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Maybe that glance lasted just a little too long, or maybe a certain conversation could be interpreted as innuendo. Whatever it is, sometimes we see only what we want to see, and sometimes our fantasies get the best of us. Rarity is no exception.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is called away to tend to Luna when she falls ill. As Luna grows sicker and Twilight more determined to help the younger princess, she begins to uncover dark secrets about the elements, the alicorns, and her own past.

Chapters (9)

Nightmare Moon visits Twilight in the night, and things get biblical.

Featured on Equestria Daily, 1 May 2012.

Chapters (1)

It has been a year since the Element's failure, and Nightmare Moon has not been seen. The pressure is finally weighing down on Equestria's new Chancellor, Twilight Sparkle. She still struggles with the events of that fateful night - the night the moon made its permanent place in the sky. After one fateful encounter, though, the course of Equestrian history shifts yet again as she begins to truly see this Nightmare. And maybe, just maybe, she and Nightmare Moon aren't so different.

A MoonLight fic with a twist.
And a bit of Twixie.
Art by nikohl: http://nikohl.deviantart.com/

Chapters (3)

Twilight's mentor, Princess Celestia, tells her that the love between Cadence and Shining Armor is deeper than she knows, and can have deeper consequences as well.

Chapters (1)

Twilight becomes alicorn of the stars. This is sort of a problem, because Luna kind of already was alicorn of the stars. Oops!

TV Tropes

Chapters (23)

Twilight loves her. She is the Princess, the beautiful, powerful, kind ruler of Equestria. But when the Princess denies her, Twilight vows to become stronger, to be better. Until one day, she will be so powerful that not even her mentor can ignore her any longer. One day, she would make Celestia love her back.

Chapters (30)

For Princess Cadence, immortal and forever young, her marriage to Shining Armor could only be the prologue to a long life. Rather than be doomed to grief, she seeks out another whom she can be with forever.

Cadence x Chrysalis shipping.

Chapters (1)