Favourites 182 stories
  • Favourites 182 stories - 243 unread chapters
    Created by Huckey
    - October, 2014
Found 138 stories in 51ms

Total Words: 6,198,736
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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"My dear Twilight Sparkle,

Thank you for your recent letters. And I must apologize to you first and foremost that I have not responded back in kind to each and every one. I imagine has this concerned you, but please don't worry. Things have been very unsettled here in the castle as of late. Princess Luna has been researching Equestrian history, and I find myself in a strange kind of mood..."

Chapters (1)

[Featured on EqD and FiM Fiction] It is that time again, the dreaded flu season. Not even Princess Celestia, the ruler of the sun and day, is safe from it. When Celestia contracts the flu, what pony could possibly nurse Celestia back to health? Why none other than her dear, loving sister of course! Enter Nurse Luna!

Between crazed guards, a palace staff desperate to please their rulers, and a crazed unicorn running around, no pony is safe from this madness.

This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library.

Chapters (11)

Luna's finally ready to get back out there into the world of Equestria, ready to see what's become of ponykind in the past thousand years. Except... she's not quite ready to go out on her own, amongst ponies that know only tales of nightmares and betrayal about her, and the one pony she knows personally is a little busy running a kingdom and raising the sun. When the offer for companionship comes from an unlikely place, Luna learns two great lessons. One, the risk to get to know a pony can lead to great rewards. Two, socks make everything better.

Chapters (3)

It's been five thousand years since the Summit of the Gods was last hosted in Equestria, and after dropping off Discord in Ponyville, Celestia returns to Canterlot Castle to meet with the entire Norse Pantheon. Before she can arrive, though, she's stopped by a guard with a strange message, sent on the behalf of a mysterious figure from her past.

Now available as an audiobook! Reading by Illya Leonov.

Now with a Russian translation!

Cover picture by Sonson-Sensei.

Chapters (1)

Luna has the cold, which activates Celestia's matronly instincts. Which drives Luna crazy.

New cover image courtesy of http://www.fimfiction.net/user/BlackLal.
Previous image: http://fav.me/d5tedm6

Chapters (7)

Being an immortal goddess and supreme ruler of a nation is stressful. But sometimes you just have to cope with weird things. These are short stories about things that might or might not have happened, but were certainly erased from Equestrian history.

Chapters (14)

When Moonage Daydream, the loudest, most dazzling Pony Rock star in all Equestria, pays a visit to Ponyville, almost everyone is excited — except Twilight Sparkle, who just wants a quiet, dark place to do some stargazing. But when Princess Luna shows up and offers to help, will her solution be worse than the problem?

Yes. Yes, it will.

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (3)

Princess Luna decides that the Sisterhooves Social is the perfect opportunity to spend some quality bonding time with Princess Celestia. Do Sweetie Belle and Applebloom stand a chance or do the princesses of Equestria have this competition in the bag?

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up to an unexpected thought, and now she just wants it to go away. The idea is embarrassing enough: an erotic liaison between herself and Princess Luna. But Twilight's problem runs deeper. She can't ignore this idea, however much she tries. She decides to write it out as a story, to clear the thing from her mind. Now she needs to finish her story quickly – because if she falls asleep before it's done, the Princess of Dreams will get to see that idea for herself.
— Featured on Equestria Daily and Equestria After Dark

Chapters (2)

Three divine sisters, The Sun, Moon, and Stars, have reigned over the heavens and earth since time immemorial. This is a tale of their greatest hardships and triumphs as challenges unforeseen seek to ruin the world they have created for their beloved ponies.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Cover art provided by the talented NoOneBahtim.

Chapters (1)