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After her former coltfriend, one Prince Blueblood, kicks her out in the rain, Fleur de Lis is taken in by a dapper young stallion for the night. A dapper young stallion that happens to be on the road to being one of the most important members of the Canterlot nobility, and who seems to have taken a liking to her.

A very short tale of how Fancy and Fleur first met, all those years ago.

Now with its own TV Tropes page.

Chapters (1)

While walking home from work, through a thick blanket of snow you find a little filly name Luna laying in the snow. Would you take her home or leave her alone to freeze in the snow?

Note: The format is messed up on Monospace and Courier New

Chapters (6)

You're a random human on Earth trying to get some sleep, but these blasted ponies keep appearing in your room. You don't know where they come from, or how they got here, but they insist on sleeping with you in a non sexual manner.

Have you ever wanted to get cuddled by a pony? How about against your will? No? Yes? Either way you are getting cuddled whether you like it or not.

Warning: Adorable cuddling may or may not be suitable for younger readers.
Warning: I can't select all the ponies, but yes all ponies(and other species) are capable of cuddling you. No you're not safe.

Edited by: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/technicscratch

Chapters (5)

Zecora was born in strange circumstances, but through her hinderance and tragic beginning, she rises to the challenge by taking an epic adventure across all of Equis. Only to reap her vengeance upon the ponies that destroyed her life.

Chapters (4)

Princess Twilight Sparkle is expecting her friends to arrive in Canterlot. But when the train doesn't arrive on time she, naturally, starts to fear the worst.

Although Spike tries to reassure her that all is well with her friends, the nervous Princess can't help but think of a few reasons which could be to blame for the sudden and inexplicable delay.

When the train finally does arrive she learns the real reason for the delay — though it's not exactly what she was expecting it to be.


This story was written to celebrate me finally reaching 300 followers (what a journey that was).


Cover art by SonicRainboomGirl.

Chapters (5)

One day on a trip to the market, Fluttershy discovers that things are getting caught in her tail. What kinds of things? Interesting things. Strange things. Their origins are all questionable at best.

Spanish Translation by SPANIARD KIWI: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/La-cola-de-Fluttershy-1000352121

Chapters (1)

It's bathtime AGAIN for some of the young characters, and who else but you gets to wash them? Each filly and colt has a different personality, though, and some of them REALLY hate baths!

Cover by ~strabArybrick on deviantart

Written with permission, as a continuation of the beloved "Bathtime for Ponies" by the boss, Derpsanddinks404
If you haven't read part one, it's great! And it's right here, go see it first.

Many different characters all get their very own chapter, so the only tags will be, "other" and most of the beloved ponies have already gotten a chapter in part one.

Chapters (41)

Scootaloo has never told anypony that she is an orphan, that her parents one day decided not to come home. She has been on her own since she was very little. She has learned to fend for herself, care for herself, and doesn't want help from anypony, including her best friends. It isn't until a certain purple unicorn learns the truth and takes her into her home that Scootaloo realizes she needed help from somepony a long time ago.

Please do not ask if you can continue this story. The answer will be no.

Currently Edited by TimeLord_Whooves, Elric of Melnipony, and Sir Truffles

Formerly Edited by psychohooves and Avatar of Shadow

Cover Art by DawnMistPony
Tvtropes Page
MLPFanartWiki Page

Chapters (12)

The Helicoprion, a long-lived genus of shark-like cartilaginous fish that went extinct millions of years ago. This predator certainly was a strange one, seeing how its lower jaw was basically a mix of a fruit roll-up and chainsaw. I make a living studying fossils, and this guy certainly takes the cake for the number one in the weird factor. So imagine my surprise when I inexplicably turn up in Equestria of all places. As a Helicoprion. Guess it's just one of those days.

You can thank Csquared08 for the idea for this story. And I will get that seal of approval, one way or the other. Also to my kickass editor, Linkerman! Thanks for all the help, dude!

Chapters (5)

Sassaflash's cousin, Rocinante is visiting Ponyville in order to witness the Summer Sun Celebration and get away from his stress at work, but when Nightmare Moon threatens the land with eternal night, how can a pony stand aside and do nothing?

Chapters (1)