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This is a story about a journey across time, space, and some other strange dimensions that I don't have time to go into right now. It is a story of six... no, wait, eleven... no, it's... it's a story about quite a lot of ponies, let's put it that way. It is a story about those ponies, and the trials they face, the friendships they form, the pumpkins they ignore for no discernible reason. It is a story of betrayal, of hope, and all the cliché things that really good stories are made of. But for now, it is none of that. As far as we are concerned, this is a story about a young filly and her friends, and a game they play together...

Author's Note: Hey everypony! This is my first fic (or at least, the first fic I've ever submitted) so please rate and comment telling me what I could do better!

Just to clarify, this is a MLP / Homestuck crossover. There will be OCs, there will be lazily imported Homestuck mechanics, but hopefully there will also be entertainment to be had.

Chapters (46)

"Like two peas in a pod we did everything together!" sang Twilight in the season finale. But what if she was letting on more than everyone else knew? What if Twilight really was a pea?

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is fed up of her unrequited love for Rainbow Dash. She has decided that the time has come to reveal the passion she has kept hidden for so long - but how? There is only one sane, logical way to do this.

She must become a cloud.

Nothing can go wrong.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was just cruising through life, one cupcake at a time. However, after a freak encounter in the kitchens of Sugarcube Corner, the pegasus finds herself faced with something she's never encountered before: love.

However, this is not your average love story. For you see, the object of her affection isn't some handsome stallion with a windswept mane and gorgeous abs. No; her love is a sink.

Now, Rainbow must face the challenges that come with love, all while learning to deal with strange urges, teething children, and dresses.

This fic is also available in French and Italian! Thanks to Bro-Nie and FiMvisible, respectively, for their hard work.

A big thanks to Golden Vision and Pav Feira, my editors! This fic would be even worse without them!

Chapters (1)

From waking up to burnt toast, to being accused of cheating on the biggest test of the year, Sweetie Belle's day goes from bad to worse. When Rarity pushes her over the edge, Sweetie finds that she just can't take it. The pain, the sorrow, the disappointment... But when she finds an ancient magic in the Everfree Forest, she's faced with a choice. She can either go on feeling everything, or she can never feel anything ever again. Anything would be better than the pain she feels now... right?

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo has never talked much about herself. Nopony knows her family, or has visited her home. But she has one big secret she's never told anypony... especially Rainbow Dash.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom is tired of being on her own. With time stopping for nopony and a great, bright beacon calling to her, the little earth pony makes one of the hardest decisions of her life, and embarks on one last crusade with her friends.

However, one friend is not so quick to accept the truth. Can a certain little white filly learn to cope with the thing she fears most - saying goodbye?

Chapters (1)