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Sunset Shimmer fled from Equestria in search of the destiny that Celestia sought to deny to her. She dreamed of finding great glory and power in a strange new world. But she emerged on the other side of the mirror in a harsh cruel world beset by demons and troubled by division, conflict and racial animus: the world of Remnant.

Now, years later, Sunset has completed her studies at Canterlot Combat School and is ready to attend Beacon Academy. She hopes that in the more progressive Kingdom of Vale her appearance as a pony faunus will not be held against her the way it was in Atlas, and she can rise as high as her talents permit and seize with both hands the destiny she still yearns for.

Sunset finds herself assigned to lead three fellow freshman at the Huntsman Academy: Jaune Arc, who dreams of becoming a hero elevated above all others; Pyrrha Nikos, a peerless warrior who has everything that Sunset wants and hates everything about it; and Ruby Rose, a simpler and more honest soul who simply wants to save as many people as she can, and who might just light the way to their salvation.

Together they are Team SAPR, and together they are plunged into a world of mysteries, magic, allies and enemies, robot girls and Atlasian black ops experiments. It won't be easy, but if they can work together, teach Jaune how to fight and maybe learn to get along as friends along the way, then they might just save the world.

Original Cover Art by Mix-Up
Current Cover Art by MRK50
Now with a TV Tropes page

Also with a Discord Server

Chapters (511)

Luna used to be haunted by dark thoughts of jealousy, but it was her sister who fell to the darkness first. She declared eternal day, before she was banished by the Elements of Harmony, leaving Luna to rule over the land of Equestria, alone.

Now, almost one thousand years later, Luna has taken another personal student under her wing, one with the potential for great things. Luna knows that she will greatly change Twilight Sparkle's life, but has no idea just how greatly Twilight will change hers.

Chapters (14)

It is decided.

Terramar will propose to Autumn Blaze tonight! However, before the engagement pearl and transmogrification necklace can be given, there is an obstacle in the way of their romance.

A big one.

Honestly, it is going to be a royal pain.

(Please read this entire long description for more info on terms and romantic ships in this story!)

*If there is enough demand for it, I will separate the story into chapters. Other tags: adventure, comedy!*

Includes the ships below; All of them except for (Terramar x Autumn, which will be Terramar x Gabby and Autumn Blaze x Fizzle the Dragon) will be included in some of my stories to come, including my future "Next Generation universe.

Terramar x Autumn Blaze
Gallus X Silverstream
Gilda X Gustave Le Grande
Skystar x Arrow the Mermare male (from the Under the Sparkling Sea picture book)

Passing mentions:

Captain Hoofbeard x Jewel the merpony (comics)
Gabby x Boofyball Coach Klaus (from the comics)
Gavin x Giselle (they are background Griffons; the later is part of the one "celebrating Hearth's Warming in the episode The Hearth's Warming Club.)
Sandbar X Yona
Spile x Rarity
Twilight Sparkle x Flash Sentry
Fluttershy x Discord/Celestia x Discord/Fluttershy X Bulk Biceps are mentioned extremely briefly as well, haha.


Character Age Headcanons:

Gallus (15), Silverstream (15)
Terramar (14), Autumn Blaze (18) (Autumn is four years older by one month.)
Gilda (18), Gustave Le Grande (21)
Skystar (16), Arrow (19)
Gabby (16), Boofyball Coach Klaus (21) (Klaus is five years older by one month.)
Gavin (11), Giselle (16)

Don't worry, the younger characters will marry when they are a few years older than they are at the moment! And the age of proposals/marriage (with parental permission) is 15 or 16 in most of these species cultures. (Paralleling where I live.)


Includes a few references to Disney's/Hans Christian Anderson's The Little Mermaid.

This fic has a happy ending despite the fic's genres!

This story takes place three years after Twilight's Sparkle's second coronation. There are also references to the comics and the My Little Pony Movie (G4), so spoiler warning there.

I have never written either Terramar nor Autumn before so I am sorry if I write them out of character/without enough detail on their specific species.

Species gender names in this fic:

Male fish: buck. Female fish: hen. Kid fish: fry/guppy.

Male eagle: male/mate. Female eagle: formel. Kid eagle: hatchling/fledgeling/eaglet.

Male horse/pony: Stallion. Female: mare. Kid: foal/filly.

Group of: Fish: school; Eagles: soar/convocation; Pony/horse: herd.

Hatch-friend= young girlfriend or boyfriend of a hatching. (Young Griffon like the background Griffon Gavin.)

Seaponies and Hippogriffs in the same category - "sea-griffs."


I usually ship Terramar with Gabby Griffon rather than Autumn, but that ship is a common one; I thought this ship would be unique enough for the May Parings contest.

Since Queen Novo acts like an (understandably) overprotective mother hen in this fic, you can think of it as a belated Mother's Day fic, as well as this long fiction having most of the storyline of a Silverstream x Gallus fic I had been going to write (that will be coming next year.)

I have another story on the works as a Father's Day fic. Look forward to that by the end of June! I will post a link here when it is published!

As I said above, I had planned to write a Gallus x Silverstream story - independent of the Parings contest, but I ran out of time to finish it and wrote this instead. Please enjoy this story, I hope it made you laugh and think and hopefully, it tickles the senses!

I could not finish this in time because my brain had too many ideas - and the fic is too long - but this was written for the MerMay 2023, as well as the May Parings contest! Autumn Blaze is decently popular in the contest, this year!

Pretty cover art (though Terramar is shorter than Autumn in this fic.) by the amazing Alexeigribanov

Chapters (1)

At a Hearth's Warming party at Sweet Apple Acres, Tempest Shadow is shown a picture of the Apple parents. And she reveals a terrible truth - she's seen Bright Mac and Pear Butter before, as prisoners of the Storm King.

Neither Tempest nor Applejack even question that they're going to attempt a rescue. But the Citadel of Storms is a long way from Ponyville, and there's the problem of the entire army in their way...

Chapters (13)

In the aftermath of a concert gone royally wrong, Pipp Petals must make her daring escape from the castle alone before she can be arrested along with her mother. When she stumbles across the crown jewel of her kingdom, the smallest princess decides to live up to her duty and protect the family heirloom from any would-be thieves.

At least, that's the plan...

An entry for Bicyclette's A Thousand Words Contest II hosted by the A Thousand Words group.
Edited by: TheAncientPolitzanian
Preread by: Jymbroni
Cover Art: Smol Pipp by Kayle Rustone on Twitter
Now with a YouTube Reading by RainbowInfinityReadings

Chapters (1)

Opaline has been defeated, Misty is finally accepted by Maretime Bay, but everything goes downhill when she confesses to kidnapping Sparky. But surely Hitch will forgive her, it's just a silly dragon. Right?

Contest entry for the A Thousand Words Contest ll in the Drama Category.
Contains strong themes of racism against dragons, implied abuse, and one's imagination of violent scenarios.

Chapters (1)

As a school assignment, Applebloom has to write down a story of what was her fondest memories of her mom and dad, the problem of that is that Applebloom doesn't remember her parents. She doesn't remember anything about them.

So, she decides to consult with the ponies who does remember.

Chapters (3)

Vinyl and Octavia are the best of mare friends. But what happens when a bear threatens to tear them apart? Literally!


A crazy amount of slapstick like in the Tom and Jerry Cartoons, A Dumb Cheesy Romance, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon acting like Themselves, A giant Grizzly Bear whose power level could probably rival Goku, and the worst offense! Vinyl being Mute!

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna weren't always alicorn princesses. When the world needed them most, the alicorns came to be. But while the Royal Sisters have gone down in history as some of the greatest ponies Equestria has ever known, another was neglected. Forgotten. But what was Celestia to do? Alicorn or not, Luna was still just a child. Celestia was only one pony, and she was all Luna had. She had no choice but to focus on her sister during that turbulent time.

Even if it meant abandoning Opaline Arcana.

Chapters (1)

Zipp and Pipp spend a bit of time together to discuses the finer things in life, much to Pipp's annoyance and Zipp's satisfaction.

Just a simple Story. Wasting time while thinking up new stuff.

Pic by Claudio Naccari


Chapters (1)