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Something is troubling Princess Luna. With ancient burdens weighing her down even as she attempts to reconnect with an estranged populace, she turns to an old friend for comfort and advice.

Chapters (1)


Truth or myth? Ancient lost civilization or just an old pony's tale?

No pony has ever seen one, and most haven't even heard of them. But Lyra knows that these wonderful creatures are more than just old legends, and she's going to find out... and possibly drive her roommate insane in the process.

Chapters (31)

Princess Luna has only just arrived from her thousand year sentence in the moon, and she is new to all forms of technology.

But such a thing as a shower could never best the princess of the Night.... Or could it?

Cover art by JohnJoseco

Chapters (1)

What would you do if you made a mistake in attempt to repair a previous one? The Great and Powerful Trixie is faced with a lot of hard choices. She tried to get a fresh start, and succeeded. The mistake? Everypony is human. And now her life as a Tracy Lovegood has fallen apart. She is faced with two choices: find help to make things right, or stay human and have a chance with the person of her dreams, no matter how slim the chance.

Part two of the Happiness Saga

Credit for artwork goes to artist.

Chapters (1)

Rachel O'Connor is a brilliant college student with dreams of becoming a fashion designer. But she has never had a friend in the world. When perfection is simply not enough, she dreams that she is pony named Rarity. She is intimidated by her jealousy of a group of friends that reside in the courtyard of the school, lingering and never seeming to leave. What would you do if you had a chance to be happy when you never had been before?

Third story in the Happiness Saga

Credit for artwork goes to artist. http://fav.me/d4tlmvw

Inspired by the Cover Image. Credit for the image goes to the artist, whomever they may be.

Chapters (7)

Teresa Simmons is just your normal college student. However, she feels as though her memories of 'real' life are all a lie. The reality is that she was a pony, Twilight Sparkle, and that now she is human. Now, she must try to find her friends before her journey to find out what in Equestria happened and how to fix it can begin. But how do you ask someone if they were ever a pony?

A prequel to Happiness.
Credit for artwork goes to artist.

Chapters (1)

Don't believe everything that you're told. Question everything, believe nothing. The first moon landing that you learned about in school was all lies, the reality of the matter is very different...

(I can not stress enough the fact that this is [obviously] set in an Alternate Universe.)

((On Hiatus until further notice - I will not abandon this, I just need some time to brainstorm! I Pinkie-Promise!))

Special thanks to Fyrebird for pointing out many critical flaws and overlooked inaccuracies, and helping me correct them.

Credit for the cover art goes to No Name Brony on MyLittleBrony!

Chapters (6)

Luna wakes up after another long night of gaming and get's an e-mail from Celestia, telling her to take a break from her computer.

Telling Luna that she got a surprise for her convinces her to take a break, mainly because she's very curious.

What happens next? That you'll have to see for yourselves in the story.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Brony Recon: To Live and Love in Equestria

Please read the slightly lower-quality prequel before reading this, as it contains important events linked to this story. Otherwise, Enjoy!

Six bronies, transformed into ponies and sent to Equestria, were charged with the task of developing a diplomatic relationship with Equestria's royalty and determining if they can integrate and thrive among the native ponies. After two months, it seems their mission is a triumphant success; each of them has found a place in their new home. But when a series of unfortunate happenings upsets their new lives, they find that Equestria is not the utopia as they knew it to be. In this, the second story in the Brony Recon series, the bronies find themselves facing new challenges they could never have prepared for.

Welcome to the second installment of Brony Recon. It will be a long and bumpy ride. Oh, and to be warned: in the aftermath of a quartz experiment, Skyblaze and I have been separated, and he is helping me (with some constructive critism) at the end of each chapter!

EDIT: Alternate Universe, as the bronies' introduction to Equestria is right after season two, influencing all events. Season three episodes are not considered.

Chapters (31)

Starting at a new school, tracking a serial killer, and hiding her thirst for blood is driving Cheerilee crazy. What's a poor undead schoolteacher to do?

Chapters (8)