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Pinkie Pie comes to Rainbow Dash with shocking news; the world is going to end, and they have a million things to do before it does. Although Rainbow Dash agrees to play along, she obviously doesn't take her seriously... but as the day goes by, the true meaning of Pinkie's warning becomes clear.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

In an effort to keep her mind occupied, Twilight Sparkle decides to delve once again into the grand mysteries of Pinkie Pie. This time, Twilight's focus is on her claims of growing up on a rock farm: like so many things related to Pinkie Pie, the idea that somepony could grow rocks as an agricultural product makes absolutely no sense. However, the investigation eventually leads Twilight to a rather... surprising discovery.

This is the first story in The Petriculture Cycle.

Artwork by Page Turner. Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (1)

After an unfortunate incident involving Rainbow Dash and herbal tea, Fluttershy wakes up one morning to discover that she has turned into a rabbit! With her friends unaware of her plight, Fluttershy must turn to Angel bunny to guide her on her quest to restore her original form. In the process, she is given the oppurtunity to experience everyday life in Ponyville from a whole new perspective, and discovers that there is much more to her friends' pets than she ever expected.

Cover art here if you'd like to compliment the artist: http://mischieflily.deviantart.com/#/d4wfix3

Chapters (9)

Princess Luna's Lunar Stallions kidnap Twilight Sparkle when they see how lonely Luna is, and give her to the Princess as a gift. Nightmare Moon emerges from Princess Luna's psyche during the sleepover. The dark goddess would love nothing more than to have the beautiful mare all to herself, and the resulting chaos forces Celestia to call a psychologist to sort out Luna's multiple personalities.

Chapters (20)

An experiment gone right has successfully left Rainbow Dash's rainbow mane in Twilight's vial. But when Pinkie stops by for a visit and mistakes the rainbow for a drink, she decides that all of her friends must try this amazing creation.

How can this go wrong?

Side effects, of course.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has never really cared much for Pinkie Pie, and she definitely doesn’t like the way Pinkie calls her hero “Dashie.” But for some strange reason, Pinkie seems fixated on her and insistent on meddling in Scootaloo’s life. Whether Scootaloo likes it or not.

Now with TV Tropes page!

Chapters (6)

Prince Blueblood thought the Grand Galloping Gala was over. He thought he could just go to sleep and put it behind him. He never expected to be reliving the same disaster of a day, over and over... and over.

TV tropes page here:

Thanks to all the people who wrote the page and all the people who gave me a little wakeup call and comment to become aware of that fact! You can't see it, but you guys put a real smile on my face tonight.

Also, recently, extra thanks to RD Dash for giving TBNE a thorough editing. I've updated the fic accordingly (7.11.12)

Chapters (5)

Luna has had enough of Celestia's games, and has found the perfect means of revenge. Using a long-forbidden spell, she transforms her sister into little more than a small filly, all so she could pull the greatest prank ever. Unfortunately, she soon learns that before you fool around with dangerous magic, you really need to read the fine print...

A sequel can be found here.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to My Little Alicorn

After the events of "My Little Alicorn," everything seemed to be back to normal...except for one pony. Prince Blueblood is now trapped as a colt, his title, possessions and birthright stripped for his crimes. Before Princess Celestia will return him to normal, however, he must prove himself by attending Magic Kindergarten. Even worse, his current situation has attracted the vengeful gaze of two ponies he has offended in the past: the Captain of the Royal Guard and the Moon Princess.

Will Blueblood rise above his past self and emerge a better pony? Or will he sink back into his old depravity, and be stuck a colt for the long term?

Note: This is a sequel to "My Little Alicorn," so you might want to check that out first.

Chapters (14)