• Member Since 6th Jun, 2012


Heyyah! I'll be submitting FIM stories from time to time. Probably ones that would make even Pinkie Pie cry... Enjoy! :)

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Defeated and separated from her beloved hive, Chrysalis finds herself at a quaint little town named Ponyville. Fuming and down on her luck, she also finds herself in much need of love. But as our dear changeling queen discovers, love can come from the most unexpected sources.

*Currently undergoing fixes of numerous errors. Beware. You may wish to return and read later after correcting of errors.*

Chapters (1)

When Rarity finds a gift and letter from a secret admirer on her doorstep, her imagination runs wild as to who could have possibly sent it. But, will the truth live up to expectations?...

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie dress up as superheroes and head out to fight crime - or boredom. Same thing, really. When Pinkie Pie reveals that her favorite superhero is even cooler than Daring Do, trying to find an opportunity for heroics won't be the only thing gnawing on Rainbow's mind.

Chapters (1)