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In the midst of Equestria's most recent age of peace, just after Princess Celestia puts the finishing touches on her latest gift to her subjects, Twilight Sparkle appears with a strange question about an obscure beast. It's obvious that something else is bothering Celestia's most faithful student, but what?

Chapters (1)

She is the last. All her kin are gone. They'd either been blown apart by the Friendship spell so many ages ago or, in the case of her sister, changed their diet from hate to love. Cryoxia is the last of the windigos, but she is determined to be different, to never go back to those days ever again.

She'll make friendship from hate. She'll adopt an alicorn foal as her sister. She'll take physical form and learn how to move the celestial orbs with her mind. Celestial... has a nice ring to it. And she'll ally with the other nations in the world, establish friendship and preach harmony, no matter how they may diminish her food source. She'll make a world so wonderful that it will starve her to death.

Or die trying.

For antiquity, featured 10/9/14, 10/13/14 -10/16/14

Chapters (3)

It had been a year since Twilight had heard of anything from Trixie after the Alicorn Amulet incident. Unexpectedly, she receives a letter saying that her so called "rival" has tragically died and is requested to be at her funeral.

Thanks to CommanderX5 and Magic Man for editing.

Thanks to Neko-Me for the cover art.

Live Reading by Aria The Brony

Chapters (1)

Cover art by EternalCha0s

Coauthor: Darksonickiller

Editors: Leapingriver, General Soarin, BrastaAura17, Solar Flare Charger, and The Zealot

"Long ago, before ponies existed, the world was ruled by another race. This race ruled the world alone for over six thousand years. Six thousand years of war and bloodshed. This race fought against each other over almost anything. They did not know harmony, only chaos.

This race nearly destroyed the world in their conflicts, before vanishing without a trace. Nopony knows if the two-legged monsters still exist somewhere in the world, but this much is certain: they were a threat to the whole world, and if they still exist, they still are."

–Excerpt from The Age of Man, by Starswirl the Bearded, published 15 CR.

"We were alone for over six thousand years. In that time, we nearly destroyed ourselves due to our own foolishness. We fought our own kind for some of the dumbest reasons, and as a result, we almost wiped ourselves out in World War III.

But praise the Almighty that we did not. Only a few hundred million survived the war, but that war finally convinced us to stop war forever. The planet was scarred, and it needed healing. There weren't enough of us to heal the planet in a timely manner, so Man did one of the most wonderful and terrible things possible: create new life. New sapient life. Gryphons, dragons and ponies. We created them to be our friends, but they became our enemies when we tried to fight again using them as weapons. They decided to destroy us, and we had made them too strong, so we did the only thing we could: we hid underground. Here, in the caverns that house the Republic of New Terra, we seek to ready ourselves to make amends for our sins against life and God after rejoining the surface world.

But that is a long time away. Humanity has a long way to go before we breach the surface. But New Terra will rise someday. Never forget that."

–Excerpt from A History of Exile: Volume I, by Trevor Williams, published 3246 AD.

"New Terra will rise."

That phrase has been repeated on billions of lips in the secret underground caverns for years now. The time has almost arrived. Will the world be able to handle the return of the humans of old? Will the humans be destroyed for their sins against the world? Or will they be forgiven and be granted peace? Humanity can only hope and pray for the latter as the Day of Return fast approaches.

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle brings her Granny Sparkle in for Family Appreciation Day at Celestia’s school to talk about the origins of the noble houses of Sparkle and Armor.

Chapters (1)

Twilight, after becoming an alicorn, finds her plain unicorn magic has been increased drastically. Yet, she wonders about the other kinds of pony magic? She should have the natural talents of all three clans in equal measure. So, to test this hypothesis and to see how much she's changed, Twilight begins an experiment. She enlists the aid of Applejack and Rainbow Dash to provide the tests, and pulls in an unsuspecting Lyra to be the control group.

Let the experiment begin.

Written in a google-doc live stream based on an idea from Rinnaul and contributed to by those viewing the stream.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Monster We Made

She betrayed us.
She mislead us.
She imposed her rule upon us.
We rose in defiance.

Chapters (20)

The nation of Equestria has been exploring their little slice of the universe for some time now. From launching probes into deep space, to landing ponies on the moon. Sending things beyond the grasp of their planet has become almost routine. However, with every mission into space, there comes a time when the voyage must end. What happens when Equestria experiences the end of a voyage that they didn't begin?

Updated and Revised on October 5th, 2014

Chapters (3)

"Despite his ferocious appearance, Emperor Spike is a kind and fair ruler."

"Our Lord may be a dragon, but he united us under a single banner and protect us from harm."

"You can only rule with either fear or love, he took the hard way and chose to rule with love."

Spike, The Crystal Emperor, is loved and respected by all his subjects, rightfully so. But what drove him to become what he is today?

*If you are feeling generous you can buy me a Ko-Fi!!

*Short One-Shot*
**Cover Art doesn't belong to me but I had the permission to use it, go visit the creator and the artist that color it**

Chapters (2)

There is a reason why Twilight used the phrase ‘works every time’ to describe the want it, need it spell. Her data says it has an approximately 99% success rate, but it used to be 100%.

Previous Episode: Twin Twilights
Current Episode: Season Zero — Episode Three
Next Episode: Episode Four: Twilight Frankenstein

Chapters (1)