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This story is a sequel to The Three Sisters: Extended Family

A story of The Three Sisters Universe

Families are like fudge — mostly sweet with a few nuts. ~ Unknown Author

Chrysalis' daughters are serving their community service in Ponyville. Nothing can go wrong. Right?

Unless they all have their own agenda, and surprises keep piling up, complicating matters further. But anything to broker peace between the Changeling Nation and Equestria... right?

Art by the incomparable Conicer!

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: Will Contain spoilers.

Chapters (20)

Part 1 of the Shadow Trilogy

As Twilight Sparkle enters her third year amongst her friends in Ponyville, she finds herself plagued with strange dreams of an unknown power whispering dark secrets to her. The voices speak of Power, of the strength to protect what she holds most dear, of the great knowledge she could attain, such that no force could ever threaten her lands, or her friends, ever again.

Though she shrinks from this voice, the lure of greater knowledge, of magical power far beyond what she currently knows is enticing and alluring to her, eating away at her resolve even as the lack of rest begins to wear her physical defenses down.

What is this voice, and what does it plan for the most faithful student in Equestria?

Note: Events diverge from canon following the events of "Games Ponies Play"

Part 2 - The Twilight Fall
Part 3 - The Twilight War
Links removed in compliance with Fimfiction policies

Chapters (16)

On a dark night filled with even darker magics, an insane cult attempts to give Nightmare Moon a body and life of her own, utterly separate from Princess Luna. But, when the spell is interrupted by Celestia, something unexpected is created.

Now, a little black alicorn filly named Nyx finds herself living under the care of Twilight Sparkle, only to be haunted by memories and emotions from her past. Is she Nightmare Moon reborn or is she simply a doppelganger with a soul and mind of her own? Can Twilight Sparkle protect Nyx from those who refuse to see past her dragon eyes and black coat?

Or, will Nyx be forced to inherit the sins that may not even be hers and become the greatest evil Equestria has ever known?

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Of the Hive

Having fully embraced her new changeling heritage, Twilight Sparkle turns to the past to learn more about her people. A difficult task, given that every other queen cares next to nothing about it.

What she finds will shed unwanted light on a secret better left forgotten.

Editor in Chief: ABitterPill

Coverart: Tulip

Chapters (24)

In the wake of Chrysalis' failed invasion, a different hive breaks tradition and steps into the light to open relations with Equestria. The ever eager scholar, Twilight Sparkle, uses this truce as the perfect opportunity to learn more about this enigmatic race. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, she will learn all there is to know about what it means to be a changeling.

But will Twilight lose herself in the hive, or will she regain what she has lost? Only time will tell.

Featured on 9/24/13

My first featured story! You guys are awesome.

Story readings and cover art by Luminescent Skies: Click here for some audio novel treatment

My Editor in Chief: Cloud Hop

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Project: Sunflower

After the events of Project: Sunflower, Erin Olsen has returned to Ponyville, happy to pursue her studies in magic. After everything that happened the year before, she's looking forward to spending her days studying and having fun with her friends.

Meanwhile, on the newly discovered world of Harmony, humans and ponies work together to study this strange new world. However, their arrival causes something ancient to begin stirring. Something that may end up changing everything.

Erin will need all of her courage, all of her cleverness and, of course, all of her friends to see herself through what happens next.

Cover art by Valkyrie-Girl
Editing provided by:
Brilliant Point, Coandco, Ekevoo, Ludicrous Lycan, Merlos the Mad and Razalon the Lizardman.

Chapters (22)

Flash Sentry is having a very bad Hearts And Hooves Day.

His date has been cancelled.

He has to work a double shift.

And for some reason, stallions are hitting on him at a bar...

Yeah, really bad Hearts And Hooves Day.

Edited by MythrilMoth.
Special thanks to Weeping Angel for pre-reading and JaquelinDreamz for permission to use her artwork.

This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library

Chapters (5)

College sucks. At least, you think so.

You don't care what anyone says. College is basically an adult kindergarten, one where depressed teachers try to uphold some semblance of order in their classes full of drunk, disorderly, or just plain stupid students (and you use the term 'students' extremely loosely) that are only there because their rich parents want their brain-dead children to have some sort of higher education. Either that or sports scholarships. Goddamn sports scholarships.

When your best friend leaves for greener pastures over in Equestria, you start dreading who will take his place as your roommate. Naturally, it happens to be an Equestrian that takes his place—and you're put in charge of making sure she feels at home.

Second-person perspective. Contains anthropomorphic ponies.

A short story that I will add to when I'm not working on more important stories. Enjoy it for what it is, and try not to look to deep into it.

Chapters (4)

Fox squirrels are frisky little creatures. Ferocious too, as Fluttershy will come to find out. However, like many of Equestria's own little critters, they react best to kindness.

Kindness is what Fluttershy needs the most now, too. Dark machinations are at work, and she's become trapped in a foreign land where there are very few things familiar to her. Lost and frightened, she will travel these worlds, fraught with perils and dangers that seem to be never ending; hoping to one day find a way home.

Credited Authors : Cold Spike, FormlessDream

So, a quick author's note. This story is entirely from Fluttershy's perspective. It also runs parallel (as in it happens at the same time as) to the other stories in "The Madverse". Those stories are, A Twilight Landing, My Little Marriage, Abhorsen, as well as The Mane Two : Contrail, started by Alex Nuage, and currently being written by Ludicrous Lycan. I've written this story here with people unfamiliar to the crossover's source material in mind, so approaching this with an open mind is all you need to enjoy the story. I hope you all enjoy traveling with Fluttershy through this strange, strange world, whether you are familiar with its mysteries or not. :pinkiesmile:

The story crosses over with Studio Ghibli's works, here's their Home Page! www.studioghibli.net

I really can't thank them enough for getting to use this art! Thank you Tyr!

Author's Note

For anypony asking themselves 'why' I chose to crossover for a large piece of these crazy stories, the answer's simple. I had considered that some may not buy into this, but I felt that using established work would add credence and a solid foundation to work from. In other words, that the stories would benefit from a pre-established fantasy setting, rather than one I just made up for the purpose of this series of fics. I can't really say if it was the right decision, but at least you can know that I didn't just throw the rest of the mane six into a sloppily made world rather than one created by professionals. (I honestly doubt I could make something as fascinating as this.) With that said, please enjoy.

Chapters (10)

There really is no excuse for forgetting something as important as a hoof-written law. But Celestia forgot. And now, a thousand years after she wrote it, a law comes into play mandating that Celestia take a two-month sabbatical from her duties as Princess of Equestria.

So what happens when she has to step down for a couple months and leave Luna by herself in the bloody gladiator ring that is Equestrian politics? What happens when Celestia has to disguise herself and mingle with the populace of Ponyville without them knowing?

The short answer to that would be "a string of hilarious chance encounters, sisterly banter, romantic mishaps, and a political coup that was decades in the making."

The long answer, of course, is this story.


Rated Teen for swearing and sexual humor.

Cover image is by enma-darei

Chapters (5)