• Published 2nd Jul 2022
  • 1,200 Views, 233 Comments

Unchanging Truths - Rego

After Applejack meets a mysterious Equestrian Collie from the Everfree Forest, her stable farming life takes a turn for the stranger when the pompous pup needs more than just her affection.

  • ...

Chapter 22: An Old Puppy

Cool breeze, clear skies, and warm sunshine; Applejack couldn’t have asked for a better day for selling her fresh stock of apples. Ponies were still more than a bit shy around her stall, but Sweet Apple Acres was still making ends meet thanks to her friends. It also helped that there’d been a generous uptick in deliveries since coming back from Manehattan.

Seemed Ocellus was really missing the apples that they’d been sending to the Concordant, at least according to the letter Iridescent had sent along with the bulk order. Four full barrels were a bit much by AJ’s reckoning, even for a growing nymph. Of course, that might’ve more about supporting a certain mother working on the farm, but she wasn’t going to turn good bits down with the way this season was rolling.

At least it was shaking out better for the pair of changelings in the big city. Princess Celestia was seeing to that personally, doing a tell-all interview alongside the exposed changeling in Canterlot. AJ was glad Desi was being so honest about it all, even publicly apologizing to the ponies she’d fooled to help her get to the top. Though the paper left the final verdict up to the reader, Desi’s letter said otherwise.

Iridescent said she was working just as hard as Prim alone, but now she was happier than she’d ever been in either life. Her new, integrated self was wanting to use Iridescent’s creative drive and Prim Hemline’s business expertise to start her own line of changeling fashion. Both Rarity and Ocellus were really excited about that idea. Chrysalis was too, though as usual, she wasn’t showing her cards. However, AJ had noticed her slipping her own letter along with the last shipment to the changelings: a shapeshifting enchantment for fabric.

So overall, Applejack couldn’t complain. She leaned back, looking up at the clouds slowly rolling by. Business might’ve hit a low point, but it was just a matter of weathering the storm. It’d take a minute, but the town would find its new normal again with Chrys around. Then folks would be lining up to buy a golden delicious or sweetwater again. Just needed to show them her good sides, and part of that was getting the changeling in front of everypony, all-natural.

“I told you this was a bad idea,” Chrysalis growled as she watched pony after pony pass. “You haven’t sold a single apple.”

“Don’t you worry about that. We’ve got plenty of daylight left.”

“Wonderful. Plenty of time to watch everypony avoid coming anywhere near your stand.”

Our stand, sugarcube. You put these barrels together with the rest of us.”

“Exactly. Which is why they are being left to rot.”

“Then they’re missing out.” She tossed an apple to Chrysalis before grabbing one for herself and biting into it. “Tastes just as good as they always have to me.”

The changeling took a long, hard look at the fruit resting in her hoof. AJ didn’t know if she was going to take a bite or blast it out of existence. It was almost more comforting to see her angry. At least then, the changeling would say what was on her mind, even if it was layered under a stack of lies. Applejack watched out of the corner of her eye as Chrysalis stared at the apple, trying to catch any hint that’d tell her what was going on behind her half-lidded gaze.

Applejack remembered being scared of those eyes; piercing jades, sharper than her razor-filled jaw. It was the visage of a monster, a predator ready to devour her next meal. She’d already seen what Chrys’ bite could do at full strength. Even still, Applejack felt a sort of peculiar comfort in that visceral edge of hers. Maybe she was just getting used to it, but she looked softer too, or at least softer than usual. The farmer followed the line of Chrysalis’ pouting lips, bunched in a radiant ebony.

Wait, was she wearing makeup?

Doubling back to the changeling’s eyes, Applejack noticed that her lids were darkened with a subtle shade of violet. It wasn’t a shift in her colors either. That color was the genuine article she’d picked up in Manehattan. Applejack tried to spot any other subtle changes the mare had done to her complexion, but she couldn’t really tell. Rarity was the one who usually did her makeovers, and AJ hadn’t bothered remembering what most any of those cosmetics were called.

“Need something, AJ?”

Chrys’ question jolted Applejack back down to Ponyville. She’d even gone from a sneaky glance to just outright gawking at the former queen. “Oh! Shoot, well, no. I was just noticing how nice you’d done yourself up today.”

Chrysalis said nothing, but she did casually brush her mane back slightly to show off more of her work. Even if the finer points were lost on AJ, she could still appreciate the work Chrys had put into herself. The closer Applejack looked, the more it revealed itself. The changeling’s face glistened while catching the midmorning light.

“Wow, Chrys. I guess you’ve been practicing gussying up with what Glamour showed you.”

“A fat load of good it did with these skittish foals avoiding the stall like a plague.”

“Their loss. You’re prettier than a princess today; or I guess a queen in your case.”

The changeling’s brow furrowed at the compliment.

“I’m serious, Chrys. You really outdid yourself. It might not be working out like you hoped, but honestly, you’re the most beautiful mare in the market today.”

Chrysalis still said nothing, but it didn’t matter with her eyes widening at the genuine compliment. She finally bit into the apple, keeping her eyes fixed on Applejack. A dribble of juice splashed on her lips and ran down her muzzle. Chrysalis swallowed her bite and snaked her forked tongue down the side of her cheek. Applejack watched as it slowly slithered lower and lower to catch the escaped sweetness before it could drip off her face.

“Applejack! Hey, Applejack!” Apple Bloom called out.

Chrysalis chomped down on the rest of the fruit, snapping Applejack back to reality again. She turned her attention to the sound of filly hooves galloping across the dirt. Her sister was being followed by a young pegasus she didn’t know along with Scootaloo, though she was keeping her distance. As they got closer, the mystery filly skipped to a halt, almost jostling the tiara and glasses off her head upon seeing the towering queen.

Applejack ignored the filly’s fear and pushed on. “What is it, Bloom? And who’s your friend?”

“This is Zipporwhill. You see, she’s got a cutie mark problem, and we were hoping to borrow Miss Chrysalis for a bit, if that’s okay.”

Chrysalis blinked and tilted her head. “Borrow?”

“Y-yeah! Zipporwhill has this puppy named Ripley, and we’re not having too much luck figuring out why they aren’t getting along like they used to. I figured, since you can change into a dog, maybe you can talk to him?”

The changeling frowned. “I can’t talk to animals. I can only manipulate their hearts. Ask Fluttershy.”

Apple Bloom kicked the dirt under her hooves around. “We thought about that, but she’s really busy with that new animal sanctuary of hers.”

Chrysalis closed her eyes and sighed as she pushed past AJ. “Very well. It’s not like I’m much use here.”

Scootaloo’s mouth fell agape. “What?”

The changeling eyed the shivering pegasus, sizing up the filly top to bottom. She closed her eyes and sighed bitterly. “Or perhaps I can’t be useful anywhere today.”

Apple Bloom whipped around to face her friend. “Scootaloo! You said you’d be okay with it!”

“Yeah, but I didn’t think she’d actually say yes! Right, Zipp?” Scootaloo whispered, with Zipporwhill nodding along.

“Well, we’re down one crusader, and I couldn’t think of anything else.”

As the fillies bickered between each other, Chrysalis simply sat and stewed in it. For how much bravado Scootaloo sported, she had always been a mite quicker to scare than the other crusaders. It wasn’t like her fear was unfounded either. They’d all gotten wrapped up right in the thick of the Canterlot invasion, but Scootaloo had taken it the hardest. Seeing everypony she trusted to keep her safe fall around her rattled the poor filly for weeks afterward.

Even still, hearing them pitching a fit about Chrysalis right in front of her was burning Applejack something fierce.

“That’s enough!” she shouted over the argument. All three of them and Chrysalis whipped their heads to the fuming mare. “You come all the way out here for her help and reject it when she offers? Why, I got half a mind to ground the both of ya!”

“But Applejack…” Scootaloo stammered.

“But nothing!” Applejack slammed her barrels of unsold apples shut and began packing everything in. “Y’all really need Chrys’ help? Well, guess what? Y’all are getting helped. I’m making sure of it!”

Chrysalis blinked in bewilderment as Applejack hitched herself to the cart. “But what about the apples? If I leave, then they’ll—”

“Now don’t you start with any of that nonsense. If they want something from Sweet Apple Acres, then they better start treating the newest Apple in our bunch right.”

She sighed. “A foolish sentiment.”

“Took the words right out of my mouth. The whole town’s acting like they ain’t surrounded by ponies and creatures trying to be better! Hypocrites, the whole lot of ‘em!”

Chrysalis’ eyes widened and a twitch tugged at her lips, pulling them into a small smirk. Applejack returned it with a confident smile of her own and bumped shoulders with the changeling. A comfortable, almost invigorating warmth rushed out from the brief contact.

“Now that’s been settled, let’s see what you can do to help Zipporwhill out, alright?” Applejack said as she trotted towards the fillies. “She might not be a crusader, but I’m pretty sure between the four of y’all, there’s—”

Applejack stopped as she felt the familiar tug of her tail catching onto her wagon. She turned her shoulder to see where it’d snagged, but the feeling was gone by the time she’d looked behind her… as was the last sparkle of emerald magic leaving Chrys’ horn.

“Not get enough, sugarcube?”

Chrysalis quickly glanced away. “I’m always hungry.”

“All ya gotta do is ask.” Applejack shot her a wink. “Got plenty of apples and love today.”

“I know.”

The fillies led Applejack and Chrysalis a ways away from town center to Riverbend Park. It was a popular gathering spot with a few birch trees, a fountain, and an offshoot of the Whitetail River cutting right through the middle of it all—though AJ thought it was more of a creek than anything. There seemed to be a gathering of ponies waiting in line for something on the far end of the park, but they stopped right before the bridge to meet Ripley.

The way Zipporwhill was going on about the critter, AJ figured he was a puppy, not a full-grown dog. Ripley was a schnauzer by the looks of it, sporting a rough and ruddy coat, along with a stately mustache and beard. He also wasn’t taking too kindly to the approaching changeling, and started growling the moment he spotted her. Poor Chrys just couldn’t catch a break today.

“S-sorry, Miss Chrysalis,” Zipporwhill said as she tried to calm the pooch down. “I don’t know why, but Ripley doesn’t like bigger ponies. It took a long time before he even got close to my mom and dad.”

“Sounds like a rescue, Chrys,” AJ suggested while putting some distance between her and the dog.

The changeling heaved a sigh and sparked her horn, changing herself into Classy. While Zipporwhill gasped in delight at the sight of the beautiful collie, Ripley wasn’t having any of it and started barking up a storm.

The filly struggled with her smile. “He doesn’t like other dogs either.”

“So, what does he like?” Classy growled, to the surprise of the fillies around her.

“W-well, he is fine around fillies and colts when I bring him to school…”

After another languid sigh, she burst into green flames again. It was Applejack’s turn to gasp seeing an adorable, filly Shutterbug sitting in her place. The pint-sized unicorn gave a half-hearted ta-da for the crowd. While it certainly caught the other kids’ attention, the change wasn’t enough to get Ripley to completely stop growling.

Feeling a bit curious, Applejack decided to push her luck. “Maybe you could try being a bit more like yourself?”

Shutterbug whipped around in a flash, anger in her eyes. “Were you even paying attention?” she complained, her already light voice shrieking. “That’s what got him barking in the first place, you idiot!”

“I don’t mean like that. Just you, but y’know, pint-sized,” Applejack suggested while turning her head away. “I mean, Ripley saw ya once. He could know what you look like, and the change ain’t sitting right with him.”

The filly’s mouth slacked and her head lolled to the side in bewilderment. She blinked herself back to Equestria and frowned flatly. “You just want to see me as a nymph, don’t you?”

Applejack’s eyes darted from side to side, but she couldn’t deny the truth. “Eeyup.”

“Seriously, AJ? I told you before, I don’t remember what I looked like!”

“C’mon, Chrys. You threw together that tiny Shutterbug lickety split. Just make something up that looks like the real you, you know—” Applejack held her hooves up and pushed them together, shrinking the distance between them. “—just filly-sized.”

Shutterbug threw her head back and groaned. “Fine!”

Green magic flared around Shutterbug in a powerful stream. The change took a tick longer than usual, but once it was all said and done, Applejack gasped.

Unlike the train ride home, Chrysalis hadn’t just shrunk herself down from her towering height; this version of herself was completely compact. Gone were her long, slender legs, replaced with stubby filly ones with soft, holey hooves. Her elegant muzzle had shortened and rounded into a tiny, round nose, just begging to be booped. The gossamer wings and hair still bore their normal elegance, but cut shorter and smaller to not risk dragging on the ground. When she finally opened her eyes, her sharp, draconic gaze had softened into a feisty kitten’s glare.

“Happy?” Chrysalis asked, her trilling voice squeaking seething with frustration.

Applejack covered her mouth and nodded, unable to say a word. The changeling’s anger was as clear as day, but she couldn’t help herself. Chrysalis was just too cute as a nymph. It was like sneaking a peek at a family album come to life, and her mounting anger was only making it cuter.

Looking back at Ripley, he seemed to have settled down enough to let Chrys get closer, though that probably would’ve happened anyway with the Shutterbug disguise. The nymph sighed in resignation and stood up to her tiny hooves. Applejack pushed her hooves harder against her mouth trying to stop herself from giggling.

“This is amazing, Miss Chrysalis!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she ran up to the nymph. “How tiny can you make yourself?”

Chrys opened her mouth to answer, but did a double-take after realizing she’d overshot the other fillies’ ages by a year or two. Her disguise was even shorter than Apple Bloom.

“I-I was just trying to make the mutt shut up!” Chrys yipped back.

“You’re not so scary when you’re short.” Scootaloo joined Apple Bloom’s side, measuring herself to the changeling. “Why don’t you go around like this all the time?”

“Can you change into a chihuahua?” Zipporwhill asked excitedly. “A breezie?”

Enough!” Chrysalis squealed, flaring her stubby wings out in a hopeless attempt to command their respect. “Let’s just get this over with already!”

She quickly tried to trot away from the others, but she’d forgotten how small her elegant gait had become and tripped over herself, falling face-first into the ground right in front of Ripley. The dog got up from the grass, walked over to the downed nymph, and began licking her face.

“At least you’re not freaking out anymore.” Chrysalis shook the disheveled strands out of her face and pulled herself up to her hooves, meeting Riley in his eyes. “So, what’s the problem with him?”

“I don’t know. It’s like he doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore. Here, watch.” Zipporwhill took out a tiny ball and squeaked it with a grin. “C’mon, Ripley! Get the bally-wally!” The filly lobbed it across the park and watched it slowly roll to a stop. Despite the jingles and squeaks it gave off as it went, Ripley didn’t seem interested in the slightest. She sighed and pointed to the lonely toy. “See?”

“I do,” Chrysalis answered as she snatched it for herself.

Seeing how they were treating Ripley, AJ was pretty sure she knew what was going on with the critter. She’d gone through the same rigamarole with Winona a few years back, clinging onto her pooch’s puppyhood. In any case, the fillies had asked for Chrys’ help, so Applejack was keen on sitting this one out so the changeling could show her good side.

Chrysalis shot a spell into the ball and tossed it in front of the dog again, but it didn’t make a sound. Ripley watched the ball curiously as it silently rolled by, more confused than anything. “Huh. I thought that’d work. I was sure they hated metal noises. Do you have any disgustingly wet food?”

Or not.

Seeing the fillies look between each other and shake their heads, she shrugged. “Fine. At least I know where to get some.”

The tiny changeling trotted away proudly, her head held high towards Applejack. After a few prideful struts, she peeked her eye open to see she’d barely covered any ground with her shorter steps. She picked up the pace to a scamper to get to where AJ had parked herself. Chrys ran right past and buzzed up and into the apple cart.

“Now, where is that ‘premium’ dog food you made me eat?” she asked.

Applejack stepped up behind the rummaging nymph. “Should be wedged between the bushel barrels. Want me to get it for ya?”

“I don’t need your help, Applejack. You’re forgetting that this is a simple disguise.” She effortlessly levitated one of the barrels away to prove her point. “I am still a fully capable changeling queen.”

While AJ knew the truth deep down, her eyes and ears were saying otherwise. Maybe it was part of the illusion, or maybe it was because Chrys was as cute as a button like this, but all she wanted to do was snuggle the nymph like a stuffed bear.

“Aha! Jackpot!” The once dark, maniacal laughter was completely undercut by her squeaky size. “Let’s see Ripley resist this!”

Applejack couldn’t help but snicker to herself.

“What?” Chrysalis asked, giving AJ a bemused glare.

“Sorry, sugarcube. You’re just a cutie-pie looking like that.”

Chrysalis’ brow furrowed. “Don’t tell me that you agree with Scootaloo.”

“Don’t worry yourself none, Chrys. I like ya plenty no matter what you turn into. Still, might as well make the most of it, right?”

“What are you talking abou—woah!”

Applejack grabbed the nymph out of the apple cart with ease as the tiny changeling flailed in surprise and dropped the food tin. With the tables turned for once, she sat Chrys down and pulled close to her chest, nestling the little changeling between her forelegs. AJ laid her head down on Chrys’, careful to avoid poking herself with the changeling’s horn and squeezed on all sides. Her heart fluttered with cooling warmth as it generously poured love into the changeling.

The drain felt a bit different than usual. Her thoughts were filled with shielding Chrysalis from every danger in the world. All the ponies who feared who she used to be, who misunderstood her now, who still wouldn’t give her a chance no matter how hard she tried. Applejack took a deep breath of the changeling’s silky mane before letting her go. Even though she’d felt the drain, it was somehow refreshing.

“Thanks, Chrys. I needed that.”

The tiny changeling stepped away, staring up at the much taller mare. Applejack reached over to the cart, grabbing the tin of food Chrys had flung away in surprise and gave it back.

“It’s fun being the bigger girl for a change,” Applejack added with a wink.

Chrys said nothing, but her cheeks flushed bright green in embarrassment and she quickly placed the tin on her back. Applejack couldn’t help but giggle as she scampered back to the fillies on her tiny legs.

“Oh, and Chrys?”

The changeling froze and turned around slowly. “Yes?”

“Don’t overthink it. Trust those maternal instincts of yours.”

Chrysalis shifted her jaw as she mulled around the hint before turning back around to join the real fillies. With that out of the way, Applejack kicked back next to her cart and grabbed an apple for herself to see how she’d solve the Zipporwhill’s cutie mark problem.

Chomping through her seventh apple, Applejack was about to give up and call the tune after watching them dance past the obvious for way too long. Zipporwhill was sulking on a nearby rock while Apple Bloom and Scootaloo worked with Chrysalis to get Ripley more receptive. In hindsight, telling the changeling what to do from the jump would’ve probably been better than dropping hints.

After watching Chrys fumble around with idea after idea, it was apparent she’d never had a pet. In hindsight, she probably should’ve guessed. That would’ve required time and energy the hive didn’t have. She’d tried everything she’d seen other pet owners do while emulating Zipporwhill’s mannerisms to a tee. It was that last bit that was probably doing the dog no good, what with treating Ripley like a puppy. Moreover, Chrys had run out of patience ages ago and was pumping on pure spite now.

“There has to be something that this stupid mongrel likes…” the fake filly growled through a painfully fake smile. Her eye was twitching something fierce.

“It’s okay, Chrys—err, Miss Chrysalis,” Apple Bloom assured, trying to calm the changeling down. “We gave it our best shot.”

“No-no-no-no-no!” she screeched as she slammed her hoof. “You asked for my help, and I am going to fix this broken puppy if it’s the last thing I do!”

Barring the poor word choice, that last outburst was enough for AJ. She stood up to relieve Chrysalis of her duties, but was cut off by a shocked gasp from down the walkway.

“Is that Miss Chrysalis?” Sweetie Belle asked as she galloped towards the group. “Why does she look like that?”

“Because Ripley fears me like the rest of you do in my true form, so I had to ‘improvise,’ okay?” she seethed while stomping up to the bigger filly. “And even then, it seems my cute and cuddly gambit did nothing! I’ve tried everything short of charming it with my magic, but this puppy seems to have lost his drive to do anything!” The changeling screeched as she threw the squeaky little toy bone against the ground.

Sweetie Belle took a couple steps away from the angry changeling and picked up the bone. “I think that might be the problem right there.”

Chrysalis’ flaring anger lowered to a simmer. She straightened up and looked the filly straight in the eye. “Explain.”

“Well, I mean look at yourself. You’re not really a changeling filly, are you?”

“Of course not!” Chrysalis burst into flames, ascending back to her full, regal stature. “I should’ve never bothered with that ridiculous disguise!” She glared over her shoulder to Ripley, who was already starting to growl. “The only way I will ever command respect is through fear!”

“Wait! That’s not what I meant!” Sweetie Belle cried, jumping between the former queen and the pooch. “Look again at Ripley! Does he look like a puppy to you?”

“What does it matter? He responds to nothing!”

“It does though! Would you want to be treated like a little filly when you’re really a big changeling? Ripley isn’t a little puppy anymore, but a full-grown dog!”

Chrysalis’ fuming stopped in its tracks as she looked over Ripley again. “Are you saying that he is an adult of his species?”

“I reckon he is,” Applejack chimed in, feeling it time to step in after seeing the gears turning in Chrys’ head. “From what I know, standard schnauzers don’t get too much bigger than that. The breed makes good field dogs, too, so I imagine that a lil’ bone like that ain’t gonna rile Ripley up too much now that he’s grown.”

Having listened in on the whole conversation, Zipporwhill hopped down from the rock and trotted over to her beloved rescue dog. “He is a lot bigger than he used to be. Too big for his little squeaker.” The pegasus sighed as she petted her dog behind the ears. “It’s just hard for me to believe he isn’t that same little, adorable guy I found anymore.”

“I don’t know about that, Zipporwhill.” Applejack joined in on the pets for the pooch. “Still plenty adorable to me, but also a handsome feller too. Ya just need to show him a bit more respect for his age and see what he likes doing. Ain’t that right, Chrys?”

Chrysalis took a moment to collect herself with a deep breath and laid down to meet the others around her. “It can be difficult to watch something precious grow and change before your eyes, but that simply means you need to adapt to its evolving needs. Just like that—” The changeling fought back a sneer as she glared at Ripley. “—dog… you little ones won’t be so little for much longer.”

“You’re absolutely right, Chrysalis!”

Another fabulous addition to the growing crowd hopped out of the bushes. Applejack and Chrysalis both balked at Rarity stepping into the sunlight in a rose-y get-up that had seen better days. The mare looked ready to be a last-minute replacement for a foal’s pageant that’d been hit by a rogue twister.

“I picked up a few unwanted accouterments thanks to the lovely nature around us,” she answered before anypony could ask. She cantered over to Sweetie Belle, who was teetering on shock and irritation. “I must apologize, Sweetie Belle. I know you’re not a little filly anymore, but it’s just that we used to love doing all of the things we did today together. But even if some of us can turn ourselves into adorable nymphs at will, it doesn’t mean we should stay in the past. It’s…” Rarity brushed a budding tear away from her eye. “It’s just hard to let go.”

Sweetie Belle smiled and ran up to her sister, giving her a big hug. “It’s okay, Rarity. I love being with you too! It’s just, maybe we could try some new, different things?”

“Of course, Sweetie.” Rarity returned the hug and tossed off her shredded costume. “I still have some time before I have to go back to Canterlot. Would you mind giving your big sister a second chance? What would you like to do?”

“You might want to do something about that rat’s nest of a mane first,” Chrysalis remarked as she plucked a stick out of Rarity’s mane and tossed it over her shoulder. Ripley perked up and chased after it, gleefully picking it up and bringing it back to the changeling. She smirked as she picked it back up and threw it again, only for her smile to flatten into a grimace. “Wait. You mean to tell me that all I had to do was throw a stupid stick to appease you?”

Ripley barked with joy as he chased it down.

“Thank you so much, Cutie Mark Crusaders! And thank you too, Miss Chrysalis!” Zipporwhill hugged the changeling’s leg.

Any irritation on the changeling evaporated from the sudden show of appreciation from the filly. “You’re… welcome, little one.”

Ripley returned with the stick, but Chrys passed it over to Zipporwhill. She bit down and smiled with a tail swish before throwing it again for her dog. As they ran off, a small smile pulled at the changeling’s lips.

With the day drawing to a close and the cutie mark problem put to bed, everyone parted ways. While they might’ve not sold a single apple, Applejack considered the day a success. The fillies slowly were warming up to the changeling and, for her part, Chrys seemed to be over the moon with the prideful stride in her step. She hadn’t looked this happy since before leaving for Manehattan. She was a lot healthier too, easily carrying Apple Bloom on her back; a far cry from barely lifting her leg.

The trio trotted and rode on the path back to the farm in the waning light of day. Seeing Apple Bloom sitting comfortably on the big changeling’s back, it was really starting to feel like Chrys was part of the family. It warmed AJ’s heart more than the warm, setting sunlight scattering in the former queen’s flowing, gossamer mane.

Apple Bloom leaned up against and peeked around the former queen’s neck. “Thanks again for your help today, Miss Chrysalis.”

“Think nothing of it.” Her jaw clenched slightly. “Seriously. Don’t. I didn’t do much of anything, considering it was your friend who pointed out the problem. I was a fool to take Zipporwhill at her naïve word.”

Applejack patted Chrys on the shoulder. “No need to be embarrassed, Chrys. It’s the thought that counts.”

“I feel as though I put very little thought into anything today.”

“The important thing is that you eventually figured it out and helped ‘em along. I think you even won Scootaloo over by the end of it.”

The changeling reluctantly nodded along, but then stopped after a few moments of thought. Her eyes widened. “You say that as if you knew what was wrong the entire time.”

“The girls didn’t ask for my help, sugarcube.” She added a wink for good measure.

Chrysalis said nothing as one infuriating gear clicked in after another, sending her eye twitching again.

“Now, don’t get all riled up. Just look at the good that came out of it.” Applejack looked to her sister. “Right, Bloom?”

“You’re still kinda scary sometimes, but I can tell you care a lot about stuff. You’re just as stubborn about getting things right as my big sister.”

“It’s true,” Applejack agreed proudly. “If you’re gonna do anything, ya gotta do it right. And I think y’all did pretty right by Zipporwhill today.” She smirked and leaned over. “By the way, what’s her favorite food?”

Chrys rolled her eyes, but smiled at the thought. “Some sort of vanilla cream cake. I didn’t get enough for a good sample.”

Apple Bloom tilted her head. “How do ya know that?”

“When I absorb the love of another creature, it tastes like their favorite food. Your sister’s love, for example, tastes strongly of a medley of different apples.”

“Ain’t a better way for me to be,” Applejack boasted. “And you say it’s not just one kind of apple, but a whole bushel of flavors?”

“I’ve had entirely too many apples since staying with you, so I know it’s not simply one kind.”

“Now I know that’s a load of hooey. Ain’t no way you can have too many apples!”

Chrysalis simply shook her head at the claim and said nothing.

“So, what happens if you don’t like the food?” Apple Bloom asked. “You’re such a picky eater at dinner.”

“It’s a good thing then that I experience the flavors you love the way you do. I’d have died a long time ago if I had to taste your pony food with my senses alone. Some of you fools love the strangest things.”

Apple Bloom sucked in her lips and idly tapped her hooves on the changeling’s back. “Well… w-what does my love taste like, Miss Chrysalis?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. I’ve never taken any of your love before.”


It was Applejack’s turn to nearly stop in her tracks. Here Apple Bloom was, letting Chrys carry her around like momma and daddy always did with her, but still, Bloom hadn’t given her a single drop of love? Meanwhile, Applejack barely bumped the changeling’s shoulder earlier and felt the drain almost immediately. Maybe there was something to how shocked every changeling seemed to be that she could keep Chrysalis fed. It just came so easily for her, like taking a drink of water.

Apple Bloom must’ve been feeling it too, as the fear on her face slowly gave way to annoyance. She carefully stood to her hooves, nearly falling off the changeling’s back as she tried to find her balance. Chrysalis quickly buzzed a wing to catch her.

“Careful!” she snapped. “It’s a long fall for you.”

“R-right. Sorry.” Once Bloom had found purchase, the filly cleared her throat and then dove at the thick of the changeling’s neck. Chrys flinched from the sudden weight shifting on her back. She shot a curious brow up that shifted into surprise as Bloom cracked an earnest smile. “You’re really kind, Chrysalis. I know you said not to, but thanks a lot for helping us today.”

Chrysalis stopped for a spell, trying to process what was happening.

The filly giggled as she squeezed. “It tickles!”

“Don’t make the stupid mistake that your sister did and force too much,” Chrysalis warned.

“I ain’t forcing anything, Chrysalis. We’re Apples, and we Apples stick together.”

It warmed Applejack’s heart seeing her sister accepting Chrysalis as one of their own. She was sure the rest of the town wouldn’t be too far behind the more they got to see the changeling at her best. She was prickly for sure, but thorns didn’t make roses any less lovely.

“At least now I know what Granny’s cream potato soup is supposed to taste like with love in it,” she cackled to herself.

Then, Chrysalis turned her head and smiled. Not just any smile, but the smile. The one from the photo shoot. The one that had convinced Iridescent to trust them. The one that had taken Applejack’s breath away. The world seemed to slow down in the all-mother’s evanescent tranquility as she turned her head to nuzzle Apple Bloom’s side, despite their awkward angle.

“Thank you, little one,” she whispered tenderly.

Apple Bloom nuzzled back. “You’re welcome, Chrysalis!”

The changeling took a deep, bracing breath as the glittery magic evaporated into nothingness. As reared her head back to face forward, her maternal gentleness vanished from her face. Her jaw clenched tightly once more and focused on the road ahead of them.

“You okay, Chrys?”

She nodded solemnly, fighting back the sullen frown trying to claim her face. Her eyes shimmered with momentary relief as she glanced down at Applejack. “It’s nothing.”

“You sure, sugarcube?” she pressed, putting a supportive hoof on Chrys’ side.

“Nothing I haven’t felt before,” Chrysalis assured honestly. “Now let’s go before your dinner gets cold.”

Applejack nodded, but kept as close as she could. It was like Bloom had said: Apples stuck together. Even if one of them wasn’t telling the whole truth, AJ was gonna make sure that the three Apples heading home were there for each other.

Author's Note:

If you find a simple mistake in the GSP (Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation), please let me know through a private message rather than leaving it in the comment section. Thank you for reading!

Comments ( 7 )
Myrkin #1 · 1 week ago · · ·

It looks like Chrysalis Fan Club is slowly gaining new members, although I'm sure Rainbow Dash Fan Club will remain a priority for Scootaloo, even if Chrysalis wins her over. ;)

Razzy #2 · 1 week ago · · ·

The deaf leading the blind. :B

D'awwww, they're warming up to her.

Gavier #3 · 1 week ago · · ·

omg it's The Smile™

“You might want to do something about that rat’s nest of a mane first,” Chrysalis remarked as she plucked a stick out of Rarity’s mane and tossed it over her shoulder. Ripley perked up and chased after it, gleefully picking it up and bringing it back to the changeling. She smirked as she picked it back up and threw it again, only for her smile to flatten into a grimace. “Wait. You mean to tell me that all I had to do was throw a stupid stick to appease you?”

I had to do a double take here cuz I thought it was Rarity running after the stick :rainbowlaugh: curse you, names that start and end with the same letters

Damn good chapter. The frosty queen continues to thaw. I think the last ones to get along with Chrysalis will probably be the flower sisters. They are so flighty and easily scared, I can't imagine what it would take for them to accept Chrysalis.

Mighty good story, this is. I just finished binging through it over the past night and today. Everything others have said in the comments, I agree with. You have such good writing, and I am eager to read more.

Rego #7 · Saturday · · ·

We'll just have to see how much the townsfolk get to know her.
This was actually a fun part when trying to figure out how Chrys would resolve the problem. And then I stumbled on the fact that pets require lots of work and affection to maintain... so it was time for girlfailure mode.
The smile!

I had to do a double take here cuz I thought it was Rarity running after the stick :rainbowlaugh: curse you, names that start and end with the same letters

I get it. I'm very bad with names. When I was in college, I had to take a Greek philosophy test, and it was like 5 guys whose names began with P and ending in S. I only knew Pythagoras from the theorem. The rest were just... nope. Not getting those right.
She's standing there... looking at an apple... THE HORROR!
Glad you're all caught up! I'm just sitting down now to get a few more words on 23. Hope to get it out to y'all soon!

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