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A long, long time ago, there was a knight who set out on a noble quest to save a fair maiden and, if possible, slay the dragon keeping her captive.

Only... things don't always go as planned.

Many thanks to the incredibly talented hattonslayden for letting me use this picture for the cover art. Check out his work some time!

Update: featured? Oh my... I feel all tingly inside...

Chapters (1)

One day, Applejack was petrified by a cockatrice in the Everfree forest.
It was a long time before she was ever revived.

A story of moving through lives and the bonds forged in-between.

Was begun before the season four finale, so disregard anything in canon relating to Tirek. He does not exist in this story's timeline.

Thanks to Discord Kantus for prereading.

Now with a reading by Terminal Velocity. Click here to view.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Ponies, Pirates and Peculiar Psychopaths

Chrysalis has been driven out of Canterlot, her invasion defeated. However, an old friend from her time before becoming queen is more than happy to help her succeed with her plans.

Will these two achieve their goals, conquering pony-kind and ruling over them with iron fist and hoof? Or will they be stopped in time, preserving the peace that Equestrian has known for as long as can be remembered? There is more than just dreams of world domination at work, though, this is personal for Chrysalis and her rediscovered assistance.

Hopefully, the line that 'Evil never triumphs' will prove to be correct, or else a drastic change is going to descend upon not just Equestria, but the entire world.

Thanks to Avatar of Madness for the coverart.

Chapters (11)

After a tragic accident claims the lives of Fluttershy and Big Macintosh, Twilight Sparkle begins to grow distant from her remaining friends. She locks herself in her castle and spends her life working on a cure for aging in the hopes her remaining friends can be saved.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie comes up with an idea for the best surprise ever. For three years she works in secret on a surprise for Twilight Sparkle. But Twilight's gift won't be revealed until the last of her friends has passed away.

What kind of surprise could possibly make up for the loss of your best friends?

Chapters (1)

When the guards find a foal crying in the city streets, they bring him to Celestia's attention. Soon after, It becomes apparent he has fallen through every crack in Equestria's society. Feeling she has failed the colt, Celestia takes him into her own home.

Special thanks to my editors: ersmiller and Rinnaul and to my comrades in crazy ideas Exelzior and BionicBrony.

Chapters (30)

One ordinary mare. One never-ending time loop. Infinite ways to die.

How long before she snaps?

Chapters (19)

My name is Nopony. As in, nopony can see me, hear me, or even feel me. The most I get is a shudder as I pass through them. Nopony can tell I am here. Nopony can help me move on. Nopony can hear my story.

For I am a ghost. Stuck to roam this planet until I find peace.

Traducción Española: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Fantasma-990274317

Chapters (9)

After getting blasted by a wave of happiness, Sombra wakes up months later with a completely different personality and is forced to live with the memories of what he did and what he was. However, with a little patience, and a lot of help, maybe he can change that, and become something a bit better.

Story inspired by the coverart, courtesy the lovely GigaSparkle on DeviantArt.

Fun Fact: This is the first story (and currently one of only three) on this website tagged with Redheart and Sombra.

Chapters (28)

Once, long ago, there lived three goddesses atop a mountain, ruling over ponykind in peace and harmony. Until one day, there came a spirit of chaos, bearing a certain gift...

Now featured on Equestria Daily!

Also enjoy a dramatic reading, by Goomba Brony.


Chapters (1)