• Member Since 17th Apr, 2012


I never leave the house without a good book.

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[Currently undergoing redevelopment] After everything she has worked for is torn from her hooves, one mare strives to find something to fill the hole her dreams left behind. Little does she know that one poor decision will lead her down a dark path from which she can never return, as the new Mare Do Well. Contrary to her belief, the life of a hero in the real world is nothing short of horrifying, especially when an eccentric special agent with an affinity for pony psychology is hot on her tail. As she falls into virtual madness, one farmpony might be able to keep her sane, or perhaps the exact opposite.

Proofread and edited by RTStephens and Feather Scratch

Chapters (5)

After being reformed by the Mane Six, Discord is having a difficult time adjusting to his new lifestyle, due in no small part to that fact that Princess Celestia still doesn't seem to trust him. Luna, who is able to relate personally to Discord's internal struggle, allows him to travel abroad in an attempt to make amends, asking, in return, that he keep her updated on his discoveries concerning friendship. Post-Reformation Discord, rated T for the possibility of some light sauciness in later chapters. Also, a bit of shipping between several background characters, such as Lyra and Bon Bon.

Chapters (4)

The challenge? Daunting. The reward? Worthy. Failure? Not an option. For Big Macintosh has accepted the bet, and thus begins A Ballad of Eeyup and Nope - in which he isn't allowed to say either.

Chapters (13)

The Princess of the Sun wakes up one morning with an earsplitting headache, empty liquor bottles everywhere, and the Grand Galloping Gala in less than 18 hours. Checklist of things to do:

-Are the servants prepared? NO.

-Are the musicians ready? NO.

-Is the sun at least in place? NO.

And who's in her bed? And what happened to those two young colts that were last seen in the sculpture garden? And why are the royal guards not at their posts? And how much does Luna know, anyway?

What happened last night?

[Has NOTHING to do with the movie "The Hangover". Not a crossover. If that's what you were looking for... read this anyway.
This story is a collaboration mainly between myself and Cade YYZ ( http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Cade%20YYZ ). Check out his page, too!
Cover art from the marvelous Jackie! Check out her DA here: http://jackiephantom13.deviantart.com ]

Chapters (11)

King Arthur, a king among kings, one of the most well known figures of Earth's lore. Merlin the wizard, his close ally and friend. Thought to be mere legends to all, sheer happenstance proves to one individual that lore is often based on reality. These legends, and more, are proven true before his very eyes. His goal, however, is a simple one. Find a way back home.

Credits - A hearty thanks to PocoRitardo, who, although not a reader of HiEs, helped to refine many of the ideas contained within, as well as help me with some of the Arthurian Lore.

Note - Main 6 will be featured, however for the moment I chose Cadance and Shining Armor tags over them. They will play some role further down the line.

Chapters (4)


The newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle has set up a bold new initiative to discover new magic, and is sending out an open call to the unicorns of Equestria to apply for her research team. No experience in magical theory or research necessary. Enthusiasm and out-of-the-box thinking a must. The Equestrian government is not responsible for any physical, emotional, or magical trauma experienced during the course of the project or the application process.

Cover art by Page Turner

Chapters (5)

When the Cutie Mark Crusaders dig up an ancient magical artifact, they unleash a spell on the town that allows everypony to see a "lie meter" floating above each other's heads. While attempting to solve the mystery, Twilight Sparkle has to analyze the tenuous balance between friendship and honesty. She doesn't like what she finds.

Based on a story idea conceived by theworstwriter
Written and posted with his permission

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Age of Wings and Steel

Tyria Metrel, an ensign assigned to the Equestrian embassy in the island city of Zyre, has her hooves full dealing with pirates and bad-tempered politicians. On top of that, a new ambassador named Rye Strudel has arrived on a mission from Princess Celestia, and he might well be the strangest pony she's ever met. Ambassador Strudel is a pegacorn, one of the rare crossbreeds unable to fly or do magic, but Tyria soon learns that his disabilities don't prevent the ambassador from getting himself into deep trouble.

Rye's cheerful curiosity and drive begin to stir up feelings Tyria thought she'd given up on—when he's not making her tear her mane out in frustration. After the two of them stumble upon a treasonous plot to seize control of Zyre, they'll have to work together to foil an old enemy, save the city, and maybe even find love along the way...

... provided they don't drive each other crazy, first.

Chapters (41)

Hi, my name is Ember. I used to be a human, but after meeting this freaky woman, I'm in Equestria, and I was even transformed into a dragon. Sounds Cool right? It. Sucks. Equestria is just like Earth, and I want to go home. It's not much fun living in a world with technicolored ponies, especially when you have to deal with tons of prejudice. Now I have to find a way home, deal with ponies that think I'm going to eat them, and even deal with dragons that want to eat ME. What the hell have I gotten into?

Same Universe as Griffin the Griffin.
Artwork by Io, posted on Deviantart.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Cheating Death

Equestria is a land filled with many amazing myths, legends, ponies, creatures, and monsters. But what happens when something new is thrown into the mix?

After the events of 'Cheating Death', Felix awakes to find he had survived his excursion into Equestria. Now a much different man then when he first set out, Felix decides to go and explore the Equestrian countryside. Change isn't the only thing that followed Felix though, as Death, or Harvey Stir in this universe, has been made his guardian until the ramifications of his actions can be fully calculated by the celestial bureaucracy. Harvey Stir keeps a close eye on him, hoping that Felix won't cause any major problems.

Such as, being involved in a bank robbery, starting random musical numbers, getting captured by a murderous cult, setting fire to a nest of changelings, or inadvertently releasing a dark god of destruction from ages long past...

...Not that any of that would happen... right?

Special thanks to: Hortense, Wazaga, Fantoche the 13th, Sallythemanatee, munomana, and Alamais.

Chapters (2)