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There are two very important things to remember when you cross realities:

1) Every living thing that sets foot in Equestria gets magic if it doesn't have it already.
2) There are three pounds of bacteria living on and in the human body.

Everything goes exactly as expected when two alien cultures meet.

Chapters (1)

Memecon 2017.

A man attends the prestigious celebration of the Internet while cosplaying as the infamous doge.
Predictably, he gets sent to Equestria for no conceivable reason. Because of course.
This is what happens next.

My response to the LoHAV thing.

Chapters (1)

Story is Cancelled, but a better one is up in the Sequel Box to the right!

The Militia recently suffered one of their greatest losses at the hands of the IMC, and nearly lost an entire battlegroup. However, one Destroyer damaged it's warp drive, and was sent deep into uncharted territory. Along with it, one of their best Pilots, Joshua, went along for the ride. Haunted by his mistakes in the IMC Pilot seats, he vowed to do right by his new position, and that includes helping whoever needs him, whether they be former IMC, hardcore Militia, or even talking magical ponies, as they begin to battle across Equestria, fighting to help maintain one form of peace where theirs had previously failed. Assisted by the Destroyer, known as Horizon, Joshua will lead the Equestrians through war against all of their known enemies, and help to find his own salvation among the alien populace.

I do not know if there is anything at all written anywhere about the technologies of the ships or anything about the characters (if there are any) in Titanfall, so it's mostly assumptions from other EA titles, and what I believe may have happened in the background of the Campaign.

Original characters used, so warning about that, and maybe a little bit jumpy here and there, but this is the first time I've taken on Titanfall, and what I find best to use, so there.

Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!

Currently Undergoing Rewrite

Titanfall is owned by EA and Respawn Entertainment.
I own and regret nothing.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Dash of Humanity

I'm stuck in Equestria, which reminds me of the dark ages. Instead of internet and fast-food, I have Rainbow Dash. She's been asked to help me learn to fit in... I'd like a refund.

I suppose we got off to a good start, aside from being told that after all I'd done I'd never see Earth again. So long as I can look on the bright side of life, and not get arrested for running pranks on everypony with Dash, I might just survive long enough to find my purpose in Equestria. So help me, however, if I get any vegetable related cutie marks I will choke a Princess.

Cover Art by JinZahn
Sequel to Dash of Humanity
Edited by: Selbi, Abcron, Cassius Litner, Seven Fates,
Refro, BronyWriter

Chapters (17)

Ser Ornstein, Captain of the Four Knights, Proud Dragonslayer in the service of Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight. Or so it was, once. No more, however. Endless cycle after endless cycle of Chosen Undead have led Ornstein to death after death. Now the cycle is broken, and everything is reborn as it were, however. . . why is the cycle over? And what happens now?

Equestria, a peaceful land of harmony and coexistence, where friendship is a study endorsed by the crown and dragons are defeated with a stern talking-to. But how long can the citizens of Equestria and its governers keep the peace when the fabric of another universe starts to seep into their world?

Chapters (2)

Nopony knew Scootaloo was an orphan. Scootaloo didn't know who her parents were. After discovering her secret, Twilight casts a spell that can show the young filly her parents. The result will change both their lives forever.

Edited by LunaSol, Templar22 and Bpkyle777

Chapters (3)

Mr. Hat and Clogs is a small candy shop owner with a dark past. He can move faster than the sound barrier, destroy mountains in seconds, and is a brilliant scientist and inventor. When one day, he conducts a experiment were he is teleported into Equestria with the strange ability to transform into a pony. Things seem to be going well at first until his presence begins to attract evil spirits. All the while a cat named Yoruichi follows him around.

Bleach Crossover.
Inspired by Dirty Bit's Cuatro.

Chapters (1)

Skyrim guard travels the magical land of Equestria, making friends and foes, having adventures and lecturing about proper citizen behavior.

But how will our hero fare against the native ponies with such a short repertoire of phrases? Will he help the land or cause its downfall? Should we follow?

Of course we should!


Also, all comments saying anything about anything get a prize!

Chapters (19)

Rainbow Dash's latest flying routine was interrupted by a sudden mountain, and Twilight can hardly sleep at night. No pony should be this excited to play with necromancy.

Edited by Deceased and JustAnotherTimeLord.

Cover art courtesy of pony-berserker.

Dramatic reading by WritingStylus

Polish translation by atom2004
Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi
Russian translation by NovemberDragon

Chapters (1)

When Twilight returns back to Equestria after her time in the human world, she learns she lost something very important. Two things, in fact. Once you go hands, you never go backā€¦ for other appendages.

Thanks to alexmagnet for the help editing!

Chapters (1)