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Rainbow Dash is specially invited to become the youngest member of the Wonderbolts, and so she moves to Cloudsdale, leaving Ponyville behind. But she stays in contact with her friends through letters. Time passes, but the letters remain a constant. One-shot.

Chapters (1)

“My daughter Celestia, look at me. I love you, and I wish the best for you in the eons of labor you have yet to endure. So heed my words. When we planted light upon the fields of Creation, Celestia, it was a divine thing. But there will come a time when our brilliance won't be enough. It will take a great, unknowable darkness to test the luminescence that we have bequeathed life. That is an abyss that we can never, ever follow our children down, no matter how much we love them.”

A Silver Medalist of the Ponychan /Fic/ Write-Off: "Cutting Ties"

Chapters (14)

Rainbow Dash is dead.

Scootaloo knows this, but that does not mean she will accept it. Equestria is a land of magic and hope—what is one more miracle among hundreds? This is the question that drives her forward when she stumbles upon a Daring Do book that seemingly shows her a means of bringing back the dead. Driven by painful memories and a desperation to make up for her own mistakes, Scootaloo ventures on a quest to bring her fallen idol back to the land of the living. Embarking on a journey far from the world they know, Scootaloo and her friends find the line between fact and fiction—reality and delusion—blurring with each step.

Originally envisioned and published in 2012. Resurrected in 2019. Be wary of potential spoilers in the comments

Cover by the awesome and talented Conicer

Chapters (8)

With the time she has left, Rainbow Dash seeks what is truly important in life before moving on.

Chapters (3)

Princess Luna is delighted to learn of her dear friend Fluttershy's crush on Big Macintosh, and enlists the "aid" of Rarity and Applejack to make their romance a success.

Five-star feature on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

These are a collection of stories dealing with an older revisit to our faithful Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, where their lives have been, what they made of themselves... and how they will end.

EDIT: Now with new cover art, drawn by http://tenchisamoshi.deviantart.com/

Chapters (5)
I Do
by kits

When Applejack and Rainbow Dash wake up, hungover and in the same bed, they've only one question: how can we get even? A day spent tormenting their friends by turning one of their hopes on its ear pays off, but not quite in the way anypony expected.

Chapters (1)

I can't remember how long I've been alive. I can't remember my birthday. I don't even know my own name. I'd like to think I had a family... but I'm not sure. All these things are meant to be important to me, things I was never supposed to forget, and yet, I have. I have taken shelter in an old castle, in a forgotten city. I do not know why I'm writing this. I suppose just to keep myself sane, but perhaps keeping a record of my activities will help me piece together what happened to the world.

A/N: This is Celestia's immortality, taken to its logical (in my mind) conclusion.

Special thanks to my editors FanNotANerd and Rainbowloyalty

Chapters (1)

[Please read the author's notes after the expansion before reading. Thank you]

Welcome to the new Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. See your friends at each other's throats? You have to choose between them now, to stop the heartache of war with decisive victory. For the nation lies bleeding, its harmony shattered into a million pieces. Black and white and right and wrong have blurred together.

You must choose wisely, or all shall die.

~Image by JohnJoseco~ If anyone can find a fitting, unique image for this story, please do not hesitate to link in the comments.

[Author's Note]

The following stories should be read in order to get a good grasp on references to previous works.

- Sunset (Mandatory)*
- My Little Muffin (Optional)
- Clash of the Heavenly Titans (Optional)*
- Blood is Thicker / The Reluctant Reunion of the Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser (Strongly Recommended)

All can be found on my Deviant Art account: http://ciroton.deviantart.com/
Those with * can be found here on FIMFiction.

Chapters (25)

Some things in this world happen by chance. Others do not. Twilight Sparkle is about to learn a disturbing truth that will turn her world upside down.

- Originally written May 2011 for Deviant Art

Reading this story first is strongly recommended:
(Blood is Thicker) http://ciroton.deviantart.com/gallery/26378692#/d3e1ndq

~Image by JohnJoseco~ ~Edited by BrotherPrickle on Deviant Art~

Chapters (5)