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The planet Equus will be inhospitable in just a few short years. All the creatures on it are preparing to leave for greener pastures. All, that is, except Spitfire.

This fiction is canon compliant. It takes place several years after "The Last Problem".

Second place winner of Science Fiction Contest III.

Chapters (5)

Starlight Glimmer and Applejack both know they should probably break up.

Silver medalist in the 1000 words contest (group / info). Category: angst

Inspired by the Bleachers song "Stop Making This Hurt" (spotify link) and its music video (youtube link). That's also where I got he cover image!

Thanks to The Sleepless Beholder, Emotion Nexus, and RDT for their feedback and editing!

Chapters (1)

Retired Ex-Princess Luna has joined the Wonderbolts to stave off her boredom. Rainbow Dash isn't exactly thrilled to have her aboard.

This fic is a gift for the wonderful, amazing Zontan. Love ya, buddy <3

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Different Kind of Magic

Twilight Sparkle's attempt at food conjuration magic quickly spiraled out of control. But the royal sisters assure her that when properly modified, it's completely harmless. Is Twilight being overly cautious? Or will Princess Celestia and Princess Luna succumb to the same fattening fate?

This is an unofficial sequel to the old story "A Different Kind of Magic" by frylight_sparkle0. Please give it a read, it's very good! The setting is somewhere around mid-Season 2, in keeping with the original.

Contains: eating, overeating, and a great deal of weight gain. Cover thumbnail is by Graphene.

Chapters (1)

It is a beautiful day! The birds are singing, the sun is shining, and the weather is nice and comfortable to be outside. To top it off, Twilight Sparkle has absolutely nothing to do. Nothing, besides settling down in the park with a good book.

But, as things usually go in Ponyville, things won't stay "normal" for long. It starts with a tree, and a sneeze.

Written for the absurdly delightful Arboreal Yearnings Contest.

Edit: 4/14/23
Made the feature box, for some reason.
Thanks, y'all!

Chapters (1)

When secret agent Sweetie Drops is captured by the Mare with the Emerald Hands and taken to her secret underwater base, she thinks she knows how things will go. She’ll be imprisoned. She’ll nearly lose all hope, then she’ll find the inner strength she needs to defeat the villain in a climactic battle.

But then Lyra makes it weird.

There are no series tags for James Bond or Austin Powers, but I'm sure you'll get the idea. :raritywink:

Second Place winner in Bike's Lyrabon contest.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Guard of a Different Stripe

Despite the world around her changing constantly, Applejack has remained firm in her simple, country life. The world may change around her, but as long as she's got her family, her friends, and her farm, the old-fashioned apple bucker of Ponyville has no reason to change herself.

However, when a mysterious Equestrian Collie emerges one night from the Everfree Forest, her stable farming life takes a turn for the stranger when the pompous pup needs more than just her affection.

Takes place after The Guard of a Different Stripe, but can be read alone.
Edited by: TheAncientPolitzanian
Proofread by: Alchemik
Preread by: King (AKA Kingsredarmy)
Cover Found Here: Sweet Apple Acres by ZIG-WORD
Special Thanks to Bicyclette for helping with the Short and Long Descriptions.

Chapters (22)

This story is a fan spin-off of Where You Belong by my fluffy friend, Jhoira

A big, beautiful, luscious mane of bright hair would be the envy of everypony in Equestria, aside from the one trapped under it.

When Starlight Glimmer hears about the powerful magic used to defeat Tirek, Rainbow Dash volunteers for an experimental spell to unleash her rainbow-powered potential one again to recapture the boundless energy and ridiculous speed she had that day. To her dismay, she is caught with all the cosmetic changes, but none of the energetic benefits. Now, Rainbow must lug a cumbersome amount of hair until the spell wears off. Her fabulous style catches the attention of Rarity as well as her new marefriend, Autumn Blaze, who both just can't get enough of her voluminous mane and tail.

Proofread By: Queen of Fluff herself, Jhoira
Cover Art: Rainbow Power Rainbow Dash Silhouette Wall by sambaneko
Featured on 10/30/2021. Thanks y'all!

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis indulges in the love meant for somepony else.
There is much she does not understand.

An interpretation of the depicted image.
Event before "A Canterlot Wedding"

Artwork by Ohemo
Derpibooru 2273642

Chapters (1)

A collection of letters between Octavia and Vinyl through their time apart. Taking place while they pursue their music careers on opposite ends of Equestria.

Chapters (12)