• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011


It's raining. It's always raining D: Why did I move here again...

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What would you do if you woke up one day to find an Alicorn Princess Goddess passed out drunk on your doorstep, unable to be awoken? Rainbow Dash certainly has her hooves full with this one. How is she going to handle this??

Chapters (1)

In a world ravaged by the living dead, one man has outlasted those with far more strength, speed, and experience. His only advantages are his uncanny luck and peculiar inspiration. This inspiration has never led him astray and even promises a fresh start. All he has to do is build a strange device that follows no earthly science.

While Earth’s story might be over, this cog-jockey’s has just begun.

Chapters (41)

Two best friends, Anon and Mous land in Equestria after they are swallowed up along with their apartment. The two try to live their lives in relative peace as they learn to make friends and family with the colorful equines, in spite of all the obstacles fate throws their way. Along the way they strive to keep to the universal law they hold so true: Friendship is Magic, but Bro-ness is 5ever.

-Authors note:This fic has lots of Youtube links to songs to set the mood for certain scenes, if any of the links are broken, just drop a comment below and let me know where it is, thanks. -Mandroid.

Chapters (102)

When a human’s house crash lands on the outskirts of Ponyville, nopony is quite sure how to react to this strange creature. With seemingly no way to return home to his own world, one young man must adjust to this strange new world, and the world must adjust to him.

Starts between Fall Weather Friends and Suited for Success.

Chapters (1)

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what if all who behold you see naught but a monster? Given the chance, can this view change? Sometimes, it just takes one person to reach out...and help.

This story is rated T for violence, use of alcohol, and suggestive sexual references and situations.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters directly associated with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, nor the original story.

Cover art used with full permission from mysticalpha

As I'm sure you can tell by the dates of submission, this story was started quite some time ago. Instead of completely ignoring things that have happened since season 3 on, this will be an alternate reality that branched from shortly before Twilight began the path to become an alicorn.

Chapters (9)

Being in a position of power is never easy, especially if you are the only ruler. Queen Chrysalis discovers this as the broken remnants her subjects begin to wither away without any love to properly sustain them, grieving over their fellow changelings who did not survive the trip home. Their population continues to plummet, and she is left with only one option.

Noblesse Oblige: The duties of those in power to uphold their responsibilities and forsake personal feelings and needs.

Edited by Darastrix.
Pre-read by Azu.
All image credit goes to yula568. Cover was used with permission.

Chapters (2)

When John is thrust into the world of Equestria, filled with colourful, talking ponies and surrounded by magic, he's at a loss to understand what is happening. And as his memories of the past get hazier by the day, he wonders if he really ever came from another world at all.
Through it all, he meets an orange pegasus, who shares a similar pain to himself, and he dedicates his time to showing her that there is hope even when it seems like the weight of the world will crush you.

This is a story of two blank flanks who find their place in the grand scheme of things, a story of friendship, loyalty, discovery and healing. This is John's story and he wants to share it with you.

Chapters (8)

Twilight's life is treading on very thin ice, and the only hope is for her to open her eyes, tonight. After a conversation with the doctor about Twilight's condition, Celestia enters her room and talks to her. After all, it might be their last night together.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle finds herself spending time with a local pegasus from the weather team, and may be developing feelings for her.

But when they stumble across a relic of nightmares past, Twilight must learn to cope with distressing new urges, and keep her friends and the rest of Equestria in the dark...

Chapters (2)

In her latest bid to impress Princess Celestia, Twilight takes to mapping out the Everfree Forest. Along the way she discovers that some things are not to be disturbed. She also learns to get a second opinion whenever Spike offers her advice.

Artwork courtesy of Short Circuit: http://shortcircuitca.deviantart.com/
Editing by TypeandKey.

Chapters (6)