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One day in Equestria Pinkie visits Fluttershy, but they are soon encountered by a dreadful, dreadlocked, figure. Woolie the Liar!
This story was written for April Fool's Day, so that should give you a good idea of what to expect.

Chapters (1)

Howdy there.

Name's Applejack, and I like to consider myself a simple mare. I had a job on a rock farm, and before that, I was a simple dress-maker. I ain't bein' humble, but those days, nothin' too out of the ordinary really happened to me.

Then I met Earth Pony. She came out of the blue, but she was the sort of pony who could drag you along on anythin'. Lucky for me, I wanted to go, least at first. After that... well, I'll let you read those parts.

This story was written as a commission for someone who wishes to remain anonymous. He or she also provided the cover art, so credit goes goes to the anonymous commissioner of this story.

Chapters (10)