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Non-canon prequel to The Enchanted Library

As a filly, Rarity's favorite bedtime story was about three princesses trapped throughout Equestria by a wicked spirit of chaos. How she dreamed of finding them all when she was older, especially the princess trapped in a library under a tree. She knew, however, that fairy tales weren't real.

Only when she grew up would she find out how very wrong she was.

Based on an AU a friend came up with in which Rarity stumbles across an enchanted library where Twilight is its spiritual guardian, and both form an unlikely friendship as she helps Twilight be restored to normal.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is having a bad night. She turned into a demon, was forcefully turned back, and now has to deal with all the people she's wronged in the past. As luck would have it, it seems her demon self isn't done with her either.

Can the power of friendship overcome this maniacal creature, or is Sunset Shimmer doomed to bring death and destruction to everyone she meets?

Cover art created by the talented alittleofsomething.

Chapters (19)

Ten years ago, Twilight made the ultimate sacrifice in order to defeat Tirek. Equestria has been in a state of civil war ever since.

Canterlot has at last fallen, and the six heroes of the rebellion now go to face the ultimate challenge: defeating the godlike Twilight Sparkle. What they expect to be a brutal, hard won quest for glory and Equestria's salvation turns into something entirely different... and now they face a choice.

This story is a reaction piece against the Tyrant Sparkle trope.

Special thanks to Absolution for pre-reading and Danger Beans for proofreading.

Cover art credit: BluestreakFUS

Now with a Chinese Translation courtesy of Hellagur.

Chapters (1)

"Ponykind must have run out of colours when they finally got to this pony. Everything from his mane to his ass was all seven colours of gloom and doom. He was so dark and brooding he probably ate glittery emos and shat vampire bats.” - Quote of the Week

1000 years the ponies have prayed for a saviour to deliver them, whether it was their long lost sun goddess Celestia, or even Nightmare Moon, maybe even the chaos lord Discord, anypony! After suffering under the yoke of a tyrant god for so long, they decided any saviour will do, even a dark demonic overlord. One unicorn sorceress finally decides to take matters into her own hooves. She sets out to the frozen ruins of a long lost Empire in the Crystal Mountains bearing a grand sacrifice of 1000 ponies in an attempt to summon the dark demonic overlord of the Crystal Empire.

When the dark ritual turned up a blank, the universe decides to shuffle in the next best thing. Will he rise up to the expectations of his newfound flock? He'd better, and quickly, for the tyrant god's inquisition is out to get him and the 1000 'blasphemers' involved in his summoning. With a nation to build and an evil tyrant god to fight, never has there been a taller order to fill. But it's alright, he's a dark demonic overlord, right? He quickly finds that with some smokes and mirrors and the help of 1000 very magical ponies, anyone can look the part, even an entirely magic-inert pizza delivery dude.

Now a long-haul fic! Many thanks to everyone who convinced me to make this a reality!

Many many thanks to the Editing team, Dumbgamer99, Not A Hat, and Brad The Brony. Be sure to thank them by checking out their pages!

Our lovable number one overdude assistant, Crystal Heart, now has a musical theme, aptly titled 'Dual Core A.I.', kindly provided by AdmiralTigerclaw! Epic now comes in an entirely new flavour! Many thanks!

Somebody kindly messaged me and told me I should announce here that the story was featured from 27 - 30th of April. I completely missed that but many thanks for making that possible, everyone!

Cover Art: Placeholder drawn by me. Will be a background for a full cover at some point.

Chapters (12)

It's been two and a half years since Twilight Sparkle returned from the other world, leaving Sunset Shimmer in the company of the alternate group of friends she made. However, not all has gone well for her one-time rival in the other world. On the night of the 30th moon, Sunset emerges from the mirror and uses an ancient relic to switch their bodies. Alone in the care of Sunset's overbearing ex-tutor, Twilight uncovers the forgotten past that drove her rival to such desperation, while back in Ponyville, Sunset struggles with Twilight's lifestyle clashing with her own dreams.

Proofreaders: RTStephens, Winter Solstice, The Albinocorn, Dartrunner and NightWolf289.
Cover art: FallingRain22

Featured by Twilight's Library September 2014.
Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (16)

When she was birthed with horn and wings she was thought to be a pegacorn, a rare and blessed blending of the tribes, whose long life and power brought wealth and stature.

Then the guards came, seeking the first alicorn born in over a thousand years.

An entry for The Most Dangerous Game contest
Now archived in Twilight's Library

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Seven Days in Sunny June, Book I

Joint Co-Authored project with Shinzakura and Flynt Coal.

Once, Sunset Shimmer had desired nothing more than to return to Equestria and assume her rightful place as its supreme ruler. Instead, she discovered her place amongst the humans of the world she thought herself exiled to, never assuming that the students she’d bullied would become her best friends, nor that she would come to see an alternate version of Twilight Sparkle as not only a friend, but a sister. Yet it came to pass, and though the previous year had been hard, Sunset had finally let go of the past.

Yet the past refused to let go of her. Something dark and sinister reached from beyond to hurt Twily, buffeting her mind with nightmares of strangely-colored ponies and macabre events to come. Sunset recognized it as her homeworld, especially the description of a dark, twisted version of Sunset’s own unicorn form. Furthermore, the discovery of a second link to Earth deepened the mystery: an ancient Italian artifact adorned with cutie marks, amongst them those of Queen Faust and Princess Celestia.

In the end, Sunset chose to rush to her foster sister’s defense, knowing that the path would lead her back to her haunted past, and possibly into the vengeful hooves of Celestia. But what she didn’t know would be that it could lead her to her own mirror image, a darker version of herself:

A version known as Raspberry Beryl.

TV Tropes Page here

*Featured 7/30-31/14, 8/6/14, 8/20/14, 9/3/14, 9/10/14, 9/24/14, 10/1/14, 10/8/14, 10/22/14, 10/29/14*

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to A Hairier Problem: Rise of the Furball

Now with a reading series by martialartfruituser!

A Tale of the Berylverse. Joint project with BlueBastard and Flynt Coal.

Weeks after her defeat at the hands of the humanized Princess Twilight Sparkle, the one-time pony Sunset Shimmer is working towards making herself a better life. But in an unexpected chain of events, she ends up in a situation that not even her new friends - Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie - can get her out of...nor really do they want to. As if that's not enough, Principal Celestia's firmly against the whole deal.

But maybe if Sunset Shimmer sticks around, she'll get more than she bargained for - for good and ill....

Now blessed with its own TVTropes page!

While this does take place in BlueBastard's Berylverse, prior knowledge of his earlier stories (A Hairy Problem and Rise of the Furball) won't be necessary for Book I of this story. But it's highly recommended for Book II (and they're worth reading to begin with!)

Chapters (16)

A thousand years ago, Princess Celestia banished her sister to the moon, that much we know. What wasn’t known, and what Celestia kept secret was that before her banishment, Luna had given birth to a foal. Now a thousand years later, as Nightmare returns to Equestria to bring about Eternal Night.

Twilight Sparkle, protege of Princess Celestia, struggles against the tyranny of this ancient foe. But how will she be able to save herself and her friends when the truth of this ancient legend crashes down upon her? Twilight will have to confront herself...and her heritage.


Chapters (27)

Everyone knows the story of Princess Twilight; she was taught by Celestia, harnesses the Element of Magic, and she's ascended into her title of royalty with the help of her friends who also hold Elements of their own. But, what of other apprentices taught by the Princesses?

Lovestruck, gifted with the ability to harness Love, has been tasked with a mission by her mentor, Princess Cadence: to travel across Equestria and learn lessons from firsthand experience so that she may learn her talent more thoroughly.

In this journey, Lovestruck will encounter romantic hi-jinks, new friends, potential rivals, and adversity from those who doubt her talents. Will Lovestruck be able to understand the gift she has been granted?

This story has revoked submission and has been resubmitted, so the comments below that refer to events that don't take place in the story are irrelevant. Please keep this in mind.

This story also takes place just before the Season 4 premiere. Events taking place in the season will be mentioned in due time.

Lovestruck is not my OC. She is a character created by Hasbro and is presented in the My Little Pony Gameloft game. Please be aware that this is merely an interpretation of a character presented in merchandise who has yet to be fully developed by her creators.

Chapters (9)