set out to do, and now the world is perfect.

Simply perfect.

An entry in the Cozy Glow short story contest, based on the prompt "Cozy has a secret".
Cover art and proofreading was, as always, done by the great-hearted Vito, who is also on Deviantart.

Chapters (1)