• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

Tracking 1026 stories
Found 997 stories in 67ms

Total Words: 15,885,884
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Diamond Tiara has always loved Apple Bloom. However, she has never quite felt like she was worthy of having her feelings returned by the farm pony. And so, knowing not how to express herself, she pushed her away through bullying. Hay, she thought to herself, maybe it would make her unrequited love easier to handle. As time goes on, however, she discovers that couldn't be further from the truth.

First place entry into Princeps DiamondBloom Shipping contest. :rainbowderp:

Chapters (1)

Some things take time to mature.  Like a good apple brandy.

Written for Amore's DiamondBloom Shipping Contest

Chapters (2)

"Bullies always tease the ones they like."

Diamond Tiara lives a happy, peaceful teenage life away from her mother's influence--and, more importantly, with the mare she loves. Still, as she coaches Apple Bloom on Saddlespeare and remembers pieces of her past, she can't help but wonder if the saying is true--and if her so-called "love" is really something darker.

1st place winner of Princess Amore Dudette's DiamondBloom Shipping Contest. Cover art by fastserve.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom's friends romanticize the idea of how special a first kiss is and how she'll remember it for the rest of her life.

It'd be a shame if somepony messed that up for her.

A real shame.

Chapters (5)

Graduation is coming up, and Apple Bloom couldn't be happier.

Well, she could, if Diamond Tiara wasn't such a pain in the flank.

Pre-read by B_25, Toast and Jowijo.
Proofread by Jet Storm.
Edited by Dreams of Ponies.
“Crusaders of the Lost Mark” is not canon in this story.
Written for Amore's DiamondBloom Shipping Contest.
Art commissioned from NixWorld.
Featured 9/17/17 - 9/20/17.

Chapters (1)

As everyone knows, humans are immune to magic. Goodness, how ever will all these poor, helpless ponies deal with such a clearly overpowered ability?

A collection of short stories.

Very short.

Chapters (20)

Twilight and Rarity had been going steady for a while. She loved her! That much was fact, a scientifically verified claim that Twilight could fly proudly. Their love wasn't exclusive. They had talked about that. Rarity loving another didn't lessen the love she felt for Twilight and vice versa. So Twilight felt no guilt when she fell for Fluttershy.

She just didn't know what to do about it.

Written for a Quills and Sofa's speedwrite, where it took first place. Posted here with editing done by the delightfully bisexual wishcometrue herself.

Chapters (1)

Something has been bothering her girlfriend for a while now. Sunset Shimmer has never been one to let anything go. Come ponies or Equestrian magic she will figure out what is bothering Twilight Sparkle.

Cover art done by Adge

Chapters (1)

Being kidnapped is the least of Twilight's concerns.

Now with a phenomenal reading by Scribbler!

Thank you to The Legendary Bill Cipher, Shaslan, Wishcometrue, Flashgen, Snow Quill, Zontan, Red Parade, MasterThief, Moonshot, themoontonite, Vis-a-Viscera, Knox Locke, Equus, and Novelle Tale for prereading, editing, and being generally good people.

This story was written for the Quills and Sofa Speedwriting Group, for their Plain Jane Contest. Wanna know why so many of our stories are great? Wanna meet some truly inspiring people? Wanna write something that you have no doubts about, ever? We do, too! Come figure that out with us on our Discord.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's new friends took some time to adjust to the human rather than the pony, but they can tell her current behavior is unusual, even for her. The question is what's wrong. The answer...

Well, that'll be a bit harder to figure out with her avoiding the subject. But there are some forces no one can ignore.

Cover image by Raccoon-san, used with permission. EqG skin edit by DrakeyC.

Chapters (1)