• Member Since 5th May, 2012


Not quite sure what I'm going to post here, or whether it's going to be good, but I'm gonna stick around anyway!

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Jace's home of Ravinca is destroying itself. The guilds are at war with one another over a small piece to an ancient puzzle hidden within the Dragon's Maze. None of the guilds have the piece, and Jace knows this, yet the Guild Leaders won't even acknowledge his requests for presence. He then decides to pursue the piece on his own, finding it in the hands of a human Pyromancer, named Chandra. After stealing it from her, she pursues him across a variety of planes. Jace then makes a fatal mistake, causing him to rift to a realm no planeswalker has ever come across: Equestria.

Chapters (7)

Featured on Equestria Daily.
Featured on FiMFiction.
Review by Cerulean Voice.
Review by Undead_Wanderer

When a debt-collection company sends a representative to collect on Lyra's parents' debts, they don't care that her parents have been missing for years - the debt is legally hers. If she can't pay up, she'll lose her house.

In order to pay the debt, Lyra devises a plan that simply can not fail - she'll convert her home into an item shop and sell her way to riches! Surely Bon Bon will help, too. What could possibly go wrong?

Inspired by Recettear

Chapters (35)

Stupid title aside, haven't you always wondered what a story about ponies, Magic the Gathering, and a horribly cheesy Yu-gi-oh!-esque plot would be like? No? Well shut up, I made it anyway! Watch as ponies play card games, albeit not on motorcycles, and have to defeat a dark and mysterious EVIL that also plays card games because... Um... Well, who doesn't like card games?
Inspired by that picture thing accompanying the story, this fic is a fun thing I've been wanting to do for a while. As a fan of Magic, I've been wanting to someone create a crossover like this for a while. It didn't happen. So what's a brony to do? Write it himself, of course. Not sure if I really succeeded, so any constructive criticism would be awesome.

If you don't actually know how to play Magic, you're going to have a tough time following what's going on (Game-wise, that is. You'll be fine with the plot.). Twilight explains quickly about some of the game's rules throughout the first chapter, so those of you who've never played before may kind of get what's going on.
And for those of you who couldn't give a crap about the story and just want to see what cards the characters are using, the recipes for the decks used in the chapter are at the bottom.

Chapters (2)

Strange discoveries. Mysterious twitching. The curious feeling of being watched. And a sudden urge to sing. Something's happening to Applejack, and no matter how often she laughs, this is no laughing matter!

Chapters (5)

Spiders. Oh, how I hate spiders. And yet Luna insists on keeping one as a...pet.

Just a little fun story to keep my skills sharp, so don't expect it to last very long!

Chapters (6)

Two silly short stories about Luna, Celestia, fashion, and legal theory. "Slice of life stories if your life is crazy royalty cake with cinnamon sprinkles." - JadeCriminal@SpaceBattles.com

6/17/2020: Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.

Go to the Equestria Daily story page to see the stories in this set by Georg and Dennis the Menace. (If you can't access the page, it's because your school blocks google docs.)

(This is not "incomplete"; it's an open-ended anthology.)

Chapters (2)

It’s a well known fact that Carrot Top loves plants. But one fateful day she is thrust into a strange new world where almost every plant is taller than her and grow unchecked. Worse yet, her good friend Derpy is also lost in this overgrowth! However, her situation isn't entirely hopeless, as Carrot Top stumbles upon a unique race of plant creatures which she calls ‘Pikmin’. With the help of these Pikmin, Carrot Top must reunite with Derpy and find her way home, all while trying to stay alive in a world where the plants and beasts rule as well as learning that plants aren’t all about looking pretty...

This story is written in alternating chapters with Growing Tall ~ Derpy as a collaboration between me and Sunnydaze. It’s possible to read this as a standalone story, but if you want the full experience then follow the links at the bottom of each chapter.

Credit goes to Zicy for the cover art.

Chapters (2)

After falling down a chasm while on a hiking trip with Carrot Top, Derpy finds herself lost in a gigantic forest, where the plants are the size of trees and the bugs are more like monsters. Separated from Carrot Top, alone and scared in a world she doesn’t understand, she finds help in the form of loyal creatures called Pikmin. But while trekking through the dangerous wilderness she will have to learn what it truly means to be a leader, or risk losing all of her faithful friends, as well as her only chance at getting home.

This story is written in alternating chapters with Growing Tall ~ Carrot Top as a collaboration between me and JJ Gingerhooves. It’s possible to read this as a standalone story, but if you want the full experience then start with Carrot Top and follow the links at the bottom of each chapter.

Chapters (1)

There was only one explanation. For all of it. All of the strange, erratic behavior. Her irrational fear of the sun. Her nocturnal habits of locking herself in in the dark and closing all the blinds. Wearing her sunglasses everywhere, even inside! It was time to invest in some silver, garlic, and a wooden stake.

Chapters (25)

Another stupid story of mine. This one isn't even funny. I'm sorry.

Synopsis: In one of Pinkie's parties, Rainbow Dash tells the story of a strange mytical monster which is said to wander around Ponyville, haunting ponies when they are all alone. Twilight, of course, doesn't believe a word.


Labeled as 'Random', because it's the most similar to 'Weird', which I think would be a much accurate classification for this silly story.

Special thanks to Inumaniac for being my proofreader and helping my to create the "remastered" version.

Read the hungarian translation here Courtesy of Silence the Unicorn.

Chapters (1)