• Member Since 24th Oct, 2012

The Grimm Reaper

The Grimm Reaper is the writer of the 'Darkness Duology', 'Immortal', 'They Come at Night... Mostly!' and 'Only Bone Deep'. Among others.

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Being subtle isn't Rainbow Dash's strong suit. At all. So when Applejack asks her point blank what she thinks of Rarity, she doesn't hold back.

Not her best idea.

Pre-Read by: SapphireColors | LoneUnicornWriter

Reading by LandonWho

Chapters (3)

Several weeks into Twilight Sparkle’s training to be a princess, she still hasn’t found a captain for her royal guard. Frustrated with her lack of progress, she goes for a flight to clear her head. She’ll discover the solution to her problem is hidden behind the clouds of a carefree sky.

Cover image graciously provided by: lostzilla
Editing provided by: AnonymousEditor and Formerly Committed

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Shut The Blinds

At the request of Twilight Sparkle, Spike goes on a hunt to find answers about the events that led up to the incident that left Rainbow Dash blind.

Sequel to "Shut The Blinds". It's not necessary to read that first, but it might be a good idea.

Chapters (5)

After being summoned to a meeting with Wonderbolt Commander Spitfire, Rainbow Dash finally learns the truth about why she has been passed over by the Wonderbolts all this time. A little bit of Rainbowfire.

Chapters (1)

Spike, Snips and Snails are hanging out with the CMC's on the farm. As Spike leaves to go home he takes a shortcut through the back 40 of Sweet Apple Acres he finds Scootaloo alone in the CMC tree house feeling miserable. The story focuses on a tale of two different types of orphan and how they find solace in each other.

That's right it's Scoots x Spike. If people complain that it's not their version of fanon or canon, then let's say it takes place on Equestria-789 in the multiverse.

The fics's pic will definitely change as make my own picture for the story.

Oh and special thanks goes to my good friend WinterTwister for helping me write this fic.

Chapters (6)

Love is a tricky business. Twilight knows this, and the subject has always fascinated her ever since she saw its raw power at her brother's wedding. She is fully prepared to study it in depth... some day. But when Cadance asks her to take part in an experiment that could revolutionize love in Equestria, Twilight realizes that day has come sooner than expected.

If you had a clock that could count down to the moment you meet your soul mate, would you want to know?

Cover art courtesy of Jondor. Go on his page and tell him he's awesome!

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Shadow of the Sun

Story 5 of the Savage Skies series:
Autumn has arrived in Ponyville. The harvest is in full swing and all is as it should be. After enduring the trials of the past few months, Dawn Lightwing is looking forward to what promises, hopefully, to be a peaceful season before a tumultuous winter. However, the coming season has the unwelcome effect of bringing his enemies closer than he feared. However, he is fortunate to have a loving family, good friends, and somepony who is maybe more than just a friend.
The series begins in Foal of the Forest.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (22)

It had been a year since Twilight had heard of anything from Trixie after the Alicorn Amulet incident. Unexpectedly, she receives a letter saying that her so called "rival" has tragically died and is requested to be at her funeral.

Thanks to CommanderX5 and Magic Man for editing.

Thanks to Neko-Me for the cover art.

Live Reading by Aria The Brony

Chapters (1)

One year after her coronation, Princess Twilight Sparkle is dead, killed by her own subjects out of fear and jealously. After the funeral, Princess Celestia isolated herself from the world, mourning the loss of her brightest student and daughter figure.

But she cannot weep forever. She must take control of her duties once more. Haunted by the memories of the assassination, and its aftermath, Celestia slowly makes her way to Twilight's resting place to find some closure.

Now With its own TV Tropes Page!

Sequel is up

Chapters (4)

When things don't go the way we hoped for, it's easy for ones mind to become clouded with grief. It's times like these that all seems lost with no way of recovery. However, sometimes, the thing that one needs most is someone to talk to. Someone who will listen to your aching heart. When the invasion of Canterlot didn't go as Chrysalis had planned, she placed a heavy weight on her heart that nopony would ever be willing to lift, nopony, except Doughnut Joe, that is.

Chapters (1)