• Member Since 6th Apr, 2014


She/her. Life's a monstrosity but spiders make up for that.

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Twilight Sparkle was a daughter to Nightlight and Twilight Velvet, a sister to Shining Armor, and a student to Princess Celestia. That was who she was, nothing more and nothing less.

However, on the longest day of the thousandth year, her world will change forever. A secret kept even from her will be revealed and her life will be forever changed.

A different take on the Nightmare Moon incident with a slightly darker outcome.

I'm not sure where the cover came from. If you do, please let me know. Cover art belongs to rosahadoodle

Chapters (1)

Prince Blueblood's 21st is approaching, and with it, his ascension to the throne. The only problem; he's a stallion. All of Equestria's leaders have been female. As have all their children, but for some reason Blueblood was born a male. Celestia thought she could overlook this by finding and teaching a suitable pupil, but Twilight Sparkle has created her own Empire in Ponyville and has no interest in moving back to Canterlot. So the sisters are left with one option if they ever want to retire; turn Blueblood into a mare.

Oh he may protest and hate the idea at first, but he doesn't have a choice, now does he, if she's to rule Equestria.


This is a "work on it when I feel like it" story, so there isn't regular updates.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Secret of a Shy Pegasus

It has been almost a month since Fluttershy told Scootaloo her secret, now they must get used to this new life of theirs. Just what does it mean to be a daughter, to be a mother? What kind of complications will they have to overcome?

Chapters (1)

**DISCONTINUED** Many ponies know the story. The story of Nightmare Moon. They don't know all about her dark past. Knowledge aged a thousand years is being unearthed. The one digging learns a life changing secret and a forgotten past threatens her new life.

Who is Twilight Sparkle?

Chapters (2)

Love is a tricky business. Twilight knows this, and the subject has always fascinated her ever since she saw its raw power at her brother's wedding. She is fully prepared to study it in depth... some day. But when Cadance asks her to take part in an experiment that could revolutionize love in Equestria, Twilight realizes that day has come sooner than expected.

If you had a clock that could count down to the moment you meet your soul mate, would you want to know?

Cover art courtesy of Jondor. Go on his page and tell him he's awesome!

Chapters (4)

Scootaloo, an orange pegasus filly. A cutie mark crusader and a wiz on her scooter. What else is known about her? Nopony is certain of where she came from and why it seems that she and her mother Clear Skies just vanish sometimes. What if the truth about Scootaloo is even more unbelievable then anypony thought. What if in reality there is no Scootaloo.
What if, what if the flightless pegasus...
Was somepony everypony loved and respected.
How would everypony react if they knew the truth.
About the alicorn in pegasus coating.
The Alicorn named, Celestia

Awesome artwork done by my talented friend!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Princess that Equestria Never Had

Although this fic is listed as a sequel, you won't be missing anything if you read this fic without reading Never Had.

After traveling through time to stop Starlight Glimmer from changing the course of history, Princesses Celestia and Luna give Twilight Sparkle the opportunity of a lifetime: the chance to study under Star Swirl the Bearded himself! Nothing can go wrong with such a powerful time travel spell in such capable hooves. Twilight knew there was something familiar about Clover the Clever when she read the Journal of the Two Sisters, but she never knew exactly how familiar.

Based off a theory developed by DRWolf001 and written with his permission, with additional hypotheses developed by The Brony Notion.

Featured on Aug 14, 2016
Featured on Nov 9, 2016
Featured on Aug 20, 2018

7/4/20 UPDATE: After attending a panel from my friend Vivid Syntax I've decided to mark this story as "complete" and start a new story for the rest of Twilight's time as Clover the Clever. More details in a blogpost.

Chapters (16)

When Twilight visits Celestia's private hall of stained-glass windows, each bearing the image of a long-gone friend, one in particular catches her eye.

Who was this pony?

Why was she so important to Celestia?

And why does she look so familiar?

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna is ready to take on her role as Princess of the Night once again upon the night of the winter solstice. She remains unhappy, though, for her subjects don't seem interested in what the night sky has to offer. Twilight Sparkle must take it upon herself to prove to the princess just how much Equestria loves the stars, and make this the best winter solstice ever.

Chapters (1)

Life is good for Lyra and Bonbon but something is missing. Bonbon wants more, she wants a foal and Lyra is faced with how to give the love of her life what she wants.

The story continues with Curse of the Werepony

Chapters (1)