Good 310 stories
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  • Good 310 stories


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He is the Spirit of Chaos.
She is the sole survivor of her world.
He is something new to her.
She is a lonely, creative soul.

During a simple chaotic stroll through the multiverse, Discord finds a sleeping girl in a space pod drifting in the void of space. A girl with a tragic past and nowhere to go and not a friend in her beautiful, lonely world; the reformed draconequus decides to give her refuge, by taking her to the one place that she'll be able to make all the friends she desires. The land of Equestria.

In a world where magic is real and she has no control over what happens, how can one lonely girl cope in a new environment not of her making, and her memories of a past she had long since forgotten.

Shelter/MLP crossover (though, there will be other universes added as well, with MLP being the main focus, obviously.)
And what inspired this story is this

Chapters (5)

Discord, well aware of the trouble that the Cutie Mark Crusaders are known to cause, decides to just go ahead and give them some cutie marks and put an end to their shenanigans. This, he hopes, will get everyone to like him.

Unfortunately, things go awry.

Chapters (1)

Dealing with a sibling can be difficult sometimes, moreso when said sibling is in a bad mood. Just ask Princess Celestia, who has to juggle running an empire while balancing her relations with her younger co-ruling, chronically ill-tempered, inappropriate sister.

Princess Loona's name was always spelled with two o's... right?

This idea came to me during a night of drinking. I decided to follow it because it offered me more vodka.

Rated teen for an inebriated, foul-mouthed hellhound.

Cover art and the character Loona herself are from Vivienne Medrano's (VivziePop) Helluva Boss pilot.

Chapters (1)

AU in where Twilight is a dragon but still is Princess Celestia's student. Twilight has a more logical head on her shoulders and takes her job as a caretaker to Spike more seriously than canon.

motherly!Twilight, manipulative!Celestia

Idea sparked from Winter Quill's stories Growing Up With Scales and Sparkles and Scales

Cover art courtesy of Majestickfire9

Not Beta'ed, all mistakes my own. Don't like? Don't read. Cross-posted on under PlutoMilo

Now being rewritten:

Chapters (46)

Dallas, Chains, Hoxton and Wolf. The four most wanted criminals in Equestria. They've robbed the Equestrian Trustee bank, stolen countless amounts of gold bars, and even robbed a diplomat's mansion. But what happens when they're tasked to steal from the Royal Vault itself? A clusterfuck, that's what.
So this is my first story here on FIMFiction. I apologise for the bad writing. If you guys like it, I might make more chapters. I thought of this story after playing a lot of PAYDAY 2. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Everyone knows the ponies of Equestria are awesome. But what if, when crisis befalls them, they decide to handle things with a little more common sense?

(A How It Should Have Ended Parody)

NOTE: It is highly recommended that you first watch "My Little Pony: The Movie" before reading this fanfic, just to let you know exactly what's going on.

But who am I kidding? If you're here, you've probably already seen it. Even people who hated it have seen it. I'm...actually not sure why I put this note here. I apologize for wasting a few precious moments of your lives by having you read this pointless Author's Note. Here, have a Kirin to make up for it.

FEATURED 02/03/2019 - 02/08/2019

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Iroh share some afternoon tea and sagely advice over a game of Pai Sho.

Credits for original idea and editing go to my good friend Cthulhu.

Credits for the picture go to itcamefrom4chan.

Iroh is a character from Avatar: The Last Airbender, in case anyone didn't know and was wondering.

Chapters (1)

Whilst their younger siblings take part in Equestria's annual royal summit, newly-met Shining Armor and Pharynx find themselves alone in a waiting room, with little to talk about other than what they share in common - a passion for homeland security, and a dorky little brother/sister.

* Cover art by the awesome Doodle-Mark!
* Featured 2/27/19 - 3/4/19!
* Story reading by Skijirama!

Chapters (1)

Time and water have a lot in common.

They erode stone, help plants grow, and follow their own course... usually.

When an unusual tide carries with it a far-flung summer fling, Sunny Starscout discovers an exception to the rule and a mysterious teenage colt who may change her life forever.

A Sunny Starscout x Sandbar shipfic written for the 2022 Crackship Contest.

Thanks to Saddlesoap Opera and Patchwork Poltergeist for their prereading, editing, and support, and a second thanks to Saddles for making the picture for this fic.

Chapters (9)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have always thrown caution to the winds when Crusading. However, their latest endeavor has left one of their number in great pain with no obvious cause.
When Apple Bloom has her injury treated, she realizes that things in her life aren't what they seem. And when she learns the truth...
Some things are hard to deal with. But the love of a family can fix a lot of problems.

Edit: New cover art by Inkheart7 on DeviantArt.

Chapters (9)