• Published 9th Sep 2019
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The Triwizard Pony - tkepner

When he was nine, Harry became a unicorn when he fell through a portal into the Everfree Forest outside Ponyville. Now, the Goblet of Fire has hauled him back to Hogwarts, still as a unicorn. A unicorn taught by Twilight.

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Ch. 25 — Belated Inspiration

Ch. 25 — Belated Inspiration

«Discord swears he would never do anything to harm the Cutie Mark Crusaders.» Fluttershy proudly informed her friends. «He said they’re the next best thing to him in creating chaos out of nothing. He’d sooner give up chaos than do anything that would cause them pain. Plus, he reminded me he had promised never to deliberately hurt any ponies with anything he might or might not do. Especially if they were friends of mine.» She hung her head down low. «He was rather offended that we thought he would harm them.»

Twilight sighed and looked at her other friends. That pretty much closed that avenue of investigation. They could only hope it was something innocuous that the three fillies had gotten themselves into. Missing-pony bulletins had been sent to every corner of Equestria and beyond, asking for information about them. Although, she had to smirk, all they really had to do was watch the news reports for unexplained explosions and incidents involving three fillies.

«I did ask about Harry, again,» she added. «He still insists he had nothing to do with Harry disappearing. When I asked if he could find Harry, or knew where he was, Discord said that there are some things in which for him to express an interest might change those things — the observer effect, he called it, something about Schrödinger’s cat —,» she looked very puzzled for a moment, «and not for the better. Too much chaos simply becomes destruction.» She looked slightly frightened at the prospect.

Applejack stared at her. «That’s not ominous at all, is it girls?» She looked over at Twilight and the others, wide-eyed.


The Chinese Fireball dragon studied Harry coldly for a moment, then let a small bit of smoke curl from her nostrils. §I did not expect to see you again, pony,§ she said aloofly. §Nor with two-legs.§ She glared at the two wizards on brooms. §Nor two-legs with wings?§ She studied the three girls carefully.

§The two-legs with wings are my betrothed. They wear the semblance of the two legs to better fit in with them than I do — the wings are temporary.§ He paused. §I had to see you again,§ he said, §to thank you and the other three for your performances during the task. It was truly a surprise, and tricked the two-legs completely.§

He wasn’t sure, but he thought she might have blushed. She turned her head to the side for a moment and inspected the tiny valley far below. §Yes, it was rather well-planned, wasn’t it?§

§Have your eyes recovered completely? I do so apologize for him hurting you like that. I never dreamed he would start with such a hurtful curse.§ He smirked. §Although, you did give him a rather nice and thorough roasting. I admire your restraint in not simply eliminating him in retaliation.§

She scowled and let out a blast of fire to one side.

He could hear the others behind him crying out in surprise.

§I should have roasted him, but the two-legs get extremely upset when any of us kill the annoying excrements. And who knows what they might have done to my eggs if I had?§ A dense cloud of smoke drifted from her nostrils. §He survived, then did he?§ she said with more than a hint of regret.

§Yes. He’s completely recovered, now. But it took far longer than your eyes did, I’d wager.§

She nodded.

§Anyway,§ he said, §I have a thank you gift for you to add to your hoard.§

She growled and glared at the wizards behind him. §They don’t allow us to have a hoard. We cannot forage as we used to.§

Harry backwinged in shock. §That cannot be!§ he exclaimed.

She nodded sadly and rested her chin on the ledge a moment. §We each have only a tiny bit. What we have managed to scavenge or were gifted from our mothers or partners.§

He shook his head in dismay. That meant his present would radically shake things up here. But, be that as it may, he owed the four dragons. §May I land and add my gift to your hoard?§

Moments later, he was using his wand, at the far back of the cave, to guide the arc of gold rocks from his trunk to the floor, and unshrinking it in the process. He carefully avoided the nest of eggs at one side.

The dragon watched, gobsmacked.

§It is only five tons,§ he explained. §A ton more than what I will give the other three because you suffered so at the wand of Victor Krum. I hope it pleases you.§

The dragon had spread the gold out and was almost wallowing in it. §It is real gold!§ she exclaimed, after eating one of the rocks.

It was so small in comparison to her mouth, he had to shake his head in amazement that she could make such a definitive statement.

§And pure!§

Her taste buds have to be amazing.

If a dragon could purr, he was sure she would have.

She wriggled happily. §And it feels so good!§ She sighed and another dense cloud of smoke came out.

Harry unobtrusively cast the bubble-head spell. Then he shrank his trunk and stowed it back under his armour in the pocket for incidentals.

§I shall take my leave, now, dragon mother,§ he said as he bowed deeply, chin almost on the ground.

She gently pushed a small portion of the gold over to her eggs, and tenderly started to pack it around them, breathing small flames to warm the eggs and melt the gold to flow around them and better retain the heat.

He turned and headed back to the front of the cave.

Behind him, he heard her say, §Dragon and pony against the world, pony. Dragon and pony against the world. If you ever need my help, again, just ask.§

He turned back to her and bowed deeply. §I thank you for that offer, dragon mother, . . .§ he tilted his head inquiringly.

§Slow Charm, pony,§ she interrupted him, §my name is Slow Charm.§

Harry paused a second. §Thank you for your friendship, Slow Charm. My name is Hairy Hard-slick-ground Sparkle.§ He suppressed a grimace, his first names didn’t translate well. Fortunately, no pony or wizard would ever hear it. The dragons, naturally, wouldn’t care.

§Oh, I almost forgot. The stupid two-legs never knew of the noble language of dragons. Now that I have told them of it, they wish to learn it to converse with you. Or arrange a method of communication.§ He smiled slyly. §Maybe you could trade lessons for gold?§

She looked back at him and smirked.

§The tall, red-headed two-legs is a friend of mine,§ Harry continued, §He might be able to arrange something . . . advantageous?§

They shared grins. Then he turned and went back to the cave entrance. He heard her chuckling happily behind him, interspaced with what she considered “gentle” blast-furnace-like flames.

The other three dragons were equally pleased with their gifts, and he left each as she began rearranging her nest.

Director Dalca was convinced that he really could talk with the dragons.

There seemed to be an awful lot of bugling coming from the mountains behind them as they returned to the wizards’ headquarters late that afternoon.

Relations between dragons and wizards were about to take a dramatic shift.

That evening, at dinner, he told the dragon wranglers the names of the four dragons he had met, and that he had told them the wizards wanted to communicate. “Why don’t you set up a translation board?” he suggested. “You can record words I say, then link them to words on the board. That way, anyone can ‘speak’ the language without actually having to learn it. Then, as you get more experience, you can have the dragons record words for you until you have a complete spoken dictionary.”

By the end of the next day, he was sorry he had said anything because he was so hoarse from recording all the commands and questions the wizards wanted to be able to say.

The next day, they had twice as many.

Still, he found time to pull Charlie aside. “Look, Charlie, these dragons don’t have hoards worth mentioning. And a dragon without a hoard is a pitiful sight. They eat some of the gold for nutritional reasons, and measure their position in their society by how big it is.” He smirked. “They spend a good deal of their time and energy gifting and stealing some from each other, so I imagine you’ll find they spend less time annoying you and the other wizards.”

Charlie shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. “Our budget would never hold up to giving the dragons gold, Harry. We just can’t do that.” He continued to shake his head sadly. “I’d like to do that, but . . . .” He spread his arms, hands up, in a ‘what can I do?’ position with a questioning expression on his face.

Harry grinned. “I can’t explain right now, but you really need to talk with Ron, in person, and explain your problem. He might be able to help.”

Charlie gave him a sceptical look.

“Honest, Charlie. Make the time. You won’t regret it! And it will partially solve your problem.” He paused a moment and smirked. “And in a year or so, you’ll be running this place.”

Charlie folded his arms over his chest and gave him a very sceptical look.

Harry just laughed. “Remember, everyone disbelieved that dragons had a language.”

After a further moment’s stare, the wizard pursed his lips and sighed. “Okay. I’ll see if I can get the last weekend of Easter Hols off for a visit home.” He stared at Harry. “You better not be pranking me just to get me to visit the family,” he threatened.

Harry grinned. “No problem. Just tell Ron I said it was important to share.”

Shaking his head in resignation, the red-head slowly walked off, muttering to himself.

Meanwhile, the Crusaders had decided that because they were now in human form, and humans didn’t seem to have cutie-marks but they were transformed ponies, that maybe they could get a second cutie mark as “dragon wranglers.”

Logic was not one of their strong suits.

It was more than passingly strange to see big and burly grownups with tattoos and scars getting nervous at the sight of the three young teenagers approaching their work areas. Many simply adopted the attitude that whatever they had been doing was finished and they quickly vacated the premises.

The dragons seemed to think the fillies’ investigations and attempts were hilarious, and the fillies made several friends among the younger preadolescent dragons. The lack of direct communication did not seem to be an issue.

Several forest fires, two destroyed sheds, a collapsed cliff, a flooded pasture, several traumatized sheep, goat, and cow herds, and a bunny-rabbit stampede later, Director Dalca declared the three to be honorary Dragon handlers, and gave them patches to sew onto their robes. He also gave them a set of official Dragon Handler books from the Sanctuary, and stated that while the three had interned at the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary, unfortunately, the Reserve wouldn’t have any opening for the next few decades, until after his retirement. “However, I will,” he said as rubbed his hands together gleefully, “be happy provide you with letters of introduction to any Dragon Reserve at which you might apply for a job.”

The fillies were thrilled and honoured. As a result, the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary experienced their very first Harmony song, with Dragons bugling in the background as backup.

The translation boards had become books with the help of a clever artificer, and had several thousand words. Harry lost his voice for a day.

Unfortunately, they returned to Hogwarts without any new cutie marks.

۸- ̫ -۸

The next six weeks at school passed quickly. The Crusaders determined they had discovered all the hidden passages and rooms in the castle — a feat no one else had accomplished in the last thousand years. Harry had the feeling that maybe a few of those hidden passages hadn’t been there six months ago, as one led directly from the Gryffindor Common Room to the attic where the herd of miniature Aethon flying horses had settled. It was only one short flight of stairs — down — which wouldn’t even have made it to the floor below. It was, Scootaloo declared, quite convenient.

She was really getting into teaching them the tricks that she had learned as a cadet in the Equestrian Weather Service — and a few tricks Rainbow had taught her about flying. She had never seen a group of ponies look so disbelieving as when she sat-up with her legs crossed while flying around the attic. They kept glancing from their own wings to hers and back, while tentatively flapping them.

It was also Scootaloo who had made those discoveries possible. They had been in the Room of Lost Things, which was now almost completely empty and barely the size of one of the dorm rooms — taking a break between studying. They had been discussing the passages and rooms they had found. She had looked around, and petulantly said, “Well, I want to see the other rooms we haven’t found. I know there have to be at least one or two.”

Sweetie Belle had said, “I don’t think there are any we haven’t found. I mean, we’ve even scoured the attics!”

Scootaloo had hovered around the room. “Yeah, but we would’ve never found Salazar’s Chamber if it hadn’t already been opened. There must be some rooms we haven’t found! What about the other founders? I want to find the other rooms!” She stomped her foot on the floor.

Only a few moments later, thirteen doors had appeared along one wall.

One led to the previously unknown ‘Rowena’s Library’ — really just her office, apparently, but that’s what everyone else was calling it; the next, to ‘Godrick’s Armoury’ — mostly medieval weaponry for defence of the castle, but now in dire need of cleaning and polishing, except for the goblin weapons, of course; and a third to ‘Helga’s Hothouse’ — a greenhouse on the roof where she had kept copious records of the seeds and plants she had brought to Hogwarts. All three locations had the founders’ personal diaries and notes, as well as small libraries. Four doors led to rooms that held nothing more than dust. The other six led to various areas in the castle, including one room that had a really odd mirror in it. The door from the Room of Requirement disappeared as they entered the middle of each hidden passage from it, meaning they had to keep returning to the Room of Requirement and starting over.

The Daily Prophet had been furious that three “foreigners” had discovered what everyone had been searching for for generations. Instead, they played up that Harry Potter, and to a minor degree Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, and Luna Lovegood, had been the discoverers. The three fillies’ efforts had been relegated to a small paragraph at the very end of a long article, all by itself, at the bottom of a back page as the last “continued” part of the article. In print half the size of regular. In German.

A steady parade of ministry officials and historians had been to the school to inspect the finds. Harry had received a medal, Order of Merlin, Third Class, which he had promptly tossed into his trunk and forgotten. Hermione had been scandalized, both at the treatment of the fillies by the ministry and by his treatment of the medal.

Ron told him that Charlie had been promoted at the Dragon Sanctuary, he was now Assistant Director. And that the dragons’ diet had been significantly upgraded — they looked healthier, too! They certainly weren’t as ornery with the wizards as they used to be. Things were a lot calmer, except for the normal squabbles between the dragons. Which, oddly enough, seemed to have intensified. The Dragons, strangely, were happier in general as a result.

There was even a rumour, according to Charlie, that the Romanian wizarding government was going to give him a medal for revealing the dragons’ language and the subsequent improvements at the Sanctuary and in relations between the two species.

And a few wizards had been roasted trying to steal some of the dragons’ gold, but nobody wanted to talk about that.

۸- ̫ -۸

In response to Professor McGonagall’s directions after classes in the last week of May, Harry made his way at nine o’clock that night to the Quidditch field. He was transfigured into a person. He studied the stands that he had been told was where they played that strange game as he approached. He arrived in time to hear Cedric’s outraged exclamation, “What have they done!?”

The field between the stands was crisscrossed in every direction with what looked like tightly-packed low walls. As he got closer, he saw that they were actually hedges. He didn’t understand why Cedric was so upset. It wasn’t as if they played quidditch on the ground. It could be a field of rocks, weeds, or water, and it would have no effect on the game, or players, at all.

As he bent down to examine the hedge, he heard a cheery voice call, “Hello there!” He looked up. It was Ludo Bagman. He was standing with the other two champions, Krum and Fleur, in the middle of the field.

Harry and Cedric made their way to the three.

After explaining the maze, and objective, the Triwizard Cup, Bagman said, “You have to enter the maze through the proper entrance. Once inside,” he glanced at Harry, “you won’t be able to fly out of the maze, so no taking shortcuts.” Then came the order of the champions. Harry was first, of course.

Harry nodded. It was no secret he liked to use the wings spell. He had no doubts that all three of the other champions had readily mastered that spell, too.

As they started back, Victor pulled Harry aside and asked to speak to him. Surprised, but not having a reason to say “no,” Harry agreed. The Bulgarian started to lead Harry away from the others

Bagman looked slightly upset for some reason. His offer to wait for Harry explained it. He wanted a word with Harry, even though, as a judge, he shouldn’t be talking alone with any of the four champions.

“No thanks, it’s not a problem, Mr. Bagman,” replied Harry politely, “I’m pretty sure I can find the castle on my own.” It was becoming harder and harder to put up with the stupidity of the adult wizards. The children, he could understand. They were still learning and finding their way in life. The adults? They had no excuse for the dumb things they said and did. He shook his head. It seemed as if every interaction he had with an adult wizard, or witch, that wasn’t in a classroom, merely proved the voice in his head — which persisted in calling them stupid — was right.

He was torn between learning all he could of wand magic, here, or just getting shot of the stupidity continuously on display and going home. Well, when he could go home.

A pony saying something like that would be doing so out of prey instincts — never get separated, always stick with the crowd, two ponies could watch in all directions, three was even better, and so forth.

But people? Predators followed the philosophy of the loner. Company meant competition, not reassurance that nothing could sneak up behind you. Predators were even more nervous with company composed primarily of strangers — one of whom might betray them at any moment.

Still, Harry knew that Victor had nothing untoward in mind. Directly attacking a fellow champion outside of the tasks would lead to retaliation by the Goblet of Fire. However, being led closer to the forest made him a bit nervous. He slowed and transformed back to a pony and dropped back to all-fours. Krum frowned, but said nothing at the change.

He kept a close watch on his surroundings as Krum queried him about Hermione.

Harry didn’t know whether to be flattered or insulted that the Quidditch star thought he might be involved with the witch. Hadn’t he heard that Harry was affiancéd to the three fillies? He shook his head. How could the wizard believe the garbage that the Daily Prophet liked to print? The writers of that rag had Harry paired up with half the school’s witches. He sighed. It looked like Victor was well on his way to being a stupid wizard.

After reassuring the Bulgarian that there was no romantic interest between the colt and Hermione, they were about to head back when Harry heard a movement in the forest.

Reacting instantly, Harry went up on his rear hooves, pulled his wand and readied a shield spell for his horn. Simultaneously, he pushed back on the other wizard, herding him from the trees.

“Vot is it?” said Krum, looking back and forth between Harry and the forest as he copied Harry and pulled out his wand.

Before Harry could say anything, a man staggered out from behind a thick oak.

It was Mr. Crouch, and he looked terrible. He looked as though he had been traveling for days. He was unshaven, grey with exhaustion, and his face scratched and bleeding in places. His normally neat hair and moustache were neither. His robes were ripped and bloody. His behaviour was equally unusual. He acted as if he were talking to someone that no one else could see — he muttered and gestured wildly. He reminded Harry of a tramp he had once seen, a very long time ago. He’d been scared and curious, at the time.

“Isn’t he von of the judges?”

“Mr. Crouch, do you need help?”

The man staggered and fell to his knees.

Harry and Victor moved forward, closer to the man. Harry kept a close watch on the trees, eyes flicking from shadow to shadow, ears swivelling to and fro to find and track the slightest sound, and his nose, raised sniffing and twitching, for any betraying smells in the air.

Mr. Crouch gasped. He reached out and weakly grabbed Harry’s robes. “Dumbledore!” He dragged Harry closer, his eyes stared into the forest. “See . . . Dumbledore. . . .”

Harry gave the wizard a quick glance. “Okay,” he said. He took a deep breath. He would have to carry the man, he was in no shape to go anywhere on his own.

Mr. Crouch wheezed painfully. “Stupid . . . stupid . . . thing . . . I . . . .” He looked absolutely mad. A trickle of spittle slid down his chin. Every word he spoke seemed to cost him a terrible effort. “Tell . . . Dumbledore . . . .” His eyes bulged out and rolled.

It was but a quick moment to cast mobilicorpus and grip his wand in his teeth as he ran on all fours for the infirmary, towing the mumbling madman behind him.

Dead . . . Bertha . . . my fault . . . dead . . . ,” Mr. Crouch said faintly.

Harry stampeded into the infirmary, yelling, “Madam Pomfrey! Madam Pomfrey!” around the wand.

“What?” said the matron as she came out of her office. She gasped at seeing the man floating behind Harry. “Put him on that bed!” she ordered, pointing, before rushing back into her office. She almost immediately returned with an armload of potions. She dumped them on the table beside the bed and started casting diagnostic charms. “Start casting episkey on every cut you can see,” she directed, as she poured a potion down the wizard’s throat.

The aimless mumbling tapered off with a final, “Stronger . . . so very . . . Harry Potter . . . the Dark Lord . . . .”

Krum came staggering into the ward a bit later, breathing hard, followed soon after by the Headmaster and Professors Snape and Moody.

While Madam Pomfrey tended her patient, Harry and Victor told them all they had heard and seen.

By the time they had finished, so had she.

“Well, he’s asleep for now. Poor man’s exhausted. I’ve healed all his injuries and given him a Dreamless Sleep potion. Hopefully, when he wakes in the morning, he’ll be more coherent and can tell us what happened to him.”

“I’ll keep an eye on him, tonight,” Moody growled.

“I think we should alert the Aurors,” Harry said. “He is a ministry official and he’s obviously been attacked.” He glanced at the growling Mad-Eye. “It is unfair to Professor Moody to expect him to have handled classes today and then do more tomorrow after staying awake all night to watch over Mr. Crouch.”

The Headmaster looked at Harry, eyes twinkling. “Surely you don’t expect the man to be attacked here in Hogwarts, in the Hospital Ward?”

Harry stared back levelly. “If an agent of Voldemort . . . ,”

Madam Pomfrey, and a few others who had snuck in, gasped.

“. . . can sneak in — and stay here for an entire year — as happened twice, two and three years ago, and then last year, one actually attacked a student in his bed, without you noticing he was here, what makes you think it can’t, or hasn’t, happened again?”

Moody chuckled. “The boy has you there, Albus.”

It was clear that the Headmaster did not like that reminder.

“Hm. Yes, Perhaps I should alert the Aurors,” he said quietly, stroking his beard.

Harry just stared at him. As the leader of what he had been told was the “good” side of magic, the wizard had a rather lax view of the law and his own responsibilities to maintain peace in a castle full of children. He seemed to think the law didn’t matter, here, only his opinion.

After they had stood quietly for several moments, waiting for a decision of some kind, Madam Pomfrey announced, from her office door, “The Aurors will be here shortly. I called them through the emergency floo.”

Harry raised an eyebrow in surprise. Someone had actually done something?

The next hour was an exercise in tedium as Harry was repeatedly questioned by two different aurors. Victor was not spared, either.

They decided that moving the sleeping Mr. Crouch to St. Mungo’s was unnecessary. It likely would make it easier for an agent of the Dark Lord to get to the wizard, they concluded. Instead, they left a two-person team to take turns throughout the night watching over the sleeping man.

It was a very tired colt who wandered into his dorm well after the normal curfew to find his three filly friends waiting for him, and not just a little worried that he had been out for so long.


Harry was not surprised to hear that Mr. Crouch was apparently insane, now. Whatever the wizard or witch had done to him had destroyed his mind. He seemed worse than he had the night before, lost in world that hadn’t existed for at least five years. Apparently, he had been obliviated as part of his torture.

Only occasionally was he coherent enough to string together a sentence that had a noun that agreed with a verb. Or respond to a question with more than one or two word answers that might even have been related to the question — if you struggled hard enough to link them.

Unfortunately, he had a reputation for "fighting fire with fire" while he had been the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement during the first wizarding war in England. His rigid application of the law had made him many enemies, many of whom were not in Azkaban. No one knew where to start looking for a more specific motive.

He was transferred to St. Mungo’s Janus Thickey Ward, which was responsible for long-term treatment of spell damaged wizards and witches.

The remaining weeks running up to the third task were filled with revising and practicing magic. Harry had finally completed the Seventh Year textbooks, and started on the more esoteric books that he knew would be useful when he returned home — magical healing spells and potions headed the list, followed by the intricacies of making wands, floo operation, portkeys, disapparition and apparition, the Undetectable Expansion Charm, and runes.

Harry, Sweetie Belle, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna surprised everyone by deciding to take the O.W.L.s for D.A.D.A., Charms, and Transfigurations when the schedule was posted, especially the three Hogwarts witches. The three witches had been working with Harry and his tutors whenever they weren’t in their regular classes, which gave them an advantage that none of their peers could match. It was also risk-free for them because they were taking them ahead of their year-groups. If they didn’t get good grades this year, they could retake the tests next year.

The O.W.L. exams were as brutal as everyone had told them, they discovered, starting the Monday before the third task. Even with the help of Hayscartes’ Method, the detail requested in the exams was daunting. The practicals were much easier than Harry had anticipated, but then again he had been practicing with the sixth and seventh year spells, which built on those of the earlier years.

Strictly speaking, Harry didn’t have to take the exams as he was exempted from them. Just being a Triwizard Tournament Champion was a free pass on the N.E.W.T.s for all the subjects he had “officially” taken. Taking the N.E.W.T.s also meant an automatic pass in the O.W.L.s. Still, he wanted to know how well he measured in comparison to the other students.

He was sure, from their practice sessions, that the fillies would all perform admirably. Honestly, if Sweetie Belle got just an Average in the three wanded courses, he would be deliriously happy. For himself, he was hoping for Exceeds Expectations. Only taking the tests would tell.

He expected the three witches to hit Exceeds Expectations on each of D.A.D.A., Charms, and Transfigurations simply because the three had the benefit of three and four years of magic by this time.

Their performances were all due to their tutors, he knew. He had sufficient stocks of gold easily to reward the two students with a ton each — he had had to do something to amuse himself after showing his friends his runes in the mountains. Amusingly, they had discovered, as he knew would happen, that they spent more time fetching rocks as sources than waiting for the transfer.

Unfortunately, they would have to wait until next week to discover how they had done in the tests. In the meantime, Hermione was obsessing over the tests they had taken. She asked everyone she could pigeon-hole what they had answered for certain questions she wasn’t positive she had gotten correct. That, and wring her hands while she fearfully stated she was sure she had failed everything and that she shouldn’t have taken the tests early.

Ginny reassured the rest of the group that this was normal behaviour for the witch. Harry starting in again on the sixth-year textbooks managed to distract her some, as he suggested she could get an early start on next year.
