Favourites 251 stories
  • Favourites 251 stories - 135 unread chapters
    Created by Riz
    - October, 2014
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You go to Sugarcube Corner one day to see Bubble Berry but what you don't know is that he loves you and would do anything and I mean ANYTHING to get you. Even if it's against your will.

________ means you because this is a reader insert. The picture belongs to it's rightful owner (which isn't me).

Other tags:
(Yandere) (Genderbent) (ReaderxBubble Berry) (Second Person)

Chapters (1)

Rainbolt never meant to get Firefly pregnant. In fact, he NEVER wanted to have children. Accidents do happen, though, and this one will leave the poor stallion with a sweet, daring, and spunky little filly named Rainbow Dash to raise and care for.

Cover art by the extremely talented High-Roller2108

Chapters (33)

Twilight sends Spike to the Crystal Empire for a few days so she can concentrate on some official business. When Spike arrives, Cadence is too busy to really spend any quality time with the dragon. The only pony that seems to have the time for him is Shining Armor.

To keep Spike occupied, Shining spends the day with him, walking, talking, and just hanging out with him. Even when he does have to work, he takes Spike with him and makes him an honorary Royal Guard for the day.

Let's just hope that Spike won't let it go to his head...

Thanks to Vexy and Bad Seed for their help editing this story, as well as Mr101 and Skeeter for throwing their support on it.

Chapters (2)

How far would you go to save someone you love? That's the question that Clay must answer as he faces a gauntlet of physical and mental toutures. Clay is now a proud father of two ponies, and is trying to connect with his adopted daughter Evening Star. A gifted unicorn filly who has unstable magic. As he tries to prove to her that he loves her with all his heart however Evening Star is abducted by a unicorn cult, Clay along with his wife Firefly and his friends Dinky and Sky Tearer must face an army that threatens not only Equestria, but the very way unicorn's, pegasi, and earth ponies co exist. Clay makes a vow to bring his daughter back to her familly and stop the uprising...no matter what the costs.

The official sequel to Wings for a Pony.

Warning: It is highly recommended that you read Wings for a Pony first for full comprehension. There will be spoilers for the first story if you have not read it.
Proofread by Starfall and Sharky
Special thanks to Concier for providing the cover art and to cmdrhellyea for the original cover

For Wings for a Pony 1 click here: Wings for a Pony

Chapters (12)

After finding her assistant missing again during her court duties, Twilight finds Spike with none other then Fluttershy and learns that the two have been a couple for a while. After overcoming her shock, she is told the story of how the two, unexpectedly, found comfort in each others embrace...

Chapters (10)

After chasing after Rarity for so long without his affection being returned, Spike gives up. But when new feelings surface for a certain librarian, it's up to Spike to discover just what those feelings are and how to deal with them. But to do so, he may have to have some help from his friends. That's what friends are for...right?

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been working herself into such a state of fatigue that Celestia has ordered her to take a five month vacation from her studies and has given Spike the assignment to ensure that Twilight relaxes. A lot can happen in five months.
This story, though labeled as number five, was actually the first MLP story I wrote. I greatly enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy it too.

Chapters (13)

Inspired by ROBCakeran53's My Little Dashie:

When a young collage student finds six orphaned fillies on his door step, his life become a little more interesting. Now with six adopted daughters to care for he must learn that there are more reasons to live than money and having the most stuff, there's taking care of the ones you love.

(many thanks to ArmoredBrony1 for proofreading)

Chapters (8)

Soarin is a dead stallion! When Big Mac finds out that his sister is pregnant there is no force in all of Equestria that can keep the farmer from killing the Wonderbolt. Or is there?

This story has no connection to Slow to Realize which will have a new chapter soon. There are multiple pairings in this story as well, MacDash, SoarinJack, and CaraPie (Pinkie Pie Caramel). Please enjoy and leave a comment!

Thank you all so much for the feature story! You are all amazing!

Thanks to jszellmer for the amazing edits! As you know I hate commas so much.

KarmaDash for bouncing ideas around like crazy!

SirCxyrtyx for the amazing art!

Featured December 5th 2013

Chapters (2)