• Member Since 1st Jul, 2012


Just the average fan giving back to the MLP Community

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A mix of strange circumstances means that Gilda and Gallus are not spending the holidays in Griffonstone
"enjoying," or rather surviving, the Blue Moon Festival. Instead, they are in Equestria for Hearth's Warming. Can Gilda put her griffon grump aside to enjoy a more wholesome holiday? Maybe she can with Gallus's help.

Written for Teofilo for Jinglemas 2023

At Teofilio's request, Gilda and Gallus are step-siblings in this story.

Chapters (1)

(Takes place within the same universe as A Tale of Two Lovebirds, The Griffon Who Came to Mount Aris and Long Live The Queen. Familiarity with those works is encouraged but not required.)

Gallus' life is suddenly and abruptly altered one day when he receives a visit from Gilda and Gabby. They bring with them tragic news: Grandpa Gruff has died, Gallus is now orphaned once again.

Shocked to learn that the closest thing he had to a father figure could die without even telling him, Gallus struggles to process his complicated emotions as he prepares to leave for Grandpa Gruff's funeral in Griffonstone.

Silverstream, for her part, is determined to make sure that Gallus won't go through the heartbreak alone. Even if she doesn't have the experience of losing someone close to her, she wants to be there for her boyfriend.

Chapters (1)

A mansion in the rain is less than amicable to outsiders. But arguably, the owner of said mansion decides who is and who isn't an outsider.

And even natural socialites could do with selective solitude from time to time.

"Selective" and "complete" aren't the same, though.

Thanks to Flashgen and Wanderer D for their help.

Further thanks to Rebekah Harkness, Taylor Swift, best boy and best girl.

Also to the wise fimfic user who once said:

Absolutely lovely, but now you owe Silverstream a happy fluff fic to make up for all the trauma you've caused.

Enjoy, Jack.

Chapters (1)

After holding off on an essay for way too long, Gallus now has to try and complete it all in a single night, but thankfully Smolder shows up to give him the little encouragement he needs.

A Little Warm Up

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Midnight Procrastination

The first snow day at the School of Friendship. The rapid drop in temperature wasn't exactly the most kind to Smolder, who had shut herself off in the library. Gallus finds her and seeks to make her feel at least a little better.

Midnight Procrastination

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Veil of Thoughts

After surviving a spell that merged Twilight and Dash into a single being during the story Veil of Thoughts, the two mares are still struggling to get back to as normal a life as they can have. Except, didn’t they used to have more friends? Why is it so hard to remember…

The boundaries of reality are starting to crumble apart. Half dreams haunt their waking world. Memories of another life seep through their mind. What they were is quickly becoming little more than Fragments of Memories.

Friends, family and even enemies will come together to save Twilight Dash before it’s too late and there is nothing left to save.

The long awaited, highly anticipated, sequel to Veil of Thoughts. Don't forget to remember.

Chapters (23)

Following a violently suppressed protest, Gallus and Gabby reflect on what options they have to live a better life. Jaded from what he had witnessed -- and unsure there is a future for his people -- Gallus lives convinced that some things will never change. Gabby however points to a brighter, though more distant horizon. She promises that though he may not see it, to trust that the future will be better.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to What Is to Be Done?

Things are different between Gallus’ life in Ponyville and his life in Griffonstone. Where he was raised things like laughing and speaking were unacceptable, especially when it came to speaking up. He never told anyone what happened in his past, and especially not about something that he would never tell.

Ocellus knows, and she isn’t about to let her friend suffer through something that she too understands.

Written in honour of the peaceful people of Byelorussia who have stayed strong in the face of extreme persecution.

Special thanks to Bean’s Writing Group and the members in it for their support!

Chapters (1)

"For everything under the sun,/I owe you one." -Lights, 'I Owe You One'

Sequel 1: “Softly
Sequel 2: "When You Know You Know"

An upcoming math exam has Gallus worried, so he asks a favor from Ocellus to help him study. However, the changeling also has a favor to ask of her friend. What could Ocellus want?

Cover art commissioned from Amy New.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Tears in the Snow

Storm Blitz is displaced from his home in Cloudspire after his special talent causes several pegasi to become severely crippled. His adoptive father, the renowned politician Proud Skies, sends him to live with his grandfather in a gated off community for retired Wonderbolts. When his grandfather suddenly passes away, he goes to the only remaining relative he has, his earth pony birth father in Ponyville.

A collaboration effort between myself and OminousBrony.

Picture by askheroichamburger of DeviantArt

Chapters (25)