• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012


I'm a person from a place...

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Jessica finds herself flung into a world she has little concept of. Everything is strange and new to her, but worst of all she cannot communicate with the native inhabitants. A world of monsters and sapient ponies, griffons and other assorted beasts is no place for a human girl.

How will Jessica cope? Without an understanding of their language how will she make her way in the world, will she even be able to ever communicate with them? Why was she even brought into the world and is there even a way for her to get home?

(Thanks to Tulip for the Cover image!)

(Also now apparently has a Tv Tropes page in the making. )

Now has a re-telling in progress focusing on the Equestrians' side of things, A Stranger Among the Voices

Chapters (13)

The Terrans. A small amalgamation of sapient races and constructs who’s civilisation has rocked the boat of the known galaxy. Forever riding in to save the day weather others like it or not, taking action in the face of injustice perhaps even when it is best not to and boasting the most underhanded of actions as heroic. As the rouges of the galactic community they have earned friends, allies, rivals and enemies with each move they make, sending chaotic consequence cascading through the status quo.

To one particular anomalous planet they are a legend passed into myth, remembered by few in reverence and animosity alike. After an impossible two thousand years they are returning, biting the tail of what remains of a society of slavers now fleeing through the unknown regions.

Some creatures eagerly await this return, having waited millennia for their saviours and honorary siblings in hardship. They yearn for the place in the world they were once promised and denied.

One of those who remember awaits them eagerly, willing to bare the price of the progress they bring. Her passion drives her to reforge a connection with those who have in actuality never really known her.

Another has only apprehension for the disruption of the status-quo that is known to follow them and the chaos they sow. She fears them and more so the reaction of how she condemned those who came before, herself ignorant of the good others have seen in them.

And yet many more will only have shock and confusion at the appearance of this ancient myth but the Terrans, they will be the most confounded of all as they will find their legacy on this world is older than even they are as a people.

Chapters (4)

In the distant future, year 2205, the United Earth Government Expeditionary Fleet has spread the roots of mankind across planets in the most remote of places. Along the way, we have documented the life that thrives on these exotic worlds, learned much about the greater galaxy.

Expansion is key, and knowledge is power in this day and age.

Never before in any documented finding has man seen another sapient species beyond himself. When the scouting crews from the U.E.G.S Clarke suddenly find that they are not truly alone in the universe, it will be time to put to the test the First Contact situation they had never prepared for.

Chapters (9)

Edit: Now a collaborative effort with Loyal2Luna

Commander Shepard has been through a lot, but now that the Reaper War's over he can finally relax and take a little R&R, right? Soak up the sun, grab a few drinks, spend some quality time with Tali, introduce a new race to the galaxy... wait, what?

In the aftermath of the war, a new species has been discovered amidst the destruction and fire. A species that have access to powers never seen before, powers which could prove vital to the continuation of galactic survival.

The Citadel Council has elected to send Shepard, along with the rest of the crew of the Normandy, to introduce Equestria to the universe outside of their solar system.

Now Shepard must wade through obstructive bureaucrats, antagonistic journalists, and the odd, angry prince in order to bring Equestria into a new age of space and adventure.

So settle in, it's going to be one hell of a vacation!

Now has it's own TvTropes page

Chapters (9)

A Unicorn. Huh. This should be interesting.

Set in an alternate universe in which Twilight never become and Alicorn, and where Ponies and Humans co-exist in harmony, Aaron Rogers comes back from his extended stay in Russia to find that someone has moved into the house right next to his while he was gone. It seems that he has a new neighbor.

*Note that the divider used in this description is not the one used in the story. It seems unnecessary to say this, but I have gotten raging downvotes for something similar before. Srs. -_-

Chapters (2)

It's the year 2559. The UNSC barely managed to fight off the hordes of the Covenant. That victory came at a hefty price. With the war over and the rebuilding process beginning, the UNSC Tuscany is sent out to investigate potential new worlds to colonize. It's crew and captain are in for a surprise when a gravitational anomaly turns into a tense situation where cooler heads must prevail.

Super-Edited Version Coming Soon

Proofread by: Alex Nuage and way2dawn

Now 100% Twilight's Library Approved

Awesome fan-art by Gothshy [Check it out]

Chapters (32)

This story is a sequel to Dark Wanderings

It's been nine months since Twilight Sparkle got back from her solo sojourn to the Capital Wasteland where she met Ethan Smith, AKA that Crazy Son of a Bitch, AKA the Lone Wanderer and was changed forever. Now with Equestria teetering on the edge of a three way war Ethan is called upon to save Equestria, or at the very least to keep Twilight alive. But dark things are awakening in the background and all is not as it seems, can Ethan save Equestria? Can Twilight keep her friends on her side? Will these questions never stop? The answer to at least one of these is yes but can you find out which?

Edited by TacoTown
Coverart by the awesome Derrem

Now has a Tumblr

Chapters (40)

This is a story about the last human after the conversion of the human race into ponies. The last human is alone but is going to continue to live and shine, even if everything seems to be at its end.


Expand for the Music For the Parts:

Part 1 -
I'm Alone :Inception Soundtrack HD - #12 Time (Hans Zimmer)
Final Fight and Ending :Hancock - Death and Transfiguration

Part 2 -
I'm Still Here :edIT - Twenty Minutes
Finale Battle :Time - (Instrumental Core Remix)

Part 3? -
Blinding Truth :Battlefield 3 OST "Solomon's Theme"
It Ends With Me :Courtyard Apocalypse

Chapters (17)

After finding a downed space ship, Courier 6 (aka Jacks) and his closest companion ED-E find an energetic pink pony that survived the crash. The pony agrees to join Jacks with the promise that he will find her a way home. What follows is a series of amazing, wild, and crazy adventures all across the Mojave desert. Friends are made, enemies are killed, parties are had, and Pinkie Pie-isk insanity ensues.

this is not a Fallout Equestria fic, nor is it an average fallout crossover.
(because lets face it, nothing is "average" if Pinkie is involved).

This will be written and updated whenever, so no deadlines on new chapters.

Chapters (16)

The rich, fertile, and mysterious lands of the New World lie before the United States. Following the War of 1812, for four decades the Americans have been content to expand, pushing aside Indians, rogue frontiersmen, and buying land whenever possible. This small period of expansion changes in 1850. Wagon trains start disappearing.

At first thought to be something along the lines of starvation, or Indian attacks, this results in a ban of travel to the West Coast.

Then came the 1851 incident in Freetown Texas, where the entire village simply vanished.

This, naturally did not sit well with President Fillmore, who ordered the conscription of every able-bodied male ages 18-35 to "fight off the vicious enemy". What no American can guess is that this enemy is well-entrenched, and willing to do anything to protect itself.

Chapters (15)