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Over the ages, many a wizard has considered the potential for the existence of parallel universes. Often, they've also contemplated what might happen if someone were to cross the line into such a parallel universe- even, how they might do that.

Not one, however, expected that others might come to their world... nor anything that happened after. The first sign they had... was silence in the Owlry.

A rewrite/reimagining of the once popular and now cancelled The Gate, this time with an outline... and a more balanced magic system. And, a different perspective. Should be fun...

Written with the editing assistance of both Gerandakis and Skittlebug.

As always, tags may be updated as the story progresses.

Updates weekly on Tuesdays, or immediately on Patreon... when I have chapters available. Which, in theory, is more often than not.

Chapters (56)

Rarity, following a somewhat rocky introduction, has become a rather welcome member of the upper classes of Canterlot. Living the dream, she eagerly accepts an invitation to an Opera in Canterlot with her new friends Viscount Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur de Lis. Especially since it means meeting a mysterious and somewhat reclusive Baroness that will also be attending.

Naturally, things grow somewhat awkward when she runs into one of her friends... and definitely not in any way she thought she might.

(Note: This is based on a head-cannon I had circa season four. We hadn't met Rainbow's parents yet, and we didn't really know all that much about many of the Mane 6's home lives. I know this isn't canon now, but I just wanted to put this on paper. Quarantine, man.)

Cover image: https://www.pinterest.com/mdhsoccer/
Prereading: Mosanted

Edit: Holy S***. I did not expect this to blow up like this. Thank you all so much!

Chapters (2)

Celestia has given Sweetie Belle a rare opportunity to become an exchange student where she can bring friendship to a whole new world’s students of magic. Elsewhere, Theodore Nott has been given a similar opportunity: turn down his Seventh Year at Hogwarts in order to learn powerful magic from the cursebreakers of the Equestrian Crystal Empire.

Neither of them has the slightest idea what they are about to experience over the next year.

Editors: Tek, Peter, Charles H
Cover art from Florida's Harry Potter World at night.

Chapters (15)

Sometimes one's pride is the best motivation to overcome one's fears.

Princess duties are very tiring. When a princess has a bad day, it's usually a really bad day.

Sunset experiences the first, Celestia the second.

They meet thanks to Rainbow Dash and failed teleportation.

Chapters (2)

Nightmare Night, the perfect time to cut loose and go wild! Or so Rainbow Dash thinks; Fluttershy, not so much. So when Rainbow pays her a tame, friendly visit, she stumbles upon a Discord tea party and - amid all the usual draconequus nonsense - wonders how he'd take to the holiday of horror.

Originally designed as a contestant for FlutterDash Contest #4: Nightmare Night, What a Fright!

Partially written for National Pony Writing Month 2017.

Chapters (8)

Nightmare Moon's return was cause for a lot a fear and panic. A lot of Chaos. Isn't it possible, nay probable, that all of that might have reached a certain draconequus statue? A certain draconequus that, once free, is a bit confused about what happened, and decides to investigate into who alicorn-napped Celestia and stole his shtick. When he realizes its Luna as what he dubs "The Eternal Prom Night Queen" (among other things) that's when things get interesting.

Watch how things unhold for the Mane 6, the Princesses, and all of Equestria when Discord not only gets free during Nightmare Moon's return, but also playing a major role in stopping her and saving the day. And seriously, what now, princess? Going to stone the hero while pardoning the villain?

This will be a Rewrite of the series. Don't worry though, Discord may seem nicer than he should be, but he is more curious than anything.

PS I'm honestly not sure if I'm using the correct tags, so they may or may not change in later chapters.
PSS Not sure how important this is, but I've seen other authors list it:
Featured December 26-31, 2015

Chapters (3)

Deciding to check up on his defeated foes, Discord is hit by the memory spell meant for Rainbow Dash. As a result, Twilight now knows Discord better than he knows himself- including the man he use to be. The memories of a hero, buried under the mind of a confused and lonely immortal.

His past is bleeding into his present and Twilight refuses to let him be turned to stone. Thus, in one form or another, the world will once more know its greatest savior: Naruto Uzumaki.

But Twilight is not the only one aware of the ancient past......

AN First ever Naruto-is-Discord fic.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to A Phoenix Beyond the Veil - The Philospher's Stone

Well over a year after a calibration fault in the mirror portal sent Sunset Shimmer to a world she had not planned for, she continues learning the magic of this new world. Between diplomatic overtures and magical endeavors, new complications arise.

Once more, Hogwarts opens its doors for young witches and wizards, unaware of an ancient threat slumbering beneath the school. Will it be awakened?

NOTE: As of right now, I find myself burned out on writing this story. The continuity introduces too many little mistakes and things add up. I may eventually rewrite the entire series and hopefully do a better job of it, but for now this is all there is.

Chapters (13)

Harry Potter had the (mis?)fortune to fall through a portal to the Everfree near Ponyville. He was transformed into a unicorn, to his surprise. After being found, Twilight Sparkle took him in as an orphan, and to learn more about him as he learned more about Equestria. His adventures there are another story. This story is about what happens when he is pulled back to the human world by the Goblet of Fire when he is fourteen.

Finding himself back in the human world is bad enough, but also to discover he has an unbreakable magical contract to compete in a Tournament that is known for the deaths of the competitors is just icing on the cake. What else can go wrong?

(Not a continuation of “If Wishes Were Ponies . . .”)
Scheduled posts on Monday and Thursday (UTC-4)

Edited by gerandakis. Picture by Quinn Kepner, from an image in the MLP comics.
Made the Featured List with Chapter 1! Hurray! And Popular Stories list on 9/14! A second Hurray!
And every 100 up votes gets an early release of the next chapter.

Chapters (29)

Naruto and his best friend and rival Sasuke have failed the elemental nations,everyone is dead except them and the tailed beasts, they started creating races, animals, new source of power, magic, which is essentially powered by emotions, they were made into history, which made into stories, which made into legends, which made into myths. They took any chakra consuming and scrolls mentioning and hid them in places very hard to find.

Chapters (7)