• Member Since 28th Apr, 2021

Crimson Roads

I hope I don't come off as cringy, or lame, or dumb, or any other thing that I can think of as being bad to be.

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Filly Twilight is teleported far, far away from Celestia. Now Chrysalis has her, and she's fully intent on keeping her.

But maybe the powerful, loving filly is more than Chrysalis expected?

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie preemptively apologizes to Twilight: she's going to ruin their friendship.

Twilight agrees.

Pinkie suits her better as a girlfriend anyway.

Chapters (1)

As it turns out, our planet is the afterlife of a tiny horse world, and my house is super haunted. At least the ghosts are kinda cute, if not a teensy bit annoying.

Cover Art by dstears (slightly edited by me)

Chapters (6)