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After another repetitive letter from Twilight, Celestia accidently tells her what she really thinks.

Co-writing and Editing by Dreams of Ponies

Edit: Featured for a short time, and Popular Stories list 2/8/17, Thank you, everyone, who helped me get this on there.

Chapters (5)

After the girls suffer the effects of some spiked drinks, Twilight reveals a surprising fact about the human world's equine species—basically, they don't get drunk like humans do. Of course, this raises the question of whether or not the same holds true for Equestrian ponies.

The answer is a bit surprising.

Side story in my Harmony and Valor series. Check out the TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)

On her way home one evening, Sunset Shimmer is jumped. Beaten and broken, she must now try and reintegrate back to her normal life, all while living under the constant fear her attackers will return to finish the job. As her mental condition worsens, it soon becomes apparent this is one problem that a blast of rainbow magic won’t solve...

Wonderful artwork courtesy of kul. Proofread by ForBloodySummer.
(Teen tag due to indepth description of physical violence in opening chapters.)

Now has a review by Arcanum Phantasy, which can be watched here!

Chapters (12)

In the wake of Camp Everfree and the latest in a long line of raging she-demons, Sunset’s dreams lead her down a familiar path of memories. She’s never been one to pass up an opportunity; it’s high time to ask a question that’s been bothering her since the Friendship Games.

That’s the plan, anyway. One of the many problems with seeking wisdom from demons is that you get far more than what you wanted to know.

Winner of Bicyclette's SciSet Contest and Reactception's Sunset x Midnight contest, graciously beta-read by MarvelandPonder. Rated Teen for suggestive content well north of what the Dazzlings got away with.

Chapters (1)

Dear Princess Celestia,

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. Things seem to be falling through the cracks lately. Spike thinks I should go see the doctor, but...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to What My Destiny is Telling Me

While this story is set in continuity with What My Destiny is Telling Me (and, by extension, The Final Conversation), it can be read on its own, as there is a quick recap of the first story in the text.

Sunset Shimmer's world changed, very literally, the day she fled through a magic mirror and became stuck on the other side. It changed again shortly afterwards, when a desperate search for shelter landed her at a home that, at the urging of their eldest daughter, took her in as family.

Sunset knows she owes a lot to Rarity, not merely in giving her a home but in helping her grapple with the darkness that lay inside her. Yet she still struggles to find solace in her new realm, the unicorn mind within her still struggling with being trapped in a human body -- and worse, potentially adjusting to it. Rarity can see the turmoil in her sister, and wants to help, but knows it's not going to be an easy conversation to have.

But it's a necessary one, for both their sakes.

Set in an alternate universe in which the timeline diverges after Sunset leaves Equestria. This story also deviates from the depiction of Sunset's past as portrayed in the comic The Fall of Sunset Shimmer; some details of said past are instead depicted in The Final Conversation.

Pre-read by The Sleepless Beholder and Dewdrops on the Grass. Written for the Bean's Writing Group prompt "Stargazing".

This story is dedicated to Ninjadeadbeard.

Cover art from a piece by SarcasticLeaves, who could not be contacted as they are no longer in touch with the MLP fan community. Should they contact me and request its removal, I will oblige.

Featured on 2/28/23-3/4/23!

Chapters (1)

With Adagio home sick, Aria and Sonata find themselves competing for a cash prize at the Sisterhood Social. They might have had a chance too, if they had known the event was hosted by one of the girls who ruined their lives.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Grand Unified Theory Of Sunset Shimmer

It feels like it's dragged on forever. This cannot go on. Well then, may as well get it over with and let the proverbial chips fall where they may. Such is Rarity's mindset when she decides to finally confess her love to Sunset Shimmer. Unbeknownst to her, Sunset has a few things on her mind as well.

This story is the finale of the Recovery + Shipping Timeline – Cover art by Akuama

Thanks to Fearshatter for his encouragement and advice.

Chapters (3)

While doing some cleaning in the library's basement, Twilight comes across an old, long forgotten board game. Deciding that it looks like fun, she invites her friends over for the night to give it a try. Unfortunately, this particular game might prove to be more of a challenge to the Elements of Harmony than anything they've faced before. For you see, in Diplomacy, the number one rule is: Never play this game with friends, or you may need to find new friends...

This has a sister-story named Games Ponies Shouldn't Play, which features the Lunaverse six instead. It isn't going to be the same story with swapped names; each group has different personalities so both games will be very different. I just couldn't decide which group of six would be more interesting, so I wrote both. I must hate free time...

And featured 1/29/15.... ten minutes after I updated with a new chapter....... Why don't I update this story very often again? Gonna have to fix that...

Chapters (10)