• Member Since 10th May, 2012


just a girl who loves fanfiction and my little pony.

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Life is full of surprises. That is a known fact. However, you always expect some kind of minor surprise, like your train arriving a little too late, or your ice-cream having vanilla taste rather than strawberry. But sometimes, life will give you surprises you could never predict. For Fluttershy, it was three little foals. But not her own foals, or even orphans. Three little foals that used to be her and her friends' most fearsome and dreaded foes.

Sombra, Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon.

Will Fluttershy's nerves survive this onslaught of misadventures? Will she keep the three villains hidden? Will she even become friends with them? Why do I sound like a narrator to a bad criminal drama? Don't think or try to answer those questions, just go ahead and read!

Edited by: MessoriaAQ, Cerulean Voice, Gidget_TheGear, Twilight Fashion

Cover art by amazing Missangest!

Cover art got featured on Drawfriend in EqD!
The story itself got proudly rejected by EqD!

Chapters (16)

Welcome aboard the Lament, a grand airship. This is the tale of her captain and crew.


Just a back story for my OC. Rated T for swearing, cannabis use, and other such shenanigans. There will be some minor blood and gore, but this isn't a gorefic, nor will there be killing sprees.

mostly OC characters, but the mane 6 may make an appearance. I write these things and plan them as i go.

hope you enjoy


Chapters (1)

This a cute story about Fluttershy being adorable and going to Narnia and meeting Aslan and helping him defeat the Ice Queen because I haven't read a Narnia book since the first one and that was back in tenth grade so I really don't remember it at all because I found it tedious. But here's a crossover with it. And there is absolutely no swearing, I TOTALLY PROMISE*.

Hilarious reading by Brendaniel.

Not a sequel to Fluttershy Goes to Hell**.


Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is interrupted from a midnight study session by the arrival of three confused magic students.

A short Harry Potter/My Little Pony crossover. Can the universe handle Twilight Sparkle and Hermione Granger in the same room?

EDIT: Rewritten per 2015-04-27


Chapters (1)

Canterlot... For centuries, Canterlot was the shining gem of Equestria, the pinnacle of pony society. Now, it’s a reminder, a bleak and monolithic warning to the world. 

Changed by the chemical and technological poisons that plague the mountain, an abomination of nature, I wander the greatest disaster Equestria has ever seen. 

... I will escape eventually, and when I do, I hope my friends still see me as Twilight Sparkle, and not the monster that hides among the ruins. 

Chapters (10)

Nursing a changeling is like nursing an animal: give it bandages, feed it, take care of it, and when it's better, let it go. Fluttershy knew that it was dangerous, knew that if she got caught, then her life was over. Off to the dungeons she would go. Yet, she couldn't help it, seeing the poor, mangled creature at her own front door. So she took him in, hid him from the watchful eyes of the other ponies. Eventually, what began as an effort to help another creature, blossoms into much, much more then simply a relationship of nurse and patient.

Chapters (6)