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While going out for a drive, a young woman named Cassy becomes inexplicably lost in a strange new world beyond her imagining. The fact that she has also somehow been unwillingly turned into a weird spider monster is not helping either, especially as far as a few of the locals are concerned.
And she only has so many cigarettes.

This story is a comment-driven tale, wherein the events that take place throughout are decided by the readers themselves.
Conflicting tags: Adventure/Slice of Life. Potentially many others, but that remains to be seen as of now.
T rating for some tobacco use, particularly early on, though I don't necessarily endorse it.
Cover art by yours truly.
Also it is a Displaced

Chapters (6)

Long has it been the duty of the chosen Undead and Ash to Link the Fire, and keep the flame alive with their sacrifice. But now that this Sentinel has fulfilled his duty, what more lies beyond the Kiln? New horizons await in a distant land filled with strange magical creatures that he has never seen.

First story on Fimfiction! Been a while since I wrote anything, hope you like it.
Update: I have decided the story will take place before the end of Season 7.
[Featured on the Front Page, 11/26/18] UM, I HIT THE FRONT PAGE, THANKS GUYS :pinkiegasp:
[Featured on the Front Page, 11/25/19] Less than an hour after updating and it's back in the feature box :pinkiegasp: MyThanks.jpeg

Chapters (2)

A good story lets you immerse yourself into the world it creates. A great story is one you don't even realize you're in until it's over. But what about the stories where the characters come to life?


How about one that's a little more than just a story.

A tale of a human who has found himself in an unfamiliar world, years off in technology from his own, in a town called Canterlot... but not that Canterlot.


A human in Equestria story with a twist.


Cover Art by PillowRabbit! Go visit their FIMFiction Page for their info!
Edited by:
Something new to add, hopefully. Always welcome for criticism and suggestions.

Original Chapters:
Google Docs

Chapters (10)

The Indoraptor.

A monster of the future, bred from creatures of the past. The brainchild of rogue geneticist and former Jurassic World scientist Dr. Henry Wu. A hybridized super-predator designed solely for combat and warfare. A killing machine in every sense of the word.

And now one of them is in Equestria, a land of talking, magic, pastel-colored ponies, where it is being cared for by a pegasus named Fluttershy, the sweetest, shyest, most easily frightened thing imaginable.

They say opposites attract, but this definitely takes the cake...

(Crossover with Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom)

Chapters (1)

It was just a week before Christmas. Sunset Shimmer has finally broke. The anonymous cyberbully a.k.a. Anon-a-Miss has exposed the private secrets of her HuMane Six friends on MyStable, friendships have been broken and severed by these claims, lives have been ruined, and all the evidence that coincided with the HuMane Six's secrets are falsely pointed at Sunset Shimmer. What's worse is that everyone in the school, including her friends, have turned on her, leaving her alone and despondent. What's even more worse is that Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria hasn't opened the breach between both the equine world and the human world.

Feeling lower than her defeat during the Fall Formal Incident earlier that year, Sunset Shimmer has given up all hope of trying to talk things over with her former friends, and decided to end it by walking in the December blizzard alone, hoping that the cold would calmly put her out of her misery. Walking along the highway with nothing but her warm clothes and her dreams of friendship crushed, Sunset finally succumbs to hypothermia and sleeps. When she woke up, Sunset knew that she didn't perish. Instead, a kind and generous soul had saved her from salvation, a kind and generous soul who hides a dark past within his memories. When Sunset asks him why he couldn't have let her die in the blizzard, it only took a few sentences out of him to make her realize that he wasn't so different after all. That he was a kindred spirit much like her own.

That's when Sunset decided to spend her first Christmas with her savior, which unfolds into a tale of how two distant yet kindred souls could change their lives for the better. What can more be said for Canterlot High when the scandals of Anon-a-Miss continues to spread through the hallways like an infectious virus, or when some unsavory figures from Sunset's savior's past decided to rear their ugly heads?

Rated T for suicide attempts.

I do not own any of the characters.

All rights preserved to Hasbro, Inc. and Lauren Faust.

Cover art by DNKovic

Chapters (4)

When do you say goodbye to a friend? Is it when they leave or when you have forgotten them? If you hold your friends close to your heart, you will never say goodbye.

Summer vacation has arrived and Sunset Shimmer finds herself alone. Her only friends are busy with their own summer plans leaving Sunset to figure out what one does when they are alone. A chance encounter with a strange, blank book changes that. Now she will help a friend rediscover that a friend kept in your heart is never really gone. And perhaps she will learn a bit about friendship herself along the way from her new friend of no brain.

Featured 11/3/2015 and 5/3/2016
You guys are awesome!

Now with fan art.
Big thanks to the artist.

Sunset and Pooh by Aku

Chapters (13)

Rover the Diamond Dog has been pack leader for years now, protecting the Diamond Dogs near Ponyville from all manner of threats. He’s made mistakes, such as the time he thought it would be a good idea to kidnap a unicorn to help find gems. But those mistakes don’t change his responsibilities—their pack has a sacred charge, one he will see fulfilled no matter what.

Takes place immediately following “Dog and Pony Show”

This story was inspired by this thread! Probably read the story first, because it’s going to completely spoil what this is about.

Pre-reading by the patient Bitera and Sparktail. Cover by Zutcha.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Celestia Sleeps In

After the accidental discovery of humans, Celestia tasked Lyra with learning about Dale's culture and Dale's language. Two meetings later, a misunderstanding caused Dale and a Coast Guard woman to be inadvertently transported to Equestria. With the two humans hospitalized and communication limited at best, the Equestrians just want to heal them, while back on earth the Coast Guard wants nothing more than to determine what happened to one of their sailors.

Chapters (34)

Living in Equestria under a false name and racial identity is one thing. Finding out you're not the only one of your kind stranded here is another... especially when that someone and the element bearers are looking for you.

Being my first attempt at a first-person romantic comedy, this takes a slightly different approach to the concept of being a human stranded in Equestria.


Big thanks to DVAN56 for editing. Go check out his work!

Chapters (18)

Astrid never expected any of this to happen, nor did she ever want it to happen, especially not to her. Lost in a world that is not her own, trapped in the body of a creature that is not her own, Astrid wants nothing more than to go home.

However, going home may not be an option.

Edited by the fantastic Babroniedadand ShimmerLeaf!

A Displaced Story featuring Legend of Zelda
Conflicting tags: Adventure/Slice of Life
Tags may be added or even changed as the story progresses
Currently not accepting crossovers

Featured on 5/12/17, the very first day! Thanks!

Chapters (9)