• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


Somepony who reads enough MLP fanfiction to actually REQUIRE registration, because by this point it takes too long to open all the story bookmarks and look through them for updates. Yay for tracking!

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Everyone loves Celestia, and they do not all love Luna. This is because Luna was once evil.

Celestia does not think that is fair, but she has a plan. If she turns evil and her sister saves the day, then ponies will give Luna all the love and attention she deserves!

All Celestia has to do is become evil... but come on, how hard can it be?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to We Finally Did It

After a slight misunderstanding about how far Sandbar and Yona have taken their relationship, Ocellus and Smolder contemplate how far they want to take their own.

Thanks to Rated Ponystar for writing the fic this story launches off of and for permission to post this, and to Trinary for giving me the idea in the first place!

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis might be one of the most evil, vile, and dastardly villains that Equestria has ever known. She might have been responsible for nearly destroying the world more than once, she might even be a soul-sicking, shapeshifting monster, but she is still a mare.

She had never been given a genuine, honest compliment from someone that wasn't under threat or stuffed into a feeding pod or mind controlled. Today that is going to change.

Cadence really hasn't happy about the whole thing.

Artist is llamacheesecake

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna seem disappointed at Flurry Heart's birth, and Twilight wants to know why. The answer is... Probably not that surprising, but there is a solution!

Twilight just has a much better one.

Silly one shot, Flashlight pairing, and a surprise Big Macintosh ending. Merry Christmas/Happy Hearthswarming Eve!

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle takes in her new student.
It doesn't get awkward at all.

Edited by: SolidFire, mikemeiers and Shakespearicles
Preread by: Skeeter The Lurker
Cover art by: Toroitimu

Request Number: 002

Chapters (1)

Celestia and the sun are connected, to the point where when something happens to Celestia everypony can immediately see the sun acting up as well. What few ponies know is that this connection works both ways, and those times when the sun acts up, this has... certain effects on Celestia.

Celestia wants nothing more than to keep it a secret so as few ponies as possible worry about her. But keeping a secret from her stubborn, curious and loving marefriend might prove to be more difficult than she expected.

Cover image by the wonderful Silfoe, which also inspired the story idea alongside Carapace's story She Dap.

Chapters (1)

What do dragons think of hot peppers? Gallus wants to know.

By the end of the day, he'll wish he hadn't.

Chapters (1)

The Mane 6 decide to play Truth or Dare. Like all good games of Truth or Dare, they'll laugh, they'll cry, and it'll get a little weird.

Rated T for mentions of sex and some f-bombs.

Winner of RobCakeran53's long-form Quills and Sofas Speedwriting contest. Conceived and written over the course of a weekend. The prompt was "Around the table."

Chapters (1)

Charlie, local human, has made a discovery about how things work around these parts as opposed to the home turf. Or at least has decided he's made a discovery.

Twilight happens upon him just as he's about to test this.

Lunch is involved.


Now with reading from Straight To The Point Studio

And also some guy who wrote it I guess.

Chapters (1)