Plan to Read 493 stories
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    Created by Formis_Sage
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 23,100,158
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



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Twilight Sparkle has spent months researching chaos magic, developing a new spell to unlock magic nopony has ever experienced before. But when something goes wrong with casting, Twilight finds herself turned into a Draconequus and unable to control her new chaos magic. If she ever wants to be a pony again, there is only one who can help her learn to control her new magic.

Of course, learning from Discord was never going to be simple. And after a while, being a draconequus doesn't seem so bad anyway....

Based on the concept by Lopoddity

Editing by DB_Explorer
Proofreading by Mac349 (Ch. 1-11), Trippy998, Just A Fabulous Cat (Ch. 1-5), Doctor Candor and skysthelimit (Ch. 1-11).

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Best Hell Ever

Once upon a time, Twilight went to hell. It wasn’t that bad. It was pretty great, actually. It had a library! A big one. Like, bigger-than-the-universe big. But then Twilight went and got herself kicked out of hell, and now she’s depressed.

There’s only one logical solution: with Starlight’s reluctant help, Twilight is going to break into hell and invade its library. Oh, it’ll be tricky — trying to find one specific location in an infinite dimension tends to be a bit hard — but the infinite knowledge it’ll provide is too good to pass up. Twilight will find that library if it kills her (which, since this is hell, isn’t the worst thing ever in the grand scheme of things).

There is absolutely no way this can possibly go wrong.

Chapters (7)

Having failed to reach Davy Jones' Locker with the rest of his crew, Captain Hector Barbossa finds himself stranded within a hell many times more terrifying; a land infested with magical talking horses and little baby dragons. Despite the odds being stacked against him and the inhabitants of Ponyville at his back every step of the way, he vows to return to his own world and finish the quest he started.

If only fate did not have a new adventure in store for him. An adventure that could very well change the fate of Equestria and the Caribbean seas forever...

Chapters (26)

This story is a prequel to Injuring Eternity.

Life is like a train ride, don't you think, dearest? The tracks have been set, destination picked and the ticket is well in hoof. What a shame that so many, myself included, are so focused on the destination that they fail to realize a universal truth.

Destinations will change, trains will be caught and missed, but there will always be somepony willing to journey with you—so long as you let them.

Thanks to the amazing lilfunkman for the gorgeous cover art.

Now with a russian translation!

Chapters (9)

Getting a college roommate is random chance.
Sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you get a pony.

Rainbow Dash enrolls at an Earth university.

Update: and then some other stuff happens.

Chapters (27)

In a single night the world is changed forever after. Humanity has found out that it does not walk alone, that there are others out there. In the wake of this startling revelation, a young woman tries to find herself as her world is turned on its head.

This is an invasion, but the kind that no one was expecting.

Special thanks to Astrocity, Skeeter The Lurker, and The Cake Devil for all of their help editing this. If you guys have a minute go check out their stories. Also, I'd like to thank the many Anonymous animals on google drive. You never told me your secrets, but you were always there when everyone else was asleep.

Chapters (5)

They came suddenly and without warning. They wanted us to boop them. We must resist.

The art is by neuro if anyone was wondering.

Chapters (1)

In the best case scenario, diplomacy is a long, complicated, and often frustrating undertaking. This is not the best case scenario.

Picture is from silfoe

Chapters (1)

Diplomacy amongst nations should be done by highly skilled and intelligent people that have had significant training. In fact, any kind of public spokesperson should be overly qualified before they step out into a spotlight.

Lyra is not particularly skilled. She also has absolutely no training. But, unfortunately for Equestria, that isn't going to stop her.

Artists is Hidden-Cat if anyone wanted to know.

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia attempts to hunt the most dangerous game: man. Her assistant wants more than anything for her to get back to work.

Artist is lovelyneckbeard

Chapters (1)