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When Twilight Sparkle attempts to turn herself into an Alicorn for a day, a freak accident causes the spell to mess up. How will Equestria handle thousands of Alicorns?

Thanks to Syntactics for the amazing cover art!

Chapters (23)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have always lived in the now, getting what they think needs to be done as a soon as possible, executing their plans just so they can move on to the next one right away, not thinking about the consequences till they’re right there in their faces. But when an attempt to earn their cutie marks goes too far, Sweetie Belle and her friends must face a horrible reality that sends their world into darkness and fear. How will the truth be uncovered and what will be sacrificed to undo this nightmare?

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo, as we all know, has no parents and lives in the Cutie Mark Crusader's club house. But not for long. No, Scootaloo has finally found somepony who understands her. Somepony who is willing to be a parent!

That somepony is Discord.

How will Scootaloo adjust to her new life as the daughter of chaos incarnate? What will her friends think? Can she convince Cheerilee to be her new dad's special somepony? Will she get her cutie mark?

Story image by AppleCider1412

Chapters (7)

This is a side-story to Family Secrets: the Reveal.

After discovering that Fluttershy is a princess of the dragon kingdom, her friends try desperately to stop her from going through an arranged marriage. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash tries to cope with her daddy issues, Rarity tries to avoid Rainbow Dash's insanity, and Pinkie Pie tries to be the sensible one as the group stumbles onto an ancient conspiracy between Griffons, Rock Farmers, and Harmony itself.

You asked for it; here it is. The Dragon Princess.

Chapters (1)

"Dinky's a lucky kid. I mean--think about it: how many ponies get *me* for a godmom? Yeah, that's right, one. (Well, okay, two, but Dinky was first.) It's a great gig and basically it just means I get to hang out with Dinky and be my usual awesome self ... Right?"

Part of Chengar Qordath's Winningverse, a side story to "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony"

Chapters (1)

Sometimes something that we have at all times, something we consider mundane, can have amazing power. Twilight Sparkle discovers this.

Chapters (3)

The Doctor has had a good, long run through time and space with Ditzy Doo. But it is that time again for him to regenerate bodies. But this time, it seems... different...
What would happen if The Doctor regenerated... as a mare?

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle did a very bad thing, but instead of being banished and imprisoned, the Elements of Harmony blasted her to 'cure her of her evil' and ended up turning her into an Earth Pony. Now she's back home, trying to pick up her life where it left off and unlock the secrets of Earth Pony magic, assuming it exists.

Sequel/side story to Space Captain Pinkie Pie, but I'll try to make it comprehensible if you haven't read it.

Chapters (12)

Lemon Dreams is a happy pony with a perfect life in Ponyville. There's only one problem - she thinks she's a lemon.

Is she really a pony-shaped citrus fruit, or is she just crazy? Does it even matter? When Lemon Dreams finds herself at odds with the ponies of Ponyville and pursued by a strangely familiar ghost, she realises she must discover the answers to those questions before it's too late.

Chapters (7)

Fluttershy has proven herself kind to many creatures except one: the dragon. What is it about these creatures that makes her fear them so and why? She herself doesn't know. But when Fluttershy mysteriously awakens as the very thing she fears most, her kindness and bravery will be tested and along the way, she may very well learn what it truly means to have the heart of a dragon. This... is her journey.

Featured on Equestria Daily! May 13th, 2012! 5 Star Rating!

A transcendental character study inspired by the works of Ursula K. LeGuin, DragonForce, and Studio Ghibli. Rated Teen for some Mild Fantasy Violence and Blood. Cover Image by Bedupolker on deviantART.

Chapters (3)