Plan to Read 493 stories
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    Created by Formis_Sage
    - October, 2014
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Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



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Twilight has never been interested in romance, at least not for herself. But a rather flustered epiphany changes that and now she must try and work out what it is, exactly, that she feels for her athletic friend, Rainbow Dash. A friend she's convinced would never like her back in the same way.

It's going to take a bit of courage to measure the degree of her affections and to test the waters... but perhaps it'll be worth it.

Chapters (1)

Every night when Pinkie Pie goes to bed, Pinkamina rises. Using the cryptic powers of the Pinkie Sense, she deciphers the clues and goes out to prevent the deaths of others. Meanwhile, the Stallion Lickity Split is developing feelings for Pinkie's darker half, and the Royal Sisters do NOT like Pinkamina messing with fate.

Chapters (10)

What seemed to be a simple trip to Applejack's farm to help with the harvest turned out to be more work than usual, as Twilight assists her friend in recovering from her sickness. Once Twilight purchases a blank book on her way home at a bookstore after visiting the farm one morning, she begins to record all of the details of her visits. A peek at her diary entries, however, just might shine a little light onto the feelings that Twilight starts to feel for her friend after spending a little more time than usual by her side.

An Applejack x Twilight Sparkle story, also my first fic. Definitely a work in progress, but I hope you enjoy it as more comes along!

Rated Teen, as there just might be some interesting romantic scenes further into Twilight's diary... (though nothing graphic/involving sex)

(Cover art made by toastwaffle93 on dA: )

Chapters (8)

After the ineffective advice from Iron Will, Pinkie takes the timid Fluttershy under her hooves to teach her to face her fears, at the same time that Twilight and her friends notice things have gone very much amiss around Ponyville.

Chapters (1)

This follows the events described in the Cutie Mark Chronicles, with one small change: The Sonic Rainboom doesn't happen like it was supposed to. Six destinies fail to start. But when one door closes, another one opens.

Cover Art by Inspired_Light

This is supposed to be close to Canon, but since history is altered and the characters don't experience many of the events that make them who they are in the show I'm listing this as alternate universe (does that make sense?)
For the same reason I'm listing the OC tag, even though the OCs are the mane 6 living different lives.

Nopony dies, nopony suffers permanent psychological scarring, and no irrational whirlwind romances happen.
If I have inadvertently included somepony's OC I apologize.

Warning: contents may contain Existentialism. The facility used also handles peanut based products and wheat gluten.

Chapters (34)

Just about everypony in Ponyville knows Scootaloo. She's your normal, carefree pegasus foal who crusades for her cutie mark, zips around town on her scooter, and looks up to her idol Rainbow Dash. But what if that's not all there is to her? Scootaloo worries that her friends will find out that she's not the foal they know and love, or that she's not even a foal at all. But, when her secret does come out, their reactions might surprise her.

Chapters (4)

Vinyl Scratch wakes up to find herself the personal student of Princess Celestia, sent to the obscure village of Ponyville to oversee preparations for the millennial Summer Sun Celebration.

Vinyl can only imagine two possible explanations for what has happened: she has tumbled into an alternate universe where she's Twilight Sparkle, or, after everypony telling her she'd do it eventually, she's finally gone and lost her mind.

Alternate Universe tag is obvious. Missing though, is the Drama tag (oh wait, they have that now--fixed!), and the "She's Finally Gone and Lost Her Mind" tag, which may be substituted by a CrazyPinkie emoticon.

Cover illustration based on a work by ThatsGrotesque. I'd love to see an artist include the versions of the Mane Six from this fanfic, though.

Chapters (14)

Every scholar wants to discover a new fact, something true and constant that changes the way they see the world. For Twilight, that discovery might come from a place she never expected. . .

(Proofread by DbzOrDie, who's patient enough to be my friend even when I forgot to credit him at first.)

Chapters (1)

Applejack's got a secret she'd kept hidden for many years. Nopony would ever have guessed what she and Twilight were up to in the library late at night, once Spike had gone to sleep. That is, until a jealous Rainbow Dash decided it was her business to find out just what in the hay was going on.

Chapters (8)

Holding in emotions is never good. Keep them buried for too long, and eventually they burst out at the wrong time. Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash have a secret they have been hiding from their friends, specifically from a certain shy, animal-loving pegasus mare. They've finally decided to come clean, but neither of them counted on the other revealing the truth, much less at the same time.

Now Fluttershy is stuck with an impossible choice between her two best friends. Can she choose one without risking her friendship with the other?

"Sex" tag due to innuendo and suggestive material. No actual sex happens in this story.

Author's Note: Many, many thanks to Steel Resolve and Karrakaz for pre-reading and letting me know when I screw up. Now with new cover art, courtesy of johnhilist over at deviantart.

Chapters (33)