• Published 18th Oct 2020
  • 1,584 Views, 20 Comments

What Is to Be Done? - Mykola

Gallus is unconvinced anything will change for the better. Gabby thinks otherwise.

  • ...

What Is to Be Done?

The sun peeked through the jagged teeth that were the mountain range that the ruined city of Griffonstone was perched on. Dead trees littered the mountainside, markers that the few living trees avoided. Stones and boulders obstructed the only footpath up to the city centre, which explained why the “glory” of their city was desolate and abandoned.

The few inhabited homes were dotted with holes that their residents had desperately tried to plug with mud and mortar, with varied results of success and failure. And those that weren’t inhabited were crushed like the tin cans that piled up on the street corners. Nogriff bothered to clean the streets of their once glorious home.

Nor did they dare to enter the streets after the events of the night before.

Gallus stretched his claws over the rotten, wooden railing that pretended to offer some level of protection on the balcony. He dug them into the scratched surface, trying to keep a neutral expression as iron-helmeted griffons swept through the streets, slug-throwers slung across their wings, laughing.

The soldiers below kicked at the mound of cans that the babushkas had collected in a desperate effort to reestablish an order only they remembered. Gallus knew the aftermath that would follow, the outrage the older griffons would express, how they’d nag the youth to care about the glory they never knew.

But the younger ones never cared. The past wasn’t theirs. All they had was what they were given now.

‘Hey, Gallka!’ an excited voice chirped behind him, ‘What are you doing?’

‘Nothing, Gabby,’ Gallus muttered, dragging his claw along the rotten wood, ‘What do you want?’

‘I just wanted to chat.’ She paused. ‘Is everything okay?’

‘Yeah. Everything’s great.’

The grey griffon walked up, resting her forelegs down on the wood as she sat down beside him. Gallus didn’t as much turn his head to acknowledge his visitor, instead, he kept his focus solely on the patrol down in the street.

‘That wasn’t serious--’

‘Yeah, it wasn’t,’ Gallus interrupted with a wave of his claw, briefly glancing toward her. ‘It’s a joke.’

‘That wasn’t a joke. Jokes are funny.’

‘I’m not talking about what I said, I’m talking about--’ All he could do was gesture violently over the entire scene-- ‘this!’

‘What happened?’ Gabby turned her head to look down at the mess.

How was she so oblivious to it all? She’s seen it before.

Gallus sighed, ‘What usually happens. Somegriffs wanted to speak up, and, well.’

‘They got the stick.' Gabby finished the thought.

‘I just don’t get it, it’s supposed to be better than what -- the Politburo? The Empire? Well, at least griffs get meat in the east! And back then they had gold! Now the dedushkas are proud about their collection of sticks and splinters and whether their mud survives the storm! How is it something to be proud of if your hut survives a rainstorm? That should be the expectation!'

'You know there’s a war, that there's been famine.' Gabby reminded her as she turned her eyes to the ruins of the castle, 'It's a hard time for everygriff, we just need to give it some time.'

'Time?' Gallus scoffed, 'Time is going to fix this? We're just going to wait it out and hope that everything is going to get better just because?'

'Well, it'll take some dialogue--'

'Right, since we haven't been trying to talk with the Interims for years now! Since we haven't asked for them to take their paws off our throats--'

'Gallka!' Gabby warned, a frown displaying her dismay, 'We shouldn't be saying that!'

'Why? Because the GG is listening and I'll have to visit Eagle's Nest to explain myself?' Gallus shook his head, 'You don't see how that's a problem? We just don't talk because that's inconvenient for them to hear?'

'We don't talk not because they can't hear, but because it's hard for them to listen when there is so much going on.'

'Really, Gab?' Gallus spat down onto the street below. 'Yeah, and when this all passes, we just expect them to give up all that authority. Because the President can be trusted to submit after being there for thirty years already!'


'Right, that makes it better. By the Boreas, we’ll probably be dead before she finally steps down!'

Gallus rested his cheek on his claws. His gaze moved down the street, following the Griffish soldiers. He hated seeing them. But at least they were visible, unlike the Arlenae Byuro Uunutranay Byaspeke -- the Eagle Internal Security Bureau -- or what they were better called the Gryphon Gestapo.

They were the reason he couldn't stand being around other griffons, why he couldn't trust those friends he had since he was an eaglet. So many were conscripted to fight in a conflict they objected to, few disappeared after they shared anti-State sentiments... and that left the others.

The others that regurgitated that same shameless propaganda. They smiled falsely, greeted him on the streets, told him how they were becoming something.

Yeah, they were becoming something alright.

'Maybe you could move to Equestria.' Gabby suggested, ‘There's a lot of good creatures over there, a nice peaceful life!'

'Gabs,' Gallus sighed, 'I don't want to go somewhere else to live a better life. I want to live that life here. Is that too much to ask?'

Gabby stayed silent. Gallus eventually turned away from the soldiers to look at the grey griffon, who was staring off in the distance.

He shouldn't have said any of that. Not because he couldn't trust her, but because it wasn't right. He shouldn't have vented his frustrations with her around. She always tried to be positive, tried offering alternatives, anything to help him overcome that sense of despair he always felt.

'Well,' Gabby finally looked back at him, 'I know you don't want to be a courier like me, so there's not much I can do in the way of helping, but there is one opportunity.'

'I don't need you to job-search for me--'

'It isn't a job-search.' Gabby raised a claw, 'But there's a school opening in Equestria.'

'I haven't been to school since the Didactic, Gabs.'

'Not that sort of school! I've got something in my satchel--' Gabby's claws set to digging through her courier satchel, flapping the little pony medallion as she rummaged through the papers-- 'Here!'

She fished out a pinkish parchment with an Equestrian seal binding it closed. Gallus had seen something like this before, years ago, but this one caught his attention. He blinked as Gabby offered the scroll to him, almost reaching out to snatch it.

Yet he hesitated.

'I-I can't read another griffon's mail--'

'It's an invitation, Gallka. The Princess of Friendship is opening an academy to teach the value of friendship. She wants to invite everycreature!'

'Friendship?' Gallus couldn't believe the suggestion, 'How does a pony teach that? Sounds like a scam, Gabs--'

'You never know until you give it a chance!' Gabby encouraged, ‘Besides, it’s a little while away from home. It’ll give you a chance to get away from everything that’s troubling you.’

Gallus took a moment to consider the scroll he held in his claws. He didn’t want to leave his home, he didn’t want to look like a coward that was running away from what his fellow griffon was being oppressed by-- but that very thought! Freedom! The chance to get away for a bit, perhaps meet somecreature that wouldn’t take off to the GG should he say something that wasn’t approved of by some overbearing state.

Maybe Gabrellia was right. Perhaps it would all blow over in a few years, and he could come back to a home he finally wanted to live in. Crazier things have happened in less time.

‘By the Boreas.’ Gallus groaned, attempting to feign disinterest, ‘Be around other creatures? Put up with their antics? It’ll be humiliating!’

‘But you haven’t said “no!”’ Gabby smiled, ‘It’ll be great! Sure it’ll be strange at first, but just think about it! You need it, Gallka.’


‘I’ll talk to Grampa Gruff!’


Gallus couldn’t finish that thought. Gabby broke off and flew away. He swore to himself. He shouldn’t have said anything. Keep quiet! Just like what the Interims wanted! If he kept to himself, he wouldn’t have to deal with the fallout that would've followed.

Sure, it sounded good. Everything sounds good on paper, but in practice it was always worse.

Griffons knew that all too well.

Gallus hoped it would be different this time.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Nitro Indigo for proofreading this!

Comments ( 20 )

Wait, I thought this would be the set up to a full AU story. I think I conflated this with Jinzou's planned magnum opus.

(Also, I added this to "tracking" by accident and quickly undid it.)

I do sort of have plans to get this written out in an AU format. Undecided at the moment.

I liked this short-story.

It felt intimate. Even though Gallus felt a lot more mature than we see him after he arrives in Equestria, Gabby seemed spot on with her unrelenting positive attitude.

I've never seen griffin portrayed with slavic inspiration, but I can definitely agree to it: a fallen-state keeping everyone bothered enough not to bother. The older generation not exactly clashing with the new one (Grandpa Gruff and Gallus are a great contrast of differing generations in the show itself). Yeah, it works surprisingly well.


Glad you enjoyed it! I saw the culture of the griffons and thought about how much it reflects my own, so I figured it would be a good fit.

I look forward to this!

This was a great short story. You told quite a bit of story in a little over 1500 words. Gallus's backstory, and the cultural norms (and oppression) were sprinkled throughout and set up very well. I could see something like this as a canon backstory for Gallus. Feeling stifled, decaying in Griffonstone, wishing for a better life. I had never thought of Griffon culture being similar to Slavic/Russian societies, but I can certainly see where you got the inspiration for that. I also thought including their full names at points was a nice touch. Have a fave! :twilightsmile:

EDIT: Deleted comment was a duplicate, hit the wrong key.

Comment posted by Gay For Gadot deleted Oct 23rd, 2020

Glad you enjoyed the story! This was my first published story in a year, and I am quite impressed with how well it has done given the circumstances. I hope to utilize this influence a bit more, as it seems to have connected well with the audience.

Dang I wasn’t expecting this to be so bleak. Probably shouldn’t have just dove in off the short description, but hey, can’t go back now!

Call me pleasantly surprised! For being so short, this fic has a lot packed into it. Politics. Despair. Hope. It’s impressive that you can build so much in so short a story. Honestly, I would totally read a longer story in this continuity. Seems like there’s so much more that could be done with the idea that the griffons live in a society similar to those behind the iron curtain. Maybe the Student 6 get involved and help bring about the fall of the tyrannical regime? I’m just spitballing here, but that’d be pretty cool.

An interesting take on another direction the griffon lands could have taken after the fall of the monarchy. It might be interesting to see this version of "The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone".


Thank you for the review, it is very much appreciated! Admittedly, I wasn't planning to write beyond what I had here, but I have been considering writing more for this. I figure at some point there could be a sequel or continuation. Again, thank you for your comment!


Thank you for the comment! This is not something I have considered before, perhaps it is. Thank you again!

‘Hey, Gallka!’ an excited voice chirped behind him, ‘What are you doing?’

Gallka is that supposed to be his real name or a nickname?


It's a nickname, sort of like making "Nicholas" into "Nick".

Poor Gallus he felt like nothing would never get better but then Gabby came around and talking with him how is he been doing he felt like nothing would never get better and nothing would change so Gabby kind of suggested that he should go to the school of friendship but he has some thoughts he doesn't want to because he felt like he's just running away from his problems well technicality not really he just needs a break from it and maybe someday it will change he just has to be patient and don't worry he will meet other five creatures who will become his friends 😊

Ahh I see ok I just wanted to make sure

This was an... almost somber read. Especially considering somw current events... but I think it hit almost spot on. I always thought Gallus was more mature in the show than he let on, so this kind of fits that whole depiction. It just... makes sense.
Very good, short read. Pretty much the perfect length! Not too engaging, but engaging enough that I could empathize with these two opposites sides of the same coin.
Onward we go though! Time to read the sequel! For better or for worse...

Wow. All I can say is REALLY great job on this one-shot. Greatly enjoyed this chat between Gallus and Gabby just before the former enrolls in the friendship school. Yeah. I can see the points both of them made, though Gabby had an ESPECIALLY good point about how things WILL eventually change for the better if one maintains a positive attitude and continues working for it. And, of course, we KNOW Gallus will definitely live to see things change for the much better (and, in fact, play a key role in that).

All in all, the characterizations and wrap-up are definitely quite well done.

Any reader deterred by the length is completely missing out here. You managed to weave an excellent dialogue with very real politics and poverty impacting the characters. Plus, you managed to make it as effective as hell. The ideas of the mail fraud taboo and bak and forth between Gabby and Gallus really ring true about how youth in these dire situations will still show some of their childishness in how they interact with the world. Great work!

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